Aired: Friday November 19, 1971
After a replay of Thursday's close and the titles, Quentin and Harrison are both shocked at Valery's announcement of her engagement to Trask. Quentin tells her that Trask is "most likely only after the money," and Valery insists this isn't true. Harrison tells her that she shouldn't give her heart to "someone that will only destroy it. You know I don't care about the money or the estate here, but I do care about you." Valery is touched by this, but says she's going through with it and will tell her grandmother. She leaves the room. Upstairs, she is nearly in tears as she reaches Catherine's room. She enters and finds Catherine sitting in a chair by the window. "Grandmother! What are you doing out of bed? You'll catch a chill!" Valery tries to help her back to bed. Catherine tells her that she's not "ready to go just yet" and that Valery shouldn't worry about her. "But I'm worried about you, my dear," Catherine adds. Valery asks why, and Catherine says "I saw you with Mr. Trask through my window just now." Valery says that she thinks "Gregory is a sincere and good man," but Catherine laughs. "You watch yourself with him, little one. I've seen that look in a man's eyes before.... it's not the look of love, let me assure you. You can do better than him, my dear, much better." Valery says "I was hoping to get more approval from you, grandmother. It seems everyone in this family is against anything I want to do." Catherine says that isn't true, but Valery says "I can't let everyone else tell me how to live!" Catherine says "I know you can't, but I know more about this Mr. Trask than you do. I'm only concerned for you." Valery thanks her for her concern, but tells her that she will do what she thinks is right. "You're as stubborn as your grandfather," Catherine says.
Quentin wonders aloud to Harrison if Catherine will approve of Valery and Trask, but Harrison tells Quentin his doubts. "I think your grandmother is very perceptive, and if she has dealt with this man, she would surely know his motives are not honorable," Harrison says. Edward enters the room and says "Whose motives?" Quentin says "Edward, you're just it time. I'm sure you'll have an objective opinion on all of this." Edward asks Harrison what Quentin is talking about, and Harrison says "Your cousin Valery has become betrothed." Shocked, Edward says "What? To whom?" Quentin answers "To Gregory Trask, esquire. Go on, Edward. Have a drink to celebrate." Edward snarls "That blackguard! He's only interested in the money! No doubt he helped manipulate the will in her favor before making his move. Oh, this will not stand. I will not stand for it!" Quentin says "You may have no choice, Edward. None of us know what's in that will, and it seems our grandmother is content to keep playing games with all of us, though I'm not sure why." Edward nods and says "I know why. She never appreciated the way that we've lived up to our responsibilities as Collinses. I've been thinking a lot about that lately." Quentin snaps "Edward? You haven't been living up to your responsibilities?" Edward answers "Please spare me your sarcasm, Quentin. I'm serious. You've traveled the world and avoided settling down with a family. Benjamin has also failed to hold onto the woman he loves. And while I have a son, I...." Edward cannot finish the sentence and pours himself a drink. Quentin says "You've lost your wife as well. Yes, I suppose you're right. We're all disappointments to grandmother in some way or another." Harrison says "Edward, I'm sorry. I had wondered where Jamison's mother...." Edward says "Don't be too sorry, she's not dead. Just gone. She left me years ago. I'd rather not talk about it." Quentin says "Well cousin Harrison, now you see what kind of a wonderful family you have here in Maine. All of us are obviously deliriously happy." He takes another drink, and Harrison says "Perhaps you would be if you weren't all at each other's throats over the estate." Edward denies that he's at anyone's throat, but Quentin agrees with Harrison and says "Admit it, Edward. All this wealth has only divided us as a family. No wonder grandmother wants us all married off... we'd actually find something else to devote ourselves to besides our name and our money!" He leaves the room and Edward thinks this over.
Edward is alone in the drawing room now, finishing his drink and looking out the window. We pan over to the front door and Kitty enters. She looks around for a moment and then enters the drawing room. "Oh, I'm sorry Edward...I thought I might find Benjamin in here," she says. He looks at her and says "I haven't seen him. I hope your stay has been comfortable since your return." She smiles and enters the room with "Yes, you know how I've always loved this house." Edward nods and says "Yes, I have no doubt of that. Tell me, why did you suddenly come back? I had thought that you had left my brother forever when you went away." She laughs a little and says "Woman's prerogative. I changed my mind." She pours herself a drink and asks Edward why he seems so deep in thought. "No reason," he answers. "I was only thinking about my life, and my son. I wonder how he thinks of me, his father, sometimes. I wonder if he wishes he had gone with her instead of staying here." Kitty says "With your wife?" Edward nods. Kitty is surprised. "Edward, I'd never heard you speak of her before. I was always afraid to bring up the subject. Benjamin said...." Edward says "Never mind what Benjamin told you. I've been thinking a lot about it all lately, that's all. I feel like I owe my son something." Kitty says "He's a wonderful boy, Jamison. A son to make anyone proud." Edward thanks her, and she gets a sly look in her eyes as she continues "What were you thinking about, Edward? Do you think you owe him a mother?" Edward is shocked to hear this, but says "How did you know that's what I was thinking?" Kitty says "There's been a lot of talk of marriage in this house lately. Call it woman's intuition." Edward says "Well, your intuitions are very perceptive. I was thinking of making a clean break of it, of going to the lawyers and getting my marriage annulled. It's time I moved on." Kitty says "I'll drink to that!" and gulps down her drink. She walks to him, slinky, and says "Besides, you never know what other opportunities for romance there are out there, Edward. Maybe they're under your nose right now." She runs her fingers under his nose and walks out of the room with a strange smile. Edward doesn't know how to react.
Down at the docks, Gladstone is looking for clues as to the identity of the body he found. He enters The Blue Whale and asks the bartender if he recognizes the whale's tooth keychain or knows any sailor with the initials "E.D." The bartender tells him that "a ton of ships come in and out of here. I don't think I've ever seen that keychain before." Gladstone starts to look around the bar. He shows the keychain to a couple of people who shake their heads, but then one man, dressed very much like the corpse, examines the keychain. "I've seen this before. It belongs to Eddie. Eddie Daniels! I'd know that style anywhere. He's made these things for people up and down both coasts!" Gladstone asks where he can find Eddie Daniels, and the man says "I don't know. We ship out tomorrow, and I haven't seen him at all for the past couple of days. I figure he's found himself a young lady, you know?" Gladstone asks if Eddie Daniels had any family in Collinsport "a father, or grandfather perhaps?" The man says no. "Eddie is an orphan. No family at all. Why do you want to know, anyway? He hasn't done nothin' has he?" Gladstone says "No, nothing. I just wanted to find out something about this keychain, that's all. We found the body of an old man dead in the woods without any identification. I thought maybe he knew people down here from this keychain we found on him." The man says "Nobody down here knows any old man." Gladstone thanks the man, but then asks him "How can I recognize Eddie Daniels if I do find him?" The man says "He's about 25, I guess. Black hair, dark eyes, about my height. You look for a moon shaped scar on his leg, and his two gold teeth. You can't miss that. Ugliest smile on the seven seas!" The man starts laughing and returns to his drink. Gladstone thinks a moment and leaves in a hurry. At the morgue, Gladstone returns. He turns on the light and walks to the body of the old man laying on the slab. He pries the mouth open and sees the two gold teeth. Gladstone mutters "No.... it can't be...." but then he starts to roll up one of the pant legs on the corpse - and it reveals a large scar in the shape of a crescent moon. Shocked, all Gladstone can say is "Eddie Daniels....."
What if.... in another strange world of parallel time, Jonathan Frid's contract was re-negotiated so that he would play Barnabas once again? What if... based on the popularity of this character, ABC decided to rescind its decision to cancel Dark Shadows and give it another chance to see if ratings could be improved? What follows are the episode summaries, downloaded from that timeband's newsgroup ;-). Ever wonder what happened to Barnabas & company? Find out here!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Episode 1409
Aired: Thursday November 18, 1971
David Selby's voiceover: "The world of parallel time, 1897, is a treacherous place for those who live at the great house at Collinwood. The dying matriarch of the family has set off a battle between her descendants for control of the estate. And as that battle ensues, the dark secrets of those who live here will be revealed..."
Quentin is walking through the hallway and knocks on a door. "Grandmother...are you awake?" She says yes from inside, and Quentin enters. He asks her how she's feeling, and she says she's feeling better now that she's rested. He sits down and tells her that he has something very important to talk to her about. "Always something important," she scoffs. "Everyone always has something important to tell me." Quentin says "This time it really is important. Now I don't know what you discussed with Mr. Trask the other day exactly, but..." She interrupts him, saying "All anyone wants to talk about is what I'll do with this estate..." Quentin answers "It's important! Grandmother, a lot of us are concerned about what we think you're demanding of us in terms of heirs. It's setting all of us against one another and leading others to get involved." Catherine asks how, and Quentin answers "Your Mr. Trask seems to be making romantic overtures to Valery." Catherine thinks about this.
After the opening titles, Harrison is sitting in the parallel time room when Valery enters. She asks him what he's doing in there, and he smiles, answering that it's his "favorite room in the house." Valery tells him that it's rather an odd choice. Harrison asks her what her favorite part of the house is, and she doesn't know an answer. "I had heard you sit in here for long stretches of time from the servants," Valery says. "I can't imagine why." Harrison says he likes to sit and think in "a room like this." We hear him thinking "How can I tell you where I'm really from... my own timeband in a different a different Collinwood where the crystal that will give my ring the power that it needs sits undisturbed in an abandoned laboratory waiting for me to find it nearly 150 years in the future...and how this room is the only gateway to that world...." He looks at the portrait of Bramwell and says "Your grandfather was quite a man, from what I understand." Valery says "Yes. Grandmother always speaks glowingly of him and how he won her heart. He was from the poor side of the family, but once his ship came in from the East, he made good on his promise to his own father to become a success in shipping." Harrison remarks how he heard "something about the two of them conquering some curse in a haunted room." Valery laughs and says "I always thought Grandmother told us that story as children to frighten us into obeying her." Harrison tells her that he thinks she's too strong to be frightened easily. She asks him what makes him say that, and he answers "I've seen you stand up to your cousins since I've been here. Particularly Edward, who seems a rather stern sort." Valery answers "He is certainly that. But where do you fit in? Why did you decide to stay here, with all the arguing and fighting going on?" Harrison smiles at her and answers "I saw a beautiful woman in distress, and I thought I'd stay to lend a hand." Valery turns away and says "You are quite the charmer, Harrison Collins." Harrison answers "Well, you easily charm me. And I've been cooped up in this room far too long. Would you like to take a trip into the village? I'll take you shopping for anything you want." Valery says "You grow more charming by the minute, but I have to decline. I'm...meeting someone later. Perhaps some other time." Harrison answers "Yes, perhaps." Valery leaves, and Harrison looks at the portrait of Bramwell, wondering who Valery could be meeting.
Catherine tells Quentin that it's important that heirs are produced in the Collins family, but Quentin tells her that since everyone thinks that having an heir is a requirement to be included in the will, it's set Edward apart from everyone. "I never intended for all of you to fight like this," she says. "I only wanted to encourage you to settle down. You and Benjamin." Quentin tells her that while this may have been an admirable goal, it's had a bad result. "I think it's also compromised Trask's reliability," he adds. Catherine says it doesn't matter about Trask, since "I've discussed this with other lawyers some time ago. I've wondered about Trask's honesty for a time now... there is a true will, but it's not here..." Quentin, shocked, says "A true will? You've hidden it?" Catherine answers that she's very tired and doesn't want to discuss it anymore. Quentin wants to know more about the "true will," but Catherine starts to fall asleep, despite his pleading. He finally gives up and leaves the room, and then we see her open her eyes and smile.
Valery comes downstairs to answer the door, and it's Trask, who kisses her hand as he enters. He asks her if "the family is still angry with me." Valery tells him not to care, and the two start to head out just as Harrison comes down the stairs. He sees Trask, and Valery looks back at him for a moment. She sees the sadness and surprise in his face, as does Trask, who smiles and says "Good evening," before leading Valery out. The door closes, and Harrison walks to the drawing room sulking. Quentin is there having a drink, and offers Harrison one. "Thank you, I think I could use one right about now," Harrison says. "Oh?" Quentin asks. "You seem depressed about something. Sit here with me and join the club." Harrison takes his drink and asks Quentin "What do you know about that man Trask?" Quentin asks Harrison what his interest in Trask is, and Harrison only says "I just decided I don't like him." Quentin smiles and says "Well, in that case, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I'm starting to think I don't like him much either." Harrison asks why, and Quentin says "I think he's trying to manipulate my grandmother, my cousin Valery, and this estate as well. Why don't you like him?" Harrison thinks a moment and answers "I guess I just don't like his looks." Quentin laughs and says "I think I know why you don't like him. You just saw him with Valery, didn't you?" Harrison says "Yes, I saw them go out." Quentin says "You've had your eye on Valery since you've gotten here. Now don't deny it... I can tell. I've seen that same look in myself when I've pursued some young woman. You, my friend, are suffering from the green eyed monster." Harrison laughs a little and says "You remind me a lot of....a very good friend of mine. He'd always give me a hard time whenever I chased the wrong woman, which was far too often." Quentin thanks Harrison and pours him another drink. Meanwhile, Valery and Trask are at the fountain, and he tells her that he doesn't want to "drive a wedge" between her and her family. She tells him that she already feels pretty estranged from the family as it is. "Have you ever thought about your future?" he asks. She says "not really." He smiles and says "I've been thinking about it a great deal lately. And I've decided that I want to be a part of it, very much." She is taken by this, and Trask takes her in his arms and kisses her. We pan up from them to a light in a high window, where we see Catherine watching them both.
Quentin tells Harrison that Trask is "no longer my only worry." Harrison asks what else is depressing Quentin, and Quentin answers "My grandmother is insistent on playing games with all of us. She told me she has a secret will hidden somewhere, and she wouldn't tell me anything more." Harrison asks if they should "interrogate" Trask about it, but Quentin answers "I don't think she told Trask about it either. Evidently the papers she's drawn up through him may be invalid. So I don't know if all of this 'produce an heir' chatter means anything at all." Harrison smiles and says "Why, are you suddenly in a rush to get married?" Quentin opens his eyes wide and says "No. Now way, no how." Harrison says "Well, you were observant enough to notice the way I look at Valery. I noticed the way you look at Lucy...or Beth....or even Charity." Quentin gulps his drink and says "You are very observant." Harrison answers "Like I said, you remind me of a very good friend of mine." Quentin says he's got to find out about that will "before everyone around here is at each other's throats." Harrison says "You may be worried over nothing. Perhaps your grandmother will simply divide things up evenly." Quentin says "I doubt it. Someone's got to be master of Collinwood. And once she's gone, a lot of things could happen around here that may not be pleasant for some of us. Or me." Harrison thinks about this as Valery returns. She walks in to the drawing room and sees that Harrison and Quentin have been drinking. "Well, I see you two are getting on just fine," she says. Quentin says "I think you should know that grandmother does not think too highly of your Mr. Trask." Valery says "I'm sure grandmother will understand things once I explain them to her." Harrison says "I don't want you to get hurt either. You should be very sure of this man's motives before you..." Valery snaps "You too? After all of your gallantry, I see my cousins have influenced you as well. What is it about this house that poisons people? Well, I guess this is good a time as any to tell you both.... I have just become engaged to Gregory Trask, and there's nothing you can do about it!" Quentin and Harrison are both shocked.
David Selby's voiceover: "The world of parallel time, 1897, is a treacherous place for those who live at the great house at Collinwood. The dying matriarch of the family has set off a battle between her descendants for control of the estate. And as that battle ensues, the dark secrets of those who live here will be revealed..."
Quentin is walking through the hallway and knocks on a door. "Grandmother...are you awake?" She says yes from inside, and Quentin enters. He asks her how she's feeling, and she says she's feeling better now that she's rested. He sits down and tells her that he has something very important to talk to her about. "Always something important," she scoffs. "Everyone always has something important to tell me." Quentin says "This time it really is important. Now I don't know what you discussed with Mr. Trask the other day exactly, but..." She interrupts him, saying "All anyone wants to talk about is what I'll do with this estate..." Quentin answers "It's important! Grandmother, a lot of us are concerned about what we think you're demanding of us in terms of heirs. It's setting all of us against one another and leading others to get involved." Catherine asks how, and Quentin answers "Your Mr. Trask seems to be making romantic overtures to Valery." Catherine thinks about this.
After the opening titles, Harrison is sitting in the parallel time room when Valery enters. She asks him what he's doing in there, and he smiles, answering that it's his "favorite room in the house." Valery tells him that it's rather an odd choice. Harrison asks her what her favorite part of the house is, and she doesn't know an answer. "I had heard you sit in here for long stretches of time from the servants," Valery says. "I can't imagine why." Harrison says he likes to sit and think in "a room like this." We hear him thinking "How can I tell you where I'm really from... my own timeband in a different a different Collinwood where the crystal that will give my ring the power that it needs sits undisturbed in an abandoned laboratory waiting for me to find it nearly 150 years in the future...and how this room is the only gateway to that world...." He looks at the portrait of Bramwell and says "Your grandfather was quite a man, from what I understand." Valery says "Yes. Grandmother always speaks glowingly of him and how he won her heart. He was from the poor side of the family, but once his ship came in from the East, he made good on his promise to his own father to become a success in shipping." Harrison remarks how he heard "something about the two of them conquering some curse in a haunted room." Valery laughs and says "I always thought Grandmother told us that story as children to frighten us into obeying her." Harrison tells her that he thinks she's too strong to be frightened easily. She asks him what makes him say that, and he answers "I've seen you stand up to your cousins since I've been here. Particularly Edward, who seems a rather stern sort." Valery answers "He is certainly that. But where do you fit in? Why did you decide to stay here, with all the arguing and fighting going on?" Harrison smiles at her and answers "I saw a beautiful woman in distress, and I thought I'd stay to lend a hand." Valery turns away and says "You are quite the charmer, Harrison Collins." Harrison answers "Well, you easily charm me. And I've been cooped up in this room far too long. Would you like to take a trip into the village? I'll take you shopping for anything you want." Valery says "You grow more charming by the minute, but I have to decline. I'm...meeting someone later. Perhaps some other time." Harrison answers "Yes, perhaps." Valery leaves, and Harrison looks at the portrait of Bramwell, wondering who Valery could be meeting.
Catherine tells Quentin that it's important that heirs are produced in the Collins family, but Quentin tells her that since everyone thinks that having an heir is a requirement to be included in the will, it's set Edward apart from everyone. "I never intended for all of you to fight like this," she says. "I only wanted to encourage you to settle down. You and Benjamin." Quentin tells her that while this may have been an admirable goal, it's had a bad result. "I think it's also compromised Trask's reliability," he adds. Catherine says it doesn't matter about Trask, since "I've discussed this with other lawyers some time ago. I've wondered about Trask's honesty for a time now... there is a true will, but it's not here..." Quentin, shocked, says "A true will? You've hidden it?" Catherine answers that she's very tired and doesn't want to discuss it anymore. Quentin wants to know more about the "true will," but Catherine starts to fall asleep, despite his pleading. He finally gives up and leaves the room, and then we see her open her eyes and smile.
Valery comes downstairs to answer the door, and it's Trask, who kisses her hand as he enters. He asks her if "the family is still angry with me." Valery tells him not to care, and the two start to head out just as Harrison comes down the stairs. He sees Trask, and Valery looks back at him for a moment. She sees the sadness and surprise in his face, as does Trask, who smiles and says "Good evening," before leading Valery out. The door closes, and Harrison walks to the drawing room sulking. Quentin is there having a drink, and offers Harrison one. "Thank you, I think I could use one right about now," Harrison says. "Oh?" Quentin asks. "You seem depressed about something. Sit here with me and join the club." Harrison takes his drink and asks Quentin "What do you know about that man Trask?" Quentin asks Harrison what his interest in Trask is, and Harrison only says "I just decided I don't like him." Quentin smiles and says "Well, in that case, I'll tell you whatever you want to know. I'm starting to think I don't like him much either." Harrison asks why, and Quentin says "I think he's trying to manipulate my grandmother, my cousin Valery, and this estate as well. Why don't you like him?" Harrison thinks a moment and answers "I guess I just don't like his looks." Quentin laughs and says "I think I know why you don't like him. You just saw him with Valery, didn't you?" Harrison says "Yes, I saw them go out." Quentin says "You've had your eye on Valery since you've gotten here. Now don't deny it... I can tell. I've seen that same look in myself when I've pursued some young woman. You, my friend, are suffering from the green eyed monster." Harrison laughs a little and says "You remind me a lot of....a very good friend of mine. He'd always give me a hard time whenever I chased the wrong woman, which was far too often." Quentin thanks Harrison and pours him another drink. Meanwhile, Valery and Trask are at the fountain, and he tells her that he doesn't want to "drive a wedge" between her and her family. She tells him that she already feels pretty estranged from the family as it is. "Have you ever thought about your future?" he asks. She says "not really." He smiles and says "I've been thinking about it a great deal lately. And I've decided that I want to be a part of it, very much." She is taken by this, and Trask takes her in his arms and kisses her. We pan up from them to a light in a high window, where we see Catherine watching them both.
Quentin tells Harrison that Trask is "no longer my only worry." Harrison asks what else is depressing Quentin, and Quentin answers "My grandmother is insistent on playing games with all of us. She told me she has a secret will hidden somewhere, and she wouldn't tell me anything more." Harrison asks if they should "interrogate" Trask about it, but Quentin answers "I don't think she told Trask about it either. Evidently the papers she's drawn up through him may be invalid. So I don't know if all of this 'produce an heir' chatter means anything at all." Harrison smiles and says "Why, are you suddenly in a rush to get married?" Quentin opens his eyes wide and says "No. Now way, no how." Harrison says "Well, you were observant enough to notice the way I look at Valery. I noticed the way you look at Lucy...or Beth....or even Charity." Quentin gulps his drink and says "You are very observant." Harrison answers "Like I said, you remind me of a very good friend of mine." Quentin says he's got to find out about that will "before everyone around here is at each other's throats." Harrison says "You may be worried over nothing. Perhaps your grandmother will simply divide things up evenly." Quentin says "I doubt it. Someone's got to be master of Collinwood. And once she's gone, a lot of things could happen around here that may not be pleasant for some of us. Or me." Harrison thinks about this as Valery returns. She walks in to the drawing room and sees that Harrison and Quentin have been drinking. "Well, I see you two are getting on just fine," she says. Quentin says "I think you should know that grandmother does not think too highly of your Mr. Trask." Valery says "I'm sure grandmother will understand things once I explain them to her." Harrison says "I don't want you to get hurt either. You should be very sure of this man's motives before you..." Valery snaps "You too? After all of your gallantry, I see my cousins have influenced you as well. What is it about this house that poisons people? Well, I guess this is good a time as any to tell you both.... I have just become engaged to Gregory Trask, and there's nothing you can do about it!" Quentin and Harrison are both shocked.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Episode 1408
Aired: Wednesday November 17, 1971
After a replay of Tuesday's close, Gladstone is examining the body in the woods. He says it's "some old man... looks to be dead of natural causes. I see no wounds or signs of a struggle." Benjamin says that it gave his cousin an "awful fright." Gladstone says he can understand that, but most likely "it's an old drifter who got lost and became exposed to the elements. Look at those clothes, you can tell this man has traveled a great deal in them from their extended wear. Poor devil." Benjamin asks Gladstone who the man was, and Gladstone says that there was no identification on him, so he'll have to take him down to the morgue and conduct an investigation. Benjamin adds "At least you know it's not another murder." Gladstone says "Yes... although there's a side of me that wants that killer to show himself again...just so I can finally catch him." Back at Collinwood, Quentin is having a drink in his room, listening to a song on the gramophone, when there is a knock at the door. It's Charity, who invites herself in and tells Quentin what a "lovely tune" he's listening to. He remarks that he hardly ever listens to music, but for some reason he felt like it tonight. She says she needs to talk with him, and he turns off the music. "And what must you talk to me about, Charity?" He says with a smile. "How proper is it for a beautiful young lady to come to a man's room?" Charity pulls away from him and says "That's not why I'm here." Quentin asks her what's wrong and she says "I have to talk to you about my brother and what I think he's planning." Quentin raises an eyebrow.
Quentin asks Charity what she means, and Charity tells Quentin about Gregory's overtures towards Valery. "She's been going on and on about him, wondering why he's never married and so forth. I followed them last night when they went out walking." Quentin wants to know why she was "spying" but Charity says "I'm worried about Valery, Quentin. I know my brother, and I know he's never given her a second thought until...." Quentin finishes the idea "...until he met with my grandmother the other day." Charity says "Exactly. I think it has something to do with that will." Quentin says he always thought Trask was a "trustworthy" person, and Charity says she's sure he is, but "that amount of money can make people change, Quentin. And change for the worse." Quentin humphs and takes another drink. "Don't I know that. I can look to my brother Edward to see how the lust for that money can corrupt an entire personality. Sometimes I'm sorry our grandfather was so successful." Charity tells Quentin that she told him so that he can talk to Valery, and that she was also "worried" that everything happening might hurt him as well. Quentin says "Are you concerned for me, or for my share of that money?" Charity tells Quentin he's not being fair, that she was simply being honest, and that "maybe that money is changing you too. Look how you suspect me when I'm trying to help you." Quentin thinks this over.
Valery enters the drawing room and finds Benjamin there, so she turns to leave. But on the way out, she runs into Quentin coming down the stairs. Quentin tells her he wants to talk to her, and Valery says "I'm sure I know about what." Quentin tells her "I'm not accusing you of anything, Valery. You know me better than that. It's just that I'm concerned about this sudden romance you're having with Gregory Trask." Benjamin, who had been listening, enters the foyer, and adds "I'm concerned as well, Valery. I know your feelings for me are not exactly warm, but I don't want to see you fall prey to a fortune hunter." Valery insists that "Gregory is no fortune hunter! He has a thriving legal practice!" Quentin says "His own sister wonders about his motives, Valery!" Valery, surprised, says "Charity talked to you?" Quentin says "Yes. She's worried about you. And she would know her brother better than anyone. She'd know him better than someone who took a long walk with him while he said whatever he did." Benjamin says that "getting involved with Trask may cut you off from the rest of the family." Valery snaps "And you and Edward would just be all broken hearted over that, wouldn't you?" Quentin tells her that "it won't come to that," adding "I promise you," while looking at Benjamin. Valery says "I can make my own decisions about people. And I shall!" She storms upstairs, and Benjamin remarks "Always so headstrong, that one." Quentin says "I think I'll have a talk with Trask. She may be headstrong, but she's also very vulnerable. I don't want to see her getting hurt." Benjamin says "You know, there's always the possibility that she is well aware of Trask's motives." Quentin asks "What do you mean?" Benjamin asks "I hate to think it, but what if she and Trask are both plotting together? You may want to consider that before speaking to him." Quentin is getting more confused.
At the morgue, the coroner is looking over the body of the dead old man as Gladstone watches. Gladstone asks the Coroner to look "very carefully" at the neck and wrists. "Perhaps our killer tried to murder this man, but he was so old that he died of shock." The coroner tells Gladstone that he found no such marks, but that the man "definitely died of shock." Gladstone says "I thought robbery might be a possibile motive since we fond no money on this man, but he has two gold teeth still intact." Suddenly, the Coroner says "Wait a minute..." and gets a magnifying glass. He starts examining the neck of the corpse, and Gladstone excitedly says "Well? Is there the beginnings of a knife wound?" The coroner says "No, but there are impressions fingermarks." Gladstone asks "Was he strangled? Is that what you're saying?" The coroner says "No, the windpipe isn't crushed and there's no bruising. But there are fingermarks around the neck for some reason. It probably has nothing to do with the cause of death. I would estimate this man to be more than 80. Anything could have killed him." Gladstone says "We found no identification in any of those pockets, only some change, and this." Gladstone takes out a small whale's tooth keychain with some scrimshaw on it. The coroner looks it over and says "Hardly an identification...but there are initials on the artwork..." He looks at it under the magnifying glass and says "It reads E.D., 1891." He hands it back to Gladstone and says "Can you get anything from that?" Gladstone thinks a moment and says "It's my only clue to who this man was. A whale's tooth means he must have been seen around the docks. I suppose I can start there." The coroner says "If he was some drifter down at the docks, why was he found up in the woods near Collinwood?" Gladstone studies the whale's tooth and says "That's a question I'd like to know the answer to."
After a replay of Tuesday's close, Gladstone is examining the body in the woods. He says it's "some old man... looks to be dead of natural causes. I see no wounds or signs of a struggle." Benjamin says that it gave his cousin an "awful fright." Gladstone says he can understand that, but most likely "it's an old drifter who got lost and became exposed to the elements. Look at those clothes, you can tell this man has traveled a great deal in them from their extended wear. Poor devil." Benjamin asks Gladstone who the man was, and Gladstone says that there was no identification on him, so he'll have to take him down to the morgue and conduct an investigation. Benjamin adds "At least you know it's not another murder." Gladstone says "Yes... although there's a side of me that wants that killer to show himself again...just so I can finally catch him." Back at Collinwood, Quentin is having a drink in his room, listening to a song on the gramophone, when there is a knock at the door. It's Charity, who invites herself in and tells Quentin what a "lovely tune" he's listening to. He remarks that he hardly ever listens to music, but for some reason he felt like it tonight. She says she needs to talk with him, and he turns off the music. "And what must you talk to me about, Charity?" He says with a smile. "How proper is it for a beautiful young lady to come to a man's room?" Charity pulls away from him and says "That's not why I'm here." Quentin asks her what's wrong and she says "I have to talk to you about my brother and what I think he's planning." Quentin raises an eyebrow.
Quentin asks Charity what she means, and Charity tells Quentin about Gregory's overtures towards Valery. "She's been going on and on about him, wondering why he's never married and so forth. I followed them last night when they went out walking." Quentin wants to know why she was "spying" but Charity says "I'm worried about Valery, Quentin. I know my brother, and I know he's never given her a second thought until...." Quentin finishes the idea "...until he met with my grandmother the other day." Charity says "Exactly. I think it has something to do with that will." Quentin says he always thought Trask was a "trustworthy" person, and Charity says she's sure he is, but "that amount of money can make people change, Quentin. And change for the worse." Quentin humphs and takes another drink. "Don't I know that. I can look to my brother Edward to see how the lust for that money can corrupt an entire personality. Sometimes I'm sorry our grandfather was so successful." Charity tells Quentin that she told him so that he can talk to Valery, and that she was also "worried" that everything happening might hurt him as well. Quentin says "Are you concerned for me, or for my share of that money?" Charity tells Quentin he's not being fair, that she was simply being honest, and that "maybe that money is changing you too. Look how you suspect me when I'm trying to help you." Quentin thinks this over.
Valery enters the drawing room and finds Benjamin there, so she turns to leave. But on the way out, she runs into Quentin coming down the stairs. Quentin tells her he wants to talk to her, and Valery says "I'm sure I know about what." Quentin tells her "I'm not accusing you of anything, Valery. You know me better than that. It's just that I'm concerned about this sudden romance you're having with Gregory Trask." Benjamin, who had been listening, enters the foyer, and adds "I'm concerned as well, Valery. I know your feelings for me are not exactly warm, but I don't want to see you fall prey to a fortune hunter." Valery insists that "Gregory is no fortune hunter! He has a thriving legal practice!" Quentin says "His own sister wonders about his motives, Valery!" Valery, surprised, says "Charity talked to you?" Quentin says "Yes. She's worried about you. And she would know her brother better than anyone. She'd know him better than someone who took a long walk with him while he said whatever he did." Benjamin says that "getting involved with Trask may cut you off from the rest of the family." Valery snaps "And you and Edward would just be all broken hearted over that, wouldn't you?" Quentin tells her that "it won't come to that," adding "I promise you," while looking at Benjamin. Valery says "I can make my own decisions about people. And I shall!" She storms upstairs, and Benjamin remarks "Always so headstrong, that one." Quentin says "I think I'll have a talk with Trask. She may be headstrong, but she's also very vulnerable. I don't want to see her getting hurt." Benjamin says "You know, there's always the possibility that she is well aware of Trask's motives." Quentin asks "What do you mean?" Benjamin asks "I hate to think it, but what if she and Trask are both plotting together? You may want to consider that before speaking to him." Quentin is getting more confused.
At the morgue, the coroner is looking over the body of the dead old man as Gladstone watches. Gladstone asks the Coroner to look "very carefully" at the neck and wrists. "Perhaps our killer tried to murder this man, but he was so old that he died of shock." The coroner tells Gladstone that he found no such marks, but that the man "definitely died of shock." Gladstone says "I thought robbery might be a possibile motive since we fond no money on this man, but he has two gold teeth still intact." Suddenly, the Coroner says "Wait a minute..." and gets a magnifying glass. He starts examining the neck of the corpse, and Gladstone excitedly says "Well? Is there the beginnings of a knife wound?" The coroner says "No, but there are impressions fingermarks." Gladstone asks "Was he strangled? Is that what you're saying?" The coroner says "No, the windpipe isn't crushed and there's no bruising. But there are fingermarks around the neck for some reason. It probably has nothing to do with the cause of death. I would estimate this man to be more than 80. Anything could have killed him." Gladstone says "We found no identification in any of those pockets, only some change, and this." Gladstone takes out a small whale's tooth keychain with some scrimshaw on it. The coroner looks it over and says "Hardly an identification...but there are initials on the artwork..." He looks at it under the magnifying glass and says "It reads E.D., 1891." He hands it back to Gladstone and says "Can you get anything from that?" Gladstone thinks a moment and says "It's my only clue to who this man was. A whale's tooth means he must have been seen around the docks. I suppose I can start there." The coroner says "If he was some drifter down at the docks, why was he found up in the woods near Collinwood?" Gladstone studies the whale's tooth and says "That's a question I'd like to know the answer to."
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Episode 1407
Aired: Tuesday November 16, 1971
Joan Bennet's voiceover: "Collinwood, in the strange world of parallel time in the year 1897. Harrison Collins has found himself trapped in this place and time, where the members of the Collins family compete to keep secrets from one another, though some of the secrets of the people here are more terrifying then others...."
Alice and Trask are walking in the woods. Alice asks Trask if he's "sure about everything in the will." Trask tells her not to worry, and that "everything will be taken care of." Alice says "Everything?" Trask smiles and says "Don't worry, my dear. I know how expensive your tastes are." He leaves her at the old house door and she goes in, only to face an angry Judith coming down the stairs.
After the opening titles, Judith asks Alice what she is doing with Trask, and Alice says she only happened to meet him while walking back from Collinwood. Judith remarks how "everyone is swirling around Catherine wondering about her will. They're all a pack of vultures if you ask me." Alice says "I didn't." Judith sneers and says "If you think trying to influence Mr. Trask will somehow include you in the will, you've got a big surprise coming." Alice snaps "You may be the one surprised, Judith. From what I understand, Catherine is obsessed with the members of the Collins family leaving heirs. Where would a childless woman like yourself fit in?" Judith snaps back "And what of you? you have no children either." Alice dreamily answers "Perhaps that is true...for now." Judith, shocked, says "What? Are you telling me that you're planning on marriage? With who, Gregory Trask? Well, I've heard everything!" Alice looks at Judith and says "Like I said Judith, you may be the one surprised." Meanwhile, Benjamin has finished reading a poetry book to Kitty, who tells him how much she missed him. Benjamin remarks how "horrible" Quentin's story of the fire in Persia was, and Kitty says she's glad she lost her memory of everything that happened. Benjamin tells her "I wouldn't know what to do if I had lost you like that." He starts to take off her glove to kiss her hand, but she panics and pulls her hand away. "What's wrong?" Benjamin asks. Nervous, Kitty says "Oh...nothing. I....just nails look frightful. I really need to get a manicure while I'm in town." Benjamin is confused and tells her he's never seen her act this way before. Noticing this, Kitty leans in close and says "A kiss on the cheek is much better anyway, don't you think Benjamin?" He kisses her and beams while she smiles strangely.
Judith enters Collinwood and finds Benjamin in the drawing room. He asks her why she's come to Collinwood and she closes the doors saying "I need to talk to someone I can trust, and that means you at the moment. Are you alone?" Benjamin says yes, and that Kitty has gone into town until later. Judith tells Benjamin that she thinks her sister Alice is trying to manipulate Catherine's will. Benjamin says "that's ridiculous. What kind of influence can Alice have over grandmother? The two of them never speak to each other." Judith says "Yes, but Gregory Trask does, and Alice has been working on him." Benjamin shakes his head and says "Judith, Gregory Trask is someone the family has always trusted. He will act according to grandmother's wishes, no matter what Alice says to him." Judith tells Benjamin that she thinks Alice wants to marry Trask, and Benjamin is surprised. He doesn't believe it, and reminds Judith that she said herself that Trask would have his choice among "many pretty young women" in the village. Judith says that Benjamin should keep his eyes open just in case. Benjamin says he will, though "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Judith says she'd better get back home to make sure Nora gets to sleep since Carl is "out again." Benjamin leads her to the door, but before they can get there, Valery enters with Trask, holding hands. Judith and Benjamin are both surprised.
Benjamin asks Valery what she is doing with Trask, and Valery only scoffs "Benjamin, really!" Trask says "I'm sorry, Mr. Collins, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I only took Miss Valery out for a walk." Judith frowns and says "How lovely." Valery, confused by all of these reactions, apologizes to Trask and tells him he'd better go. He bids goodbye, and Benjamin confronts Valery about why she was with Trask. "Because he asked me," is the only answer he gets. Benjamin tells Judith "I think you were worried about the wrong person using Mr. Trask to attempt to influence my grandmother." Valery gets angry and says "That's a lie! Mr. Trask asked me to walk with him, and I accepted. I had no ulterior motive. You spend so much time worrying about this estate and the money you can't wait to get your hands on that you and Edward are always hatching new plots to go chasing after." Benjamin answers "All of us are on edge since grandmother insisted on seeing Trask and discussing the will. It seems none of us can trust each other anymore." Valery gets a little sad and says "Oh Benjamin.... don't you remember when we were children, how we told each other secrets and got along so well? What's happened?" Benjamin answers "We're not children anymore. I don't think it's proper that you see Mr. Trask....socially." Valery sighs and says "Not proper.... that's all you ever concern yourself with, what looks proper." Benjamin snaps that all the Collinses must be concerned with looking proper to avoid scandal. Valery insists that there "is no scandal" in going for a walk. Judith interrupts and says "Valery, there is something you should know about Mr. Trask." Valery says "Judith, I wouldn't expect you to take his side." Judith says she's not taking anyone's side, but tells Valery that "Gregory Trask and my sister have also been seen together. And I know for a fact that Alice thinks of their friendship in very serious terms." Benjamin asks "Alice? Alice and Trask?" Judith answers yes, and Valery doesn't know what to think.
Benjamin tells Valery "I must admit I first suspected your motives, now I'm starting to question Gregory Trask's." Valery snaps that Benjamin simply doesn't want her to be happy, and that "Gregory certainly wasn't lying to me when he...." Judith says "When he what?" Valery turns away and says "...when he told me his feelings for me." Benjamin says "His what? Valery, these feelings certainly have appeared quite suddenly." Judith tries to calm Benjamin and says "Well, it would make more sense for Trask to court Valery rather than Alice." Benjamin still insists it wouldn't be "proper." Valery says she plans to tell her father about Trask when he returns from Boston, and then runs upstairs. Judith gets ready to leave again, and Benjamin thanks her for coming over, and tells her that he "will have a very serious talk with Trask about all of this." As Judith leaves, Kitty and Evan enter. Benjamin asks her if her trip to town went well, and she says "Yes," as she waves Evan upstairs. "I took care of something very important to you," she says. Curious, Benjamin asks what, and she starts to take off her gloves - revealing young and beautiful hands. Benjamin smiles and kisses one, and says "Well, that wasn't so difficult, was it?" She says no, but suddenly there's a scream from outside. Benjamin says "That sounded like Judith!" He runs outside. In the woods, Judith is standing over a dead body and screaming as Benjamin finds her. "Don't look at it!" He tells her as he turns her away. "Has it been cut like the other one?" He says, but Judith says "No, it's not like that at all. I was startled by it, that's all." Confused, Benjamin turns to look at the body. It's the corpse of an incredibly old man, gray and horribly wrinkled, laying on its back dead with eyes open wide, looking terrified...
Joan Bennet's voiceover: "Collinwood, in the strange world of parallel time in the year 1897. Harrison Collins has found himself trapped in this place and time, where the members of the Collins family compete to keep secrets from one another, though some of the secrets of the people here are more terrifying then others...."
Alice and Trask are walking in the woods. Alice asks Trask if he's "sure about everything in the will." Trask tells her not to worry, and that "everything will be taken care of." Alice says "Everything?" Trask smiles and says "Don't worry, my dear. I know how expensive your tastes are." He leaves her at the old house door and she goes in, only to face an angry Judith coming down the stairs.
After the opening titles, Judith asks Alice what she is doing with Trask, and Alice says she only happened to meet him while walking back from Collinwood. Judith remarks how "everyone is swirling around Catherine wondering about her will. They're all a pack of vultures if you ask me." Alice says "I didn't." Judith sneers and says "If you think trying to influence Mr. Trask will somehow include you in the will, you've got a big surprise coming." Alice snaps "You may be the one surprised, Judith. From what I understand, Catherine is obsessed with the members of the Collins family leaving heirs. Where would a childless woman like yourself fit in?" Judith snaps back "And what of you? you have no children either." Alice dreamily answers "Perhaps that is true...for now." Judith, shocked, says "What? Are you telling me that you're planning on marriage? With who, Gregory Trask? Well, I've heard everything!" Alice looks at Judith and says "Like I said Judith, you may be the one surprised." Meanwhile, Benjamin has finished reading a poetry book to Kitty, who tells him how much she missed him. Benjamin remarks how "horrible" Quentin's story of the fire in Persia was, and Kitty says she's glad she lost her memory of everything that happened. Benjamin tells her "I wouldn't know what to do if I had lost you like that." He starts to take off her glove to kiss her hand, but she panics and pulls her hand away. "What's wrong?" Benjamin asks. Nervous, Kitty says "Oh...nothing. I....just nails look frightful. I really need to get a manicure while I'm in town." Benjamin is confused and tells her he's never seen her act this way before. Noticing this, Kitty leans in close and says "A kiss on the cheek is much better anyway, don't you think Benjamin?" He kisses her and beams while she smiles strangely.
Judith enters Collinwood and finds Benjamin in the drawing room. He asks her why she's come to Collinwood and she closes the doors saying "I need to talk to someone I can trust, and that means you at the moment. Are you alone?" Benjamin says yes, and that Kitty has gone into town until later. Judith tells Benjamin that she thinks her sister Alice is trying to manipulate Catherine's will. Benjamin says "that's ridiculous. What kind of influence can Alice have over grandmother? The two of them never speak to each other." Judith says "Yes, but Gregory Trask does, and Alice has been working on him." Benjamin shakes his head and says "Judith, Gregory Trask is someone the family has always trusted. He will act according to grandmother's wishes, no matter what Alice says to him." Judith tells Benjamin that she thinks Alice wants to marry Trask, and Benjamin is surprised. He doesn't believe it, and reminds Judith that she said herself that Trask would have his choice among "many pretty young women" in the village. Judith says that Benjamin should keep his eyes open just in case. Benjamin says he will, though "I'm sure it's nothing to worry about." Judith says she'd better get back home to make sure Nora gets to sleep since Carl is "out again." Benjamin leads her to the door, but before they can get there, Valery enters with Trask, holding hands. Judith and Benjamin are both surprised.
Benjamin asks Valery what she is doing with Trask, and Valery only scoffs "Benjamin, really!" Trask says "I'm sorry, Mr. Collins, I didn't mean to cause trouble. I only took Miss Valery out for a walk." Judith frowns and says "How lovely." Valery, confused by all of these reactions, apologizes to Trask and tells him he'd better go. He bids goodbye, and Benjamin confronts Valery about why she was with Trask. "Because he asked me," is the only answer he gets. Benjamin tells Judith "I think you were worried about the wrong person using Mr. Trask to attempt to influence my grandmother." Valery gets angry and says "That's a lie! Mr. Trask asked me to walk with him, and I accepted. I had no ulterior motive. You spend so much time worrying about this estate and the money you can't wait to get your hands on that you and Edward are always hatching new plots to go chasing after." Benjamin answers "All of us are on edge since grandmother insisted on seeing Trask and discussing the will. It seems none of us can trust each other anymore." Valery gets a little sad and says "Oh Benjamin.... don't you remember when we were children, how we told each other secrets and got along so well? What's happened?" Benjamin answers "We're not children anymore. I don't think it's proper that you see Mr. Trask....socially." Valery sighs and says "Not proper.... that's all you ever concern yourself with, what looks proper." Benjamin snaps that all the Collinses must be concerned with looking proper to avoid scandal. Valery insists that there "is no scandal" in going for a walk. Judith interrupts and says "Valery, there is something you should know about Mr. Trask." Valery says "Judith, I wouldn't expect you to take his side." Judith says she's not taking anyone's side, but tells Valery that "Gregory Trask and my sister have also been seen together. And I know for a fact that Alice thinks of their friendship in very serious terms." Benjamin asks "Alice? Alice and Trask?" Judith answers yes, and Valery doesn't know what to think.
Benjamin tells Valery "I must admit I first suspected your motives, now I'm starting to question Gregory Trask's." Valery snaps that Benjamin simply doesn't want her to be happy, and that "Gregory certainly wasn't lying to me when he...." Judith says "When he what?" Valery turns away and says "...when he told me his feelings for me." Benjamin says "His what? Valery, these feelings certainly have appeared quite suddenly." Judith tries to calm Benjamin and says "Well, it would make more sense for Trask to court Valery rather than Alice." Benjamin still insists it wouldn't be "proper." Valery says she plans to tell her father about Trask when he returns from Boston, and then runs upstairs. Judith gets ready to leave again, and Benjamin thanks her for coming over, and tells her that he "will have a very serious talk with Trask about all of this." As Judith leaves, Kitty and Evan enter. Benjamin asks her if her trip to town went well, and she says "Yes," as she waves Evan upstairs. "I took care of something very important to you," she says. Curious, Benjamin asks what, and she starts to take off her gloves - revealing young and beautiful hands. Benjamin smiles and kisses one, and says "Well, that wasn't so difficult, was it?" She says no, but suddenly there's a scream from outside. Benjamin says "That sounded like Judith!" He runs outside. In the woods, Judith is standing over a dead body and screaming as Benjamin finds her. "Don't look at it!" He tells her as he turns her away. "Has it been cut like the other one?" He says, but Judith says "No, it's not like that at all. I was startled by it, that's all." Confused, Benjamin turns to look at the body. It's the corpse of an incredibly old man, gray and horribly wrinkled, laying on its back dead with eyes open wide, looking terrified...
Monday, October 26, 2009
Episode 1406
Aired: Monday November 15, 1971
In a repeat of Friday's close, Kitty stands in the foyer of Collinwood. Quentin stares at her and she says "Quentin? Are you all right? You're looking at me most strangely." Quentin says "I'm's just that I didn't expect to see you again." Kitty says "Life is full of surprises, isn't it? Well, I'd like to go upstairs and freshen up. I'll need some rest after my long journey." Quentin says slowly "Of course..." and watches her go upstairs. He bites his thumb and paces as Charity and Lucy watch him. "What's wrong?" Lucy asks. Charity adds "Quentin, I've never seen you like this. What's wrong?" Quentin says "I don't know.... it's Kitty, but it can't be. She died in Persia!" Lucy says "Died? Obviously she didn't! You must have gotten false news." Quentin says "No, you don't understand. I was there. I saw the fire, the building crumble. I even saw the little that was left of her...." He turns to face Charity and Lucy and says "I saw her die with my own eyes!" They don't know what to make of this when we cut to upstairs where Kitty has entered her room and is looking around. She passes the mirror and begins to adjust her hair but when she takes off her gloves, her hands are ancient and bony, with rotting flesh....
We are close on Kitty's gloved hands as she sips some tea in the drawing room. Benjamin is beaming and asking her about her trip. Quentin looks at her suspiciously as Lucy and Charity listen to her talk of "all the wonders I've seen in Persia and beyond." Quentin snaps "I saw a rather fascinating thing in Persia myself. A fire destroyed an ancient mosque. It collapsed in flames with some people inside." Kitty looks saddened and says "I know, Quentin, I saw it too. I barely got out through a passageway in the back when I was struck by some falling debris. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital hundreds of miles away with some memory loss. Luckily, I recovered after a few weeks and decided to return to Collinwood." She looks at Benjamin and smiles. "It was by reading your letter that I regained my memory, Benjamin. I had to come back to tell you that." He takes her hand and kisses the glove, but says "Kitty, your hand is so cold..." She pulls away and says that "it's nothing." Quentin says that "the attendants at the Mosque showed me a body. They said it was you, Kitty." Kitty answers "Well, they were obviously mistaken." Quentin nods. In walks Kitty's manservant, Evan Hanley (Humbert Allen Astredo). He tells her that her bags have been taken upstairs and that her room has been prepared. She puts down her teacup and says she will unpack her things. As she and Evan head upstairs, Lucy says "Where do you suppose she found him?" She slinks towards Quentin and says "I sure could use a man as attentive as that one." Quentin sneers "Well, maybe you should travel the world and see who turns up." Charity giggles as Lucy angrily leaves. Quentin pours himself a drink. Benjamin says "I must apologize for my brother, Charity. He sometimes speaks without thinking." Quentin smiles at Benjamin and says "Sometimes you think a little too much before you speak, Benjamin. I guess we just balance each other out." Benjamin asks Quentin what the point was of "all his questions" for Kitty, and Quentin says "I don't know, Benjamin, I don't know. I know I saw that burning building collapse on her, and the body they showed me was in the same spot where I saw her last." Benjamin tells Quentin he's being "ridiculous" since Kitty is obviously fine. Quentin looks at his drink and says "Yes...of course. I can see that as well as you."
Valery wanders by the fountain when Trask enters the garden. She asks him if he bas bisiness with her grandmother. He tells her that "no matter how lovely" she is, he can't tell her anything about the new will Catherine has drawn up. Valery asks him if he always flirts with women he suspects of greed. Trask laughs and says that as a lawyer, he deals with greedy people all the time. Valery tells him she wants to make sure that "none of my relatives have had an undo influence over Grandmother. As you know, Mr. Trask, at least one of my dear cousins would like to banish the rest of us from the estate." He smiles at her and asks her to call him Gregory. "And where would you go if you were banished?" he says with a smile. She insists that it's not a humorous subject. He tells her that she "has nothing to worry about. Your grandmother loves you a great deal, and would never allow anything like that." Valery says "I suppose that's all you can tell me." Trask adds "If you ever did leave Collinwood, I would certainly be honored to welcome you." He kisses her hand, and she is both surprised and flattered.
Trask has walked Valery around to the front door, and kisses her again as she goes inside. She enters the house rather bubbly and finds Charity. Charity asks her if she's seen "my brother," and Valery answers yes, and that he's headed back into town. "Your brother can be quite sweet when he wishes to," Valery adds. Charity is curious when Valery adds "Why do you suppose he's never married?" Charity says "He always says he's married to his work, but I'm never too sure about that." Valery says that it's a "shame" he never married since "he'd be a very good provider." Charity finally gets it and asks with a sly smile "Why this sudden interest in Gregory? You've known him for years and never said anything." Valery answers "I don't know, perhaps I never really noticed him before." Charity says "I can tell you right now, Valery, no matter how much you charm him, you'll never get him to tell you what's in your grandmother's will." Valery looks at Charity surprised as Charity adds "He's too ethical for that." We cut to Trask walking through the woods. He meets up with Alice, who smiles at him. "I saw you at Collinwood," Alice says. "I saw you walking with her." Trask takes Alice's hand and says "That you did, my dear. That you did. So far, everything is going exactly as we planned." Alice smiles as Trask kisses her.
Kitty unpacks her bags and directs Evan to hang her clothes up. Benjamin knocks before entering her room and asks her how she is settling in. She tells Evan to "leave us now," and he clicks his heels together before leaving. Benjamin remarks on what a diligent servant Evan seems to be, and Kitty agrees, closing the door. She slinks to Benjamin and takes him in her arms, planting a long kiss on him. When he comes up for air, he remarks how happy he is that "you have come back to me." Benjamin catches sight of them both in the mirror and remarks on what a handsome couple they make, but then Kitty steps away. Benjamin says "I'm sorry, I've done this before. Every time I've mentioned anything to do with betrothal, you've gotten frightened. I promise I won't pressure you this time." Kitty smiles and says "I wouldn't have returned here if I didn't expect you to act as you've always acted." Benjamin hugs her and tells her he will take her "into Collinsport tonight for a wonderful supper. And then we can walk along the piers, like you used to enjoy." He leaves her and Evan returns, closing the door behind him. Kitty continues to unpack ad Evan says "Well, they have certainly welcomed you back with open arms, especially in Benjamin Collins' case." Kitty says "And why not? He almost married me once. This time, I shall not let him or this estate get away." Evan laughs and says "If only he knew what marriage to you meant, my dear. If only he knew." Kitty barks "Silence! He will learn his place when the time comes.... just as you did." Evan answers "And for that I am grateful," then adding with a laugh "Eternally grateful." Kitty smiles at this remark and the two laugh.
In a repeat of Friday's close, Kitty stands in the foyer of Collinwood. Quentin stares at her and she says "Quentin? Are you all right? You're looking at me most strangely." Quentin says "I'm's just that I didn't expect to see you again." Kitty says "Life is full of surprises, isn't it? Well, I'd like to go upstairs and freshen up. I'll need some rest after my long journey." Quentin says slowly "Of course..." and watches her go upstairs. He bites his thumb and paces as Charity and Lucy watch him. "What's wrong?" Lucy asks. Charity adds "Quentin, I've never seen you like this. What's wrong?" Quentin says "I don't know.... it's Kitty, but it can't be. She died in Persia!" Lucy says "Died? Obviously she didn't! You must have gotten false news." Quentin says "No, you don't understand. I was there. I saw the fire, the building crumble. I even saw the little that was left of her...." He turns to face Charity and Lucy and says "I saw her die with my own eyes!" They don't know what to make of this when we cut to upstairs where Kitty has entered her room and is looking around. She passes the mirror and begins to adjust her hair but when she takes off her gloves, her hands are ancient and bony, with rotting flesh....
We are close on Kitty's gloved hands as she sips some tea in the drawing room. Benjamin is beaming and asking her about her trip. Quentin looks at her suspiciously as Lucy and Charity listen to her talk of "all the wonders I've seen in Persia and beyond." Quentin snaps "I saw a rather fascinating thing in Persia myself. A fire destroyed an ancient mosque. It collapsed in flames with some people inside." Kitty looks saddened and says "I know, Quentin, I saw it too. I barely got out through a passageway in the back when I was struck by some falling debris. The next thing I knew I was in a hospital hundreds of miles away with some memory loss. Luckily, I recovered after a few weeks and decided to return to Collinwood." She looks at Benjamin and smiles. "It was by reading your letter that I regained my memory, Benjamin. I had to come back to tell you that." He takes her hand and kisses the glove, but says "Kitty, your hand is so cold..." She pulls away and says that "it's nothing." Quentin says that "the attendants at the Mosque showed me a body. They said it was you, Kitty." Kitty answers "Well, they were obviously mistaken." Quentin nods. In walks Kitty's manservant, Evan Hanley (Humbert Allen Astredo). He tells her that her bags have been taken upstairs and that her room has been prepared. She puts down her teacup and says she will unpack her things. As she and Evan head upstairs, Lucy says "Where do you suppose she found him?" She slinks towards Quentin and says "I sure could use a man as attentive as that one." Quentin sneers "Well, maybe you should travel the world and see who turns up." Charity giggles as Lucy angrily leaves. Quentin pours himself a drink. Benjamin says "I must apologize for my brother, Charity. He sometimes speaks without thinking." Quentin smiles at Benjamin and says "Sometimes you think a little too much before you speak, Benjamin. I guess we just balance each other out." Benjamin asks Quentin what the point was of "all his questions" for Kitty, and Quentin says "I don't know, Benjamin, I don't know. I know I saw that burning building collapse on her, and the body they showed me was in the same spot where I saw her last." Benjamin tells Quentin he's being "ridiculous" since Kitty is obviously fine. Quentin looks at his drink and says "Yes...of course. I can see that as well as you."
Valery wanders by the fountain when Trask enters the garden. She asks him if he bas bisiness with her grandmother. He tells her that "no matter how lovely" she is, he can't tell her anything about the new will Catherine has drawn up. Valery asks him if he always flirts with women he suspects of greed. Trask laughs and says that as a lawyer, he deals with greedy people all the time. Valery tells him she wants to make sure that "none of my relatives have had an undo influence over Grandmother. As you know, Mr. Trask, at least one of my dear cousins would like to banish the rest of us from the estate." He smiles at her and asks her to call him Gregory. "And where would you go if you were banished?" he says with a smile. She insists that it's not a humorous subject. He tells her that she "has nothing to worry about. Your grandmother loves you a great deal, and would never allow anything like that." Valery says "I suppose that's all you can tell me." Trask adds "If you ever did leave Collinwood, I would certainly be honored to welcome you." He kisses her hand, and she is both surprised and flattered.
Trask has walked Valery around to the front door, and kisses her again as she goes inside. She enters the house rather bubbly and finds Charity. Charity asks her if she's seen "my brother," and Valery answers yes, and that he's headed back into town. "Your brother can be quite sweet when he wishes to," Valery adds. Charity is curious when Valery adds "Why do you suppose he's never married?" Charity says "He always says he's married to his work, but I'm never too sure about that." Valery says that it's a "shame" he never married since "he'd be a very good provider." Charity finally gets it and asks with a sly smile "Why this sudden interest in Gregory? You've known him for years and never said anything." Valery answers "I don't know, perhaps I never really noticed him before." Charity says "I can tell you right now, Valery, no matter how much you charm him, you'll never get him to tell you what's in your grandmother's will." Valery looks at Charity surprised as Charity adds "He's too ethical for that." We cut to Trask walking through the woods. He meets up with Alice, who smiles at him. "I saw you at Collinwood," Alice says. "I saw you walking with her." Trask takes Alice's hand and says "That you did, my dear. That you did. So far, everything is going exactly as we planned." Alice smiles as Trask kisses her.
Kitty unpacks her bags and directs Evan to hang her clothes up. Benjamin knocks before entering her room and asks her how she is settling in. She tells Evan to "leave us now," and he clicks his heels together before leaving. Benjamin remarks on what a diligent servant Evan seems to be, and Kitty agrees, closing the door. She slinks to Benjamin and takes him in her arms, planting a long kiss on him. When he comes up for air, he remarks how happy he is that "you have come back to me." Benjamin catches sight of them both in the mirror and remarks on what a handsome couple they make, but then Kitty steps away. Benjamin says "I'm sorry, I've done this before. Every time I've mentioned anything to do with betrothal, you've gotten frightened. I promise I won't pressure you this time." Kitty smiles and says "I wouldn't have returned here if I didn't expect you to act as you've always acted." Benjamin hugs her and tells her he will take her "into Collinsport tonight for a wonderful supper. And then we can walk along the piers, like you used to enjoy." He leaves her and Evan returns, closing the door behind him. Kitty continues to unpack ad Evan says "Well, they have certainly welcomed you back with open arms, especially in Benjamin Collins' case." Kitty says "And why not? He almost married me once. This time, I shall not let him or this estate get away." Evan laughs and says "If only he knew what marriage to you meant, my dear. If only he knew." Kitty barks "Silence! He will learn his place when the time comes.... just as you did." Evan answers "And for that I am grateful," then adding with a laugh "Eternally grateful." Kitty smiles at this remark and the two laugh.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Episode 1405
Aired: Friday November 12, 1971
Alexandra Moltke's voiceover: "Harrison Collins finds himself trapped in the strange world of parallel time in the year 1897....a fateful year for the Collins family as he will soon discover. For events are beginning that will alter the fate of those living on the great estate, and for some, the fate will be quite terrifying...."
There is a knock at the door of Collinwood. Benjamin leaves the drawing room to answer it, and it is Gregory Trask (Jerry Lacy, looking more like Lamar than the Gregory we remember). Benjamin says hello but asks him why he's here. "I didn't know there was family business to conduct today," he adds. Trask smiles and says "Your grandmother seemed to think it was most urgent to see me. May I go upstairs?" Benjamin nervously says "Of course." Trask heads upstairs with his briefcase as Quentin comes out from the door under the stairs. "Who was that?" he asks Benjamin. "Trask is here. Grandmother called him. It can only mean one thing, Quentin. She must want to change her will." Quentin raises an eyebrow.
After the titles, Quentin tells Benjamin that he "can't be sure" that's the reason for Trask's visit, but Benjamin is still worried about the entire "produce an heir" angle that he's obsessing over. Quentin tells Benjamin to get a hold of himself, and that his fears have much more to do with his grief over losing Kitty than with anything else. Benjamin tells Quentin that Kitty was the only woman he ever loved. Quentin counters by telling Benjamin that he's "got a lot of years and a lot of women left to love. You've got to move on." Upstairs, Trask enters Catherine's room and finds her reading. "You're looking well, Catherine," he says. "As are you, Gregory," she says. "Did you bring the papers I asked for?" Trask says yes, though he adds he's not sure why she wants "to make such changes." Catherine tells him that she has "reevaluated some things about her family. I want to make sure that the family will endure." Trask tells her that the Collins family will always find a way to endure, but Catherine says "Enough with the soapy talk. Try to behave like the hard nosed attorney I hired you to be." Trask takes out the papers. Downstairs, Lucy enters the drawing room where Benjamin and Quentin are talking. She is carrying a newspaper and says "Isn't it horrible what happened to that woman." Benjamin agrees, but tells Lucy that she shouldn't worry and that the police will "certainly catch whoever did such a thing." Quentin tells Benjamin that their cousin Carl is "obsessed" with this killer being caught. Benjamin asks Quentin if he thinks it's the same killer that murdered Jenny and Quentin says he doesn't know. Lucy asks if there is some "kind of curse" on the Collins family "or the house. It seems like there is always a series of tragedies here." Quentin looks at her and says "I've often wondered about that myself."
Edward enters the room and scoffs at the idea of "curses" on the family. "I've never heard anything so stupid in all my life," he adds. Quentin smiles and says "Edward, I'm sure some might consider you the curse on the Collins family." Edward tells Quentin that "sarcasm should have no place in the house." Lucy says that Jamison always tells her stories of "horrific things that have happened in the past here." Edward sneers "And you believe the boy? My son has an imagination that is all too active sometimes. No doubt he believes that nonsense from my grandmother about cursed rooms and death lotteries and possession by evil ghostly ancestors. It's all rubbish!" Benjamin grows angry at Edward and says "Our grandmother and grandfather both told us those stories, of how they ended a curse on this family! I believed them because I respect what they have done. You could do the same!" Quentin tells Edward not to mind Benjamin, since "he's upset that Trask is here talking to grandmother about something." Shocked, Edward says "Not the will? She wouldn't! She wouldn't alter it now!" Quentin laughs and says "Well if you're so afraid Edward, why don't you run upstairs and butt your nose right in?" Edward says "I will certainly see what is going on!" He storms out of the room and Quentin signals Benjamin to follow him, which he does. Quentin them walks to Lucy, who is reading the paper. "So, you've been rather a stranger to me since I got back." Lucy holds up the paper and says "You were a stranger to me before you left." Quentin pulls the paper away and says "What happened between me and Charity Trask meant nothing." Lucy says "What about you and Beth?" Quentin turns away. Lucy goes on, adding "Yes, it might be bad enough when you were involved with a governess, but a servant? What would your family say?" Quentin snaps "They'd probably say I wasn't a snob when it came to someone's station in life!" Lucy laughs and says "You're not a snob when it comes to any woman's station, that's for certain." Quentin grabs hold of her and says "Why do I let you get to me so much...." She tries to pull away, but he pulls her close and kisses her. As Quentin is kissing Lucy, the front door opens and Charity Trask (Nancy Barrett) enters. She looks into the drawing room and, flirty, says "Oh, am I interrupting something?" Quentin pulls away from Lucy and says "Some people have the courtesy to knock when they enter someone else's home." Charity walks in, slinky, and adds "And such a nice home too! I know my brother admires it every time he comes here to discuss things with your grandmother. Is he still here?" Quentin says "Yes. He's upstairs if you want him." Charity smiles at Quentin and says "I want lots of things, now don't I?" She leaves as Lucy glares at her. Upstairs, Edward has walked in on Trask and Catherine, and Catherine insists that he leave. Edward implores his grandmother not to "do anything rash" and Trask tells him that "Your grandmother is of sound mind. You have no business here, Edward, I'm sorry." Benjamin enters and takes Edward out of the room before the door is closed. Edward tells Benjamin "I know what she's doing! Valery has succeeded in helping herself to the estate! I see the way Trask looks at her....I bet they are in cahoots!" Benjamin tells Edward to calm himself before getting fed up with Edward's complaining and heading back downstairs. As he comes downstairs, he finds Charity and tells her that her brother "may be awhile." Charity asks if she can wait in the drawing room, and Benjamin says "Of course." As she heads back towards Quentin and Lucy, there is another knock at the door. Benjamin answers the door, and in walks a well-dressed and glamorous looking Alexandra Moltke. Benjamin is shocked as he says "Kitty!" Quentin comes out of the drawing room and looks terrified, also saying "Kitty!" Kitty smiles slyly and says "Hello."
Kitty puts her hat on the rack and says to Benjamin "I know you're surprised to see me after I left, but I had to come back here. After I got your letter." Benjamin is elated and kisses her hand, saying "I wanted you to come back so....but Quentin said that...." Quentin interrupts and says "I told him about following you to Persia. I told him everything." Kitty flippantly says "Well, you forgot to tell him I decided to come back. Is my old room available?" Benjamin says he'll tell Beth to get it ready, and then hugs her, adding "I knew in my heart you'd come back to me!" Benjamin goes through the door under the stairs to get Beth as Lucy and Charity study Quentin's strange reaction to Kitty. "My bags are outside, but I brought my new manservant to take them, you needn't worry," she says. Then, noticing Quentin staring at her, she says "Quentin? Are you all right? You're looking at me most strangely." Quentin says "I'm's just that I didn't expect to see you again." Kitty says "Life is full of surprises, isn't it? Well, I'd like to go upstairs and freshen up. I'll need some rest after my long journey." Quentin says slowly "Of course..." and watches her go upstairs. He bites his thumb and paces as Charity and Lucy watch him. "What's wrong?" Lucy asks. Charity adds "Quentin, I've never seen you like this. What's wrong?" Quentin says "I don't know.... it's Kitty, but it can't be. She died in Persia!" Lucy says "Died? Obviously she didn't! You must have gotten false news." Quentin says "No, you don't understand. I was there. I saw the fire, the building crumble. I even saw the little that was left of her...." He turns to face Charity and Lucy and says "I saw her die with my own eyes!" They don't know what to make of this when we cut to upstairs where Kitty has entered her room and is looking around. She passes the mirror and begins to adjust her hair but when she takes off her gloves, her hands are ancient and bony, with rotting flesh....
Alexandra Moltke's voiceover: "Harrison Collins finds himself trapped in the strange world of parallel time in the year 1897....a fateful year for the Collins family as he will soon discover. For events are beginning that will alter the fate of those living on the great estate, and for some, the fate will be quite terrifying...."
There is a knock at the door of Collinwood. Benjamin leaves the drawing room to answer it, and it is Gregory Trask (Jerry Lacy, looking more like Lamar than the Gregory we remember). Benjamin says hello but asks him why he's here. "I didn't know there was family business to conduct today," he adds. Trask smiles and says "Your grandmother seemed to think it was most urgent to see me. May I go upstairs?" Benjamin nervously says "Of course." Trask heads upstairs with his briefcase as Quentin comes out from the door under the stairs. "Who was that?" he asks Benjamin. "Trask is here. Grandmother called him. It can only mean one thing, Quentin. She must want to change her will." Quentin raises an eyebrow.
After the titles, Quentin tells Benjamin that he "can't be sure" that's the reason for Trask's visit, but Benjamin is still worried about the entire "produce an heir" angle that he's obsessing over. Quentin tells Benjamin to get a hold of himself, and that his fears have much more to do with his grief over losing Kitty than with anything else. Benjamin tells Quentin that Kitty was the only woman he ever loved. Quentin counters by telling Benjamin that he's "got a lot of years and a lot of women left to love. You've got to move on." Upstairs, Trask enters Catherine's room and finds her reading. "You're looking well, Catherine," he says. "As are you, Gregory," she says. "Did you bring the papers I asked for?" Trask says yes, though he adds he's not sure why she wants "to make such changes." Catherine tells him that she has "reevaluated some things about her family. I want to make sure that the family will endure." Trask tells her that the Collins family will always find a way to endure, but Catherine says "Enough with the soapy talk. Try to behave like the hard nosed attorney I hired you to be." Trask takes out the papers. Downstairs, Lucy enters the drawing room where Benjamin and Quentin are talking. She is carrying a newspaper and says "Isn't it horrible what happened to that woman." Benjamin agrees, but tells Lucy that she shouldn't worry and that the police will "certainly catch whoever did such a thing." Quentin tells Benjamin that their cousin Carl is "obsessed" with this killer being caught. Benjamin asks Quentin if he thinks it's the same killer that murdered Jenny and Quentin says he doesn't know. Lucy asks if there is some "kind of curse" on the Collins family "or the house. It seems like there is always a series of tragedies here." Quentin looks at her and says "I've often wondered about that myself."
Edward enters the room and scoffs at the idea of "curses" on the family. "I've never heard anything so stupid in all my life," he adds. Quentin smiles and says "Edward, I'm sure some might consider you the curse on the Collins family." Edward tells Quentin that "sarcasm should have no place in the house." Lucy says that Jamison always tells her stories of "horrific things that have happened in the past here." Edward sneers "And you believe the boy? My son has an imagination that is all too active sometimes. No doubt he believes that nonsense from my grandmother about cursed rooms and death lotteries and possession by evil ghostly ancestors. It's all rubbish!" Benjamin grows angry at Edward and says "Our grandmother and grandfather both told us those stories, of how they ended a curse on this family! I believed them because I respect what they have done. You could do the same!" Quentin tells Edward not to mind Benjamin, since "he's upset that Trask is here talking to grandmother about something." Shocked, Edward says "Not the will? She wouldn't! She wouldn't alter it now!" Quentin laughs and says "Well if you're so afraid Edward, why don't you run upstairs and butt your nose right in?" Edward says "I will certainly see what is going on!" He storms out of the room and Quentin signals Benjamin to follow him, which he does. Quentin them walks to Lucy, who is reading the paper. "So, you've been rather a stranger to me since I got back." Lucy holds up the paper and says "You were a stranger to me before you left." Quentin pulls the paper away and says "What happened between me and Charity Trask meant nothing." Lucy says "What about you and Beth?" Quentin turns away. Lucy goes on, adding "Yes, it might be bad enough when you were involved with a governess, but a servant? What would your family say?" Quentin snaps "They'd probably say I wasn't a snob when it came to someone's station in life!" Lucy laughs and says "You're not a snob when it comes to any woman's station, that's for certain." Quentin grabs hold of her and says "Why do I let you get to me so much...." She tries to pull away, but he pulls her close and kisses her. As Quentin is kissing Lucy, the front door opens and Charity Trask (Nancy Barrett) enters. She looks into the drawing room and, flirty, says "Oh, am I interrupting something?" Quentin pulls away from Lucy and says "Some people have the courtesy to knock when they enter someone else's home." Charity walks in, slinky, and adds "And such a nice home too! I know my brother admires it every time he comes here to discuss things with your grandmother. Is he still here?" Quentin says "Yes. He's upstairs if you want him." Charity smiles at Quentin and says "I want lots of things, now don't I?" She leaves as Lucy glares at her. Upstairs, Edward has walked in on Trask and Catherine, and Catherine insists that he leave. Edward implores his grandmother not to "do anything rash" and Trask tells him that "Your grandmother is of sound mind. You have no business here, Edward, I'm sorry." Benjamin enters and takes Edward out of the room before the door is closed. Edward tells Benjamin "I know what she's doing! Valery has succeeded in helping herself to the estate! I see the way Trask looks at her....I bet they are in cahoots!" Benjamin tells Edward to calm himself before getting fed up with Edward's complaining and heading back downstairs. As he comes downstairs, he finds Charity and tells her that her brother "may be awhile." Charity asks if she can wait in the drawing room, and Benjamin says "Of course." As she heads back towards Quentin and Lucy, there is another knock at the door. Benjamin answers the door, and in walks a well-dressed and glamorous looking Alexandra Moltke. Benjamin is shocked as he says "Kitty!" Quentin comes out of the drawing room and looks terrified, also saying "Kitty!" Kitty smiles slyly and says "Hello."
Kitty puts her hat on the rack and says to Benjamin "I know you're surprised to see me after I left, but I had to come back here. After I got your letter." Benjamin is elated and kisses her hand, saying "I wanted you to come back so....but Quentin said that...." Quentin interrupts and says "I told him about following you to Persia. I told him everything." Kitty flippantly says "Well, you forgot to tell him I decided to come back. Is my old room available?" Benjamin says he'll tell Beth to get it ready, and then hugs her, adding "I knew in my heart you'd come back to me!" Benjamin goes through the door under the stairs to get Beth as Lucy and Charity study Quentin's strange reaction to Kitty. "My bags are outside, but I brought my new manservant to take them, you needn't worry," she says. Then, noticing Quentin staring at her, she says "Quentin? Are you all right? You're looking at me most strangely." Quentin says "I'm's just that I didn't expect to see you again." Kitty says "Life is full of surprises, isn't it? Well, I'd like to go upstairs and freshen up. I'll need some rest after my long journey." Quentin says slowly "Of course..." and watches her go upstairs. He bites his thumb and paces as Charity and Lucy watch him. "What's wrong?" Lucy asks. Charity adds "Quentin, I've never seen you like this. What's wrong?" Quentin says "I don't know.... it's Kitty, but it can't be. She died in Persia!" Lucy says "Died? Obviously she didn't! You must have gotten false news." Quentin says "No, you don't understand. I was there. I saw the fire, the building crumble. I even saw the little that was left of her...." He turns to face Charity and Lucy and says "I saw her die with my own eyes!" They don't know what to make of this when we cut to upstairs where Kitty has entered her room and is looking around. She passes the mirror and begins to adjust her hair but when she takes off her gloves, her hands are ancient and bony, with rotting flesh....
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Episode 1404
Aired: Thursday November 11, 1971
After a replay of Wednesday's close, Alice screams as she looks down at the dead body before her. She runs away, and at Collinwood, Quentin has already heard the screams and opens the door. Alice runs in frantically, and babbles about the body she saw in the woods. Carl keeps asking her what the body looked like, and Quentin tells Judith to call the sheriff. Hearing the commotion, Harrison comes downstairs and asks what is going on. Quentin tells him that "my cousin saw something horrible in the woods." Judith looks at Harrison and asks "Are you our cousin from New York?" Harrison says "Yes...I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances." Judith tells him that she's sure everything will be all right. Quentin tells Harrison to come with him and Carl to see what Alice saw. Harrison agrees, and tells Judith and Alice that everything will be all right. The three men leave, and we cut to the body in the woods. Harrison is shocked to see it, as is Quentin, but Carl is strangely fascinated. "Look at her!" he says. "Her throat...her hands! It's the same as Jenny! The same as Jenny! It's just like Gladstone said!" Quentin asks "What do you mean it's just like Gladstone said? The Sheriff knew about this already?" Carl says "No, but he told me it could happen again! He said the killer would return on this night, Quentin! On this night! Every five years he comes back! And this time, we're gonna catch him Quentin! do you hear? We're gonna catch him!" Harrison and Quentin look at Carl obsessing.
Gladstone is investigating the body while Carl, Harrison and Quentin watch. Gladstone tells Carl that it looks like he was right, though "I wish I wasn't. I remember seeing this poor girl down at the docks every so often." Quentin says "If she worked down at the docks, anyone could have done this. It might not be your mystery killer." Gladstone looks at Quentin and says "Look at those wounds, Mr. Collins. They are the same as every other victim of this maniac. It must be the same man, returned to kill again. A stranger who drifts in and out of a town, killing five victims and then vanishing....." Gladstone looks at Harrison and says "Who are you?" Harrison introduces himself as a cousin of the Collins family from New York, and Gladstone says "New in town then? When did you arrive?" Harrison says he arrived two days ago. Gladstone asks if by train, and Harrison says "Yes," quickly. "Which train was it?" Gladstone asks. Harrison says he can't remember, and Quentin jumps to his defense. "Are you telling me you suspect my cousin? Why are you asking him all these questions?" Gladstone insists he's only doing his job, and Carl says that it's a job worth doing, adding "no offense" to Harrison. Harrison says he's not offended, and hopes they capture whoever did this. Quentin says they should head back to the house and let Gladstone finish his work. Back at Collinwood, Alice is having a brandy and is calmer when Judith lets the three men back in. Judith asks them what happened, and Quentin says "A poor woman was murdered. I'm sure the police can handle it." Carl goes on and on about how the "same killer" has returned until Alice tells him "enough!" Carl says he's sorry she was frightened, but he thinks he will finally see "justice for the man who took my Jenny from me." Harrison takes Quentin aside and says "His wife was murdered in the same way?" Quentin nods and says "Five years ago this very night." Harrison thinks a moment, and we hear him think "What have I gotten myself involved with here?"
Things are calmer at Collinwood as Alice asks Harrison how long he intends to stay. Harrison says he's not sure, but that he's "happy to have found such a huge group of long lost relatives." Alice says she never knew they had any family in New York, but Harrison says "Well, our ancestors spread themselves out hundreds of years ago, I suppose," while looking up at the portrait of PT Isaac. "That ring you are wearing is certainly interesting," Alice adds. "What kind of a jewel is that?" Harrison looks at the cloudy crystal and says "No precious stone, I assure you. I think it was damaged somehow. It's a family heirloom, it goes back a few generations. I guess I'm sentimental about it." Alice asks "So, what area of business are you in, Harrison?" Harrison says he is "in investments, mostly" and "must travel a lot." Alice says "Investments? Your timing couldn't have been better to show up here. This estate will be divided up very soon." Quentin snaps "Alice, I don't want to discuss that matter any further!" Judith agrees, and Harrison tells Alice that he has no interest in the Collins estate, "only in the Collins family." Beth enters the room and tells them that dinner is ready. Quentin leads Harrison and Carl out, but Judith stops Alice. After the men leave, Judith tells Alice "If you think your influence over Gregory Trask will affect changes in Catherine's will, you are sorely mistaken." Alice looks coy and says "My influence over Gregory Trask? How could I influence him?" Judith angrily says "I've never been able to figure that out, in all honesty. Gregory is a successful lawyer with many other clients besides the Collins family. Whatever hold on him you have is beyond me. He could attract any number of young and beautiful women." Alice scowls "What are you saying?" Judith smiles and says "Nothing, dear sister. Shall we have dinner, as the loving family we are?" Alice storms out of the room. Judith smirks and follows.
Beth is cleaning up in the drawing room when Lucy enters. Lucy says she's lost her speller and that Jamison will need it for his lessons tomorrow. Beth tells her she hasn't seen it. Lucy looks at Beth and says "So, Quentin has returned. Has this affected your work? Beth says "I don't know what you mean." Lucy smiles and says "Don't you now... I see the way you look at him. Do you think nobody knows what happened between the two of you?" Beth turns away and says "That happened a long time ago." Lucy laughs and says "Not long enough! Why would you still be working here, waiting for him to come back?" Beth looks at Lucy and says "I could say the same of you too. You were offered a job at that finishing school in Boston, and you turned it down to stay here." Lucy says she was devoted to Jamison, but Beth laughs and says that "You are devoted to Quentin." Lucy says "Then we're both in the same position, aren't we? Though at least I know that I don't have to worry about competing against another blonde if that's what Quentin prefers....if he turns to Charity Trask again...." Beth confronts Lucy and tells her "Quentin would never turn to her!" Lucy taunts, saying "Oh, you wouldn't let him? Like you've ever been able to control him before." Beth sneers "That's what it's all about to you, isn't it? Controlling him?" Lucy thinks a moment and says "Perhaps." She picks up a book and says "Oh, there's my speller. That's all I came in here for anyway." She leaves and Beth angrily closes the drawing room doors. After a moment, Quentin enters and asks Beth why she slammed the doors. Beth tries for an answer, but can't. She starts to cry and runs out of the room. Quentin runs after her calling "Beth! What's wrong?" But she is gone. From the top of the stairs, Lucy says "She can be so emotional, can't she?" Quentin looks at Lucy, knowing she's responsible.
After a replay of Wednesday's close, Alice screams as she looks down at the dead body before her. She runs away, and at Collinwood, Quentin has already heard the screams and opens the door. Alice runs in frantically, and babbles about the body she saw in the woods. Carl keeps asking her what the body looked like, and Quentin tells Judith to call the sheriff. Hearing the commotion, Harrison comes downstairs and asks what is going on. Quentin tells him that "my cousin saw something horrible in the woods." Judith looks at Harrison and asks "Are you our cousin from New York?" Harrison says "Yes...I'm sorry to meet you under these circumstances." Judith tells him that she's sure everything will be all right. Quentin tells Harrison to come with him and Carl to see what Alice saw. Harrison agrees, and tells Judith and Alice that everything will be all right. The three men leave, and we cut to the body in the woods. Harrison is shocked to see it, as is Quentin, but Carl is strangely fascinated. "Look at her!" he says. "Her throat...her hands! It's the same as Jenny! The same as Jenny! It's just like Gladstone said!" Quentin asks "What do you mean it's just like Gladstone said? The Sheriff knew about this already?" Carl says "No, but he told me it could happen again! He said the killer would return on this night, Quentin! On this night! Every five years he comes back! And this time, we're gonna catch him Quentin! do you hear? We're gonna catch him!" Harrison and Quentin look at Carl obsessing.
Gladstone is investigating the body while Carl, Harrison and Quentin watch. Gladstone tells Carl that it looks like he was right, though "I wish I wasn't. I remember seeing this poor girl down at the docks every so often." Quentin says "If she worked down at the docks, anyone could have done this. It might not be your mystery killer." Gladstone looks at Quentin and says "Look at those wounds, Mr. Collins. They are the same as every other victim of this maniac. It must be the same man, returned to kill again. A stranger who drifts in and out of a town, killing five victims and then vanishing....." Gladstone looks at Harrison and says "Who are you?" Harrison introduces himself as a cousin of the Collins family from New York, and Gladstone says "New in town then? When did you arrive?" Harrison says he arrived two days ago. Gladstone asks if by train, and Harrison says "Yes," quickly. "Which train was it?" Gladstone asks. Harrison says he can't remember, and Quentin jumps to his defense. "Are you telling me you suspect my cousin? Why are you asking him all these questions?" Gladstone insists he's only doing his job, and Carl says that it's a job worth doing, adding "no offense" to Harrison. Harrison says he's not offended, and hopes they capture whoever did this. Quentin says they should head back to the house and let Gladstone finish his work. Back at Collinwood, Alice is having a brandy and is calmer when Judith lets the three men back in. Judith asks them what happened, and Quentin says "A poor woman was murdered. I'm sure the police can handle it." Carl goes on and on about how the "same killer" has returned until Alice tells him "enough!" Carl says he's sorry she was frightened, but he thinks he will finally see "justice for the man who took my Jenny from me." Harrison takes Quentin aside and says "His wife was murdered in the same way?" Quentin nods and says "Five years ago this very night." Harrison thinks a moment, and we hear him think "What have I gotten myself involved with here?"
Things are calmer at Collinwood as Alice asks Harrison how long he intends to stay. Harrison says he's not sure, but that he's "happy to have found such a huge group of long lost relatives." Alice says she never knew they had any family in New York, but Harrison says "Well, our ancestors spread themselves out hundreds of years ago, I suppose," while looking up at the portrait of PT Isaac. "That ring you are wearing is certainly interesting," Alice adds. "What kind of a jewel is that?" Harrison looks at the cloudy crystal and says "No precious stone, I assure you. I think it was damaged somehow. It's a family heirloom, it goes back a few generations. I guess I'm sentimental about it." Alice asks "So, what area of business are you in, Harrison?" Harrison says he is "in investments, mostly" and "must travel a lot." Alice says "Investments? Your timing couldn't have been better to show up here. This estate will be divided up very soon." Quentin snaps "Alice, I don't want to discuss that matter any further!" Judith agrees, and Harrison tells Alice that he has no interest in the Collins estate, "only in the Collins family." Beth enters the room and tells them that dinner is ready. Quentin leads Harrison and Carl out, but Judith stops Alice. After the men leave, Judith tells Alice "If you think your influence over Gregory Trask will affect changes in Catherine's will, you are sorely mistaken." Alice looks coy and says "My influence over Gregory Trask? How could I influence him?" Judith angrily says "I've never been able to figure that out, in all honesty. Gregory is a successful lawyer with many other clients besides the Collins family. Whatever hold on him you have is beyond me. He could attract any number of young and beautiful women." Alice scowls "What are you saying?" Judith smiles and says "Nothing, dear sister. Shall we have dinner, as the loving family we are?" Alice storms out of the room. Judith smirks and follows.
Beth is cleaning up in the drawing room when Lucy enters. Lucy says she's lost her speller and that Jamison will need it for his lessons tomorrow. Beth tells her she hasn't seen it. Lucy looks at Beth and says "So, Quentin has returned. Has this affected your work? Beth says "I don't know what you mean." Lucy smiles and says "Don't you now... I see the way you look at him. Do you think nobody knows what happened between the two of you?" Beth turns away and says "That happened a long time ago." Lucy laughs and says "Not long enough! Why would you still be working here, waiting for him to come back?" Beth looks at Lucy and says "I could say the same of you too. You were offered a job at that finishing school in Boston, and you turned it down to stay here." Lucy says she was devoted to Jamison, but Beth laughs and says that "You are devoted to Quentin." Lucy says "Then we're both in the same position, aren't we? Though at least I know that I don't have to worry about competing against another blonde if that's what Quentin prefers....if he turns to Charity Trask again...." Beth confronts Lucy and tells her "Quentin would never turn to her!" Lucy taunts, saying "Oh, you wouldn't let him? Like you've ever been able to control him before." Beth sneers "That's what it's all about to you, isn't it? Controlling him?" Lucy thinks a moment and says "Perhaps." She picks up a book and says "Oh, there's my speller. That's all I came in here for anyway." She leaves and Beth angrily closes the drawing room doors. After a moment, Quentin enters and asks Beth why she slammed the doors. Beth tries for an answer, but can't. She starts to cry and runs out of the room. Quentin runs after her calling "Beth! What's wrong?" But she is gone. From the top of the stairs, Lucy says "She can be so emotional, can't she?" Quentin looks at Lucy, knowing she's responsible.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Episode 1403
Aired: Wednesday November 10, 1971
Grayson Hall's voiceover: "Harrison Collins, after saving the Collins family of the present from destruction, has passed through the mirror of time into a strange parallel world in the year 1897. He finds himself caught in the middle of a family struggle over the future of the Collins family in this timeband....but little does he know that the mysteries of this strange world are only deepening..."
In the old house, Judith Collins (Joan Bennett) sits doing needlepoint as young Nora (Sharon Smythe) runs up to her with a ball of yarn. Judith thanks her, and asks her if she's seen her father. Nora says "he just woke up, I think." Judith looks concerned and says "It's very late to just be waking up..." Walking down the stairs, groggy, is Carl Collins (John Karlen). Judith takes one look at him and sends Nora out to play. "You were drinking again last night," she says. Carl looks at her and sneers "You're my sister, not my mother. I'm a big boy and I'll do what I want." Judith says "You have to stop punishing yourself every time this anniversary comes up! Carl, you need to move on with your life!" Carl humphs, and says "My life? My life ended five years ago this very night, when my Jenny was taken from me!" He storms out of the house and slams the door. Judith starts to follow when her spinster sister Alice Collins (Grayson Hall) enters the living room and sneers "I see our brother has begun his annual bender." Judith scowls at her and says "You could do more to help him than simply pass judgment!" Alice sneers.
After the titles, Quentin is having coffee in the drawing room when Benjamin enters. He tells Quentin that "grandmother had a good night...she seems much better this morning." Quentin doesn't say anything but only looks at Benjamin sadly. Benjamin asks what is wrong, and Quentin says nothing. Benjamin closes the doors and says "You did see her, didn't you? That's why you're being so secretive. Please, tell me!" Quentin takes a deep breath and says "I don't know how to tell you when you're so worried about our grandmother." Benjamin asks "Then you did see her. And from your tone, I'll assume that she refused my letter and will not be coming back here." Quentin says "It's more than that. When I got your telegram in Paris, I tried to relay your letter to Kitty. I wound up following her halfway around the world while she looked for art for her collection." Benjamin asks "You followed her?" Quentin says "Yes. I thought if I stayed with her I could bring her back here with me. I know how much you care about her." Benjamin says "But you didn't bring her back." Quentin faces Benjamin and says "I couldn't, Benjamin. She died." Benjamin is shocked to hear this. Meanwhile, Carl enters the Blue Whale and goes to the bar. After a moment, Sheriff Gladstone (Chris Pennock) enters the bar and sees Carl. Gladstone walks to him and says "I knew I'd find you here on this day." Carl asks Gladstone if he'll drink with him. Gladstone answers "Not right now. I don't want you to drink too much either, Carl. I may have something on your wife's murderer." Carl is interested.
Benjamin can't believe that "my Kitty" is dead, but Quentin says that she died in a fire in Persia. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you," Quentin adds. Benjamin blames himself for "driving her away" but Quentin turns away and says "It wasn't you, Benjamin, it was her. I don't think she was the person you thought she was." Benjamin asks him what he means, and Quentin says "Oh, it doesn't matter now. What matters now is that you move on and find someone else." Benjamin says he doesn't know if he can right away. "I'm afraid I don't have your manner when it comes to women," he adds. Quentin quips "I'd be happy to teach you." Benjamin smiles and says "Edward would accuse you of having that affect on Jamison." Quentin sneers and says "Edward is hardly a father to that boy. He forced Jamison's mother out of this house and seems determined to do the same to the rest of us. Well, dear brother, I intend to keep that from happening, any way I can." Benjamin wonders what he means. At the old house, Judith tells Alice that they should find Carl so that they can go to the main house and meet "our New York cousin." Alice says that Carl is "probably down at the docks, drinking. Why don't you go get him?" Judith tells Alice "Perhaps I should, since he trusts me more than you anyway." Alice starts to fix her hair in the mirror as Judith leaves.
At the Blue Whale, Carl asks Gladstone "What do you mean you have new information?" Gladstone takes Carl to a table and takes out a folder filled with papers and old newspaper clippings. "Now you know I'm also very interested in this case, Carl. The same man who killed your wife five years ago also killed my best deputy...and my friend. I swore I'd bring him to the gallows for what he did, but then he just vanished. But look here.... in these newspapers. I've found a pattern!" Carl looks through the clippings and reads aloud "The Bangor Gazette...1887...and the Portland Call from 1882....the Durham Star from 1877.... five year intervals. All these papers are five years apart." Gladstone smiles excitedly and says "Exactly. And look at the stories.... each time, a string of five murders. Every victim with their throats slashed and...." Carl reads from the papers continuing "...and their hands chopped off. All the same! It must be the same killer!" Gladstone answers "Yes. Somehow, this maniac turns up in a different town every five years and kills five people before vanishing again." Carl says "Do you think it's really all the same man?" Gladstone points at the papers and says "None of these other killings have ever been solved. Only in Durham, they hung some poor devil who swore his innocence until the end... I'm starting to believe he really was innocent." Carl says "But how can you catch him? You still have no idea who you're looking for." Gladstone says "It's been five years to this very day. Look at the dates on those papers. It always begins and ends on the same exact day! I've notified all the law in this state as to my theory. If a victim turns up with the same clues, we'll know where to begin looking!" Carl tells Gladstone "I want you to get him! I want him dead for what he did to my Jenny!" Judith arrives and says hello to Gladstone. She tells Carl that they need to go back to Collinwood to meet their newly arrived cousin from New York. "Someone after the money? Carl says sarcastically. Judith says "No. From what I understand, he's a man of independent means." Carl says "Well, in that case, I'd better meet him." Gladstone tells Carl he'll be in touch and Carl thanks him before leaving.
At Collinwood, Quentin opens the door and lets Carl and Judith in. He asks if Alice is coming, and Judith says "She's not here yet? I went to get Carl in town, I thought she'd be here by now." Quentin says "I'm sure she'll grace us with her appearance later." Judith asks "How is your grandmother?" Quentin smiles and says "I think she'll surprise us all and live to 100." Judith asks Quentin to tell her about his trip as Carl follows quietly. Quentin hesitates at offering him a drink, and Carl says "Don't worry, Quentin. I don't want a drink right now. For the first time in five years, I think I feel a sense of hope again." Judith asks Carl what he and the sheriff were discussing, and Carl answers "I think he's onto something. And if he's right, we may find the man who killed my Jenny." Meanwhile, Alice leaves the old house and heads into the woods. As she is walking, she hears the sounds of footsteps behind her. She turns to see and calls "Hello? Judith? Is that you?" but there is no answer. The footsteps speed up and fade in the distance. Alice is confused, but shrugs and continues on the path to Collinwood. Suddenly she stops and gasps - there is a body laying at her feet. Alice looks closely at it, and sees it is a dead woman - her throat has been slashed - and both her hands have been chopped off. Alice screams.
Grayson Hall's voiceover: "Harrison Collins, after saving the Collins family of the present from destruction, has passed through the mirror of time into a strange parallel world in the year 1897. He finds himself caught in the middle of a family struggle over the future of the Collins family in this timeband....but little does he know that the mysteries of this strange world are only deepening..."
In the old house, Judith Collins (Joan Bennett) sits doing needlepoint as young Nora (Sharon Smythe) runs up to her with a ball of yarn. Judith thanks her, and asks her if she's seen her father. Nora says "he just woke up, I think." Judith looks concerned and says "It's very late to just be waking up..." Walking down the stairs, groggy, is Carl Collins (John Karlen). Judith takes one look at him and sends Nora out to play. "You were drinking again last night," she says. Carl looks at her and sneers "You're my sister, not my mother. I'm a big boy and I'll do what I want." Judith says "You have to stop punishing yourself every time this anniversary comes up! Carl, you need to move on with your life!" Carl humphs, and says "My life? My life ended five years ago this very night, when my Jenny was taken from me!" He storms out of the house and slams the door. Judith starts to follow when her spinster sister Alice Collins (Grayson Hall) enters the living room and sneers "I see our brother has begun his annual bender." Judith scowls at her and says "You could do more to help him than simply pass judgment!" Alice sneers.
After the titles, Quentin is having coffee in the drawing room when Benjamin enters. He tells Quentin that "grandmother had a good night...she seems much better this morning." Quentin doesn't say anything but only looks at Benjamin sadly. Benjamin asks what is wrong, and Quentin says nothing. Benjamin closes the doors and says "You did see her, didn't you? That's why you're being so secretive. Please, tell me!" Quentin takes a deep breath and says "I don't know how to tell you when you're so worried about our grandmother." Benjamin asks "Then you did see her. And from your tone, I'll assume that she refused my letter and will not be coming back here." Quentin says "It's more than that. When I got your telegram in Paris, I tried to relay your letter to Kitty. I wound up following her halfway around the world while she looked for art for her collection." Benjamin asks "You followed her?" Quentin says "Yes. I thought if I stayed with her I could bring her back here with me. I know how much you care about her." Benjamin says "But you didn't bring her back." Quentin faces Benjamin and says "I couldn't, Benjamin. She died." Benjamin is shocked to hear this. Meanwhile, Carl enters the Blue Whale and goes to the bar. After a moment, Sheriff Gladstone (Chris Pennock) enters the bar and sees Carl. Gladstone walks to him and says "I knew I'd find you here on this day." Carl asks Gladstone if he'll drink with him. Gladstone answers "Not right now. I don't want you to drink too much either, Carl. I may have something on your wife's murderer." Carl is interested.
Benjamin can't believe that "my Kitty" is dead, but Quentin says that she died in a fire in Persia. "I'm sorry to be the one to tell you," Quentin adds. Benjamin blames himself for "driving her away" but Quentin turns away and says "It wasn't you, Benjamin, it was her. I don't think she was the person you thought she was." Benjamin asks him what he means, and Quentin says "Oh, it doesn't matter now. What matters now is that you move on and find someone else." Benjamin says he doesn't know if he can right away. "I'm afraid I don't have your manner when it comes to women," he adds. Quentin quips "I'd be happy to teach you." Benjamin smiles and says "Edward would accuse you of having that affect on Jamison." Quentin sneers and says "Edward is hardly a father to that boy. He forced Jamison's mother out of this house and seems determined to do the same to the rest of us. Well, dear brother, I intend to keep that from happening, any way I can." Benjamin wonders what he means. At the old house, Judith tells Alice that they should find Carl so that they can go to the main house and meet "our New York cousin." Alice says that Carl is "probably down at the docks, drinking. Why don't you go get him?" Judith tells Alice "Perhaps I should, since he trusts me more than you anyway." Alice starts to fix her hair in the mirror as Judith leaves.
At the Blue Whale, Carl asks Gladstone "What do you mean you have new information?" Gladstone takes Carl to a table and takes out a folder filled with papers and old newspaper clippings. "Now you know I'm also very interested in this case, Carl. The same man who killed your wife five years ago also killed my best deputy...and my friend. I swore I'd bring him to the gallows for what he did, but then he just vanished. But look here.... in these newspapers. I've found a pattern!" Carl looks through the clippings and reads aloud "The Bangor Gazette...1887...and the Portland Call from 1882....the Durham Star from 1877.... five year intervals. All these papers are five years apart." Gladstone smiles excitedly and says "Exactly. And look at the stories.... each time, a string of five murders. Every victim with their throats slashed and...." Carl reads from the papers continuing "...and their hands chopped off. All the same! It must be the same killer!" Gladstone answers "Yes. Somehow, this maniac turns up in a different town every five years and kills five people before vanishing again." Carl says "Do you think it's really all the same man?" Gladstone points at the papers and says "None of these other killings have ever been solved. Only in Durham, they hung some poor devil who swore his innocence until the end... I'm starting to believe he really was innocent." Carl says "But how can you catch him? You still have no idea who you're looking for." Gladstone says "It's been five years to this very day. Look at the dates on those papers. It always begins and ends on the same exact day! I've notified all the law in this state as to my theory. If a victim turns up with the same clues, we'll know where to begin looking!" Carl tells Gladstone "I want you to get him! I want him dead for what he did to my Jenny!" Judith arrives and says hello to Gladstone. She tells Carl that they need to go back to Collinwood to meet their newly arrived cousin from New York. "Someone after the money? Carl says sarcastically. Judith says "No. From what I understand, he's a man of independent means." Carl says "Well, in that case, I'd better meet him." Gladstone tells Carl he'll be in touch and Carl thanks him before leaving.
At Collinwood, Quentin opens the door and lets Carl and Judith in. He asks if Alice is coming, and Judith says "She's not here yet? I went to get Carl in town, I thought she'd be here by now." Quentin says "I'm sure she'll grace us with her appearance later." Judith asks "How is your grandmother?" Quentin smiles and says "I think she'll surprise us all and live to 100." Judith asks Quentin to tell her about his trip as Carl follows quietly. Quentin hesitates at offering him a drink, and Carl says "Don't worry, Quentin. I don't want a drink right now. For the first time in five years, I think I feel a sense of hope again." Judith asks Carl what he and the sheriff were discussing, and Carl answers "I think he's onto something. And if he's right, we may find the man who killed my Jenny." Meanwhile, Alice leaves the old house and heads into the woods. As she is walking, she hears the sounds of footsteps behind her. She turns to see and calls "Hello? Judith? Is that you?" but there is no answer. The footsteps speed up and fade in the distance. Alice is confused, but shrugs and continues on the path to Collinwood. Suddenly she stops and gasps - there is a body laying at her feet. Alice looks closely at it, and sees it is a dead woman - her throat has been slashed - and both her hands have been chopped off. Alice screams.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Episode 1402
Aired: Tuesday November 9, 1971
After a repeat of Monday's close and the titles, Catherine cowers from Harrison as Benjamin and Valery ask her what is wrong. "Grandmother, please!" Benjamin says. Harrison steps back and apologizes for scaring Catherine, who starts taking deep breaths to recover. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry," she says. "It can't be him... but that face, he looks just like him!" Harrison asks Valery who Morgan is, and Valery answers "An ancestor of ours who went insane and became dangerous...I suppose you look like him to grandmother." Harrison looks at Benjamin and quips "I had hoped my family resemblance would work to endear me to you." Catherine calls Harrison over, who tells her he's sorry he reminds her of someone she was once frightened of, and she says "It's all right, I was only startled by it. So, you are from New York?" Harrison answers yes, and repeats his story about passing through to get to know the family. "Some of us are better to know than others, " Catherine says with a wicked smile, and Benjamin tells her that she ought to rest after getting so excited. "We shall talk later," Harrison says as he kisses her hand. Valery is impressed with Harrison, but Benjamin still seems to suspect him as they lead Harrison from the room. We dissolve to the clock striking 8 in the morning. As we pan over to the front door, it opens and Quentin (complete with those Mike Nesmith 1897 sideburns) enters carrying some baggage. He looks around and sees no one there, until the drawing room doors open and Jamison (David Henesy) comes out. Quentin smiles at him and says "Well, the first person I wanted to see when I came back, and there he is." Jamison runs to Quentin and asks him if he plans "to stay at Collinwood this time." Quentin asks Jamison why he thinks he'd leave, and Jamison answers "It seems as if you're always traveling." Quentin answers "Well, this time I went to some very interesting places to tell you about." Jamison answers "My father told me you were being foolish and that you should stay here to help run the family business." Quentin shrugs and answers "Your father thinks everyone is foolish, I wouldn't worry about it. Why don't you run and get him and tell him I'm here." Jamison runs upstairs as Quentin enters the drawing room. Sitting there putting away her lessons is the governess Lucy Drew (Virginia Vestoff). Quentin says hello to her and slyly asks "Did you miss me?" Lucy coldly says "Not very much" as she picks up her book and leaves the room. Quentin laughs a little.
Quentin is having a drink when Benjamin enters the room. "Quentin!" he says. "When did you get back?" Quentin answers "About an hour ago. Where is everyone this morning? I thought I'd get a hero's welcome when I returned." Benjamin answers that most people wouldn't consider what Quentin did heroic. "I see Edward has had his influence on you since I went away," Quentin answers. "You shouldn't have left to go globetrotting with grandmother so ill," Benjamin answers. Quentin counters that "cousin Valery" can look after grandmother, and Benjamin answers "that is the problem." Quentin faces Benjamin and says "It's only a problem to our older brother Edward, who seems convinced that grandmother will look beyond personality and only at age when she decides who is to control this estate." Benjamin tells Quentin that "no single one of us" should control the entire estate, and Quentin agrees, saying "There should always be a place for any Collins in this house. But you and I know that Edward doesn't share these feelings." Benjamin answers that "Grandmother only speaks of us in terms of producing heirs these days," and seems fretful. Quentin, curious, asks "Heirs? Grandmother wants us all to have children before we get a share of the estate?" Benjamin nods and says "It seems so... which means that Edward will be favored. Jamison is the oldest of the next generation...." Quentin smiles and says "Well, I'm sure Jamison will allow his two uncles to have a roof over their heads. Besides, you're forgetting our cousins who live in the old house. They might be part of this as well." Benjamin says "Perhaps." Quentin answers "Enough of this morbid talk. I'd like to see grandmother, and I'm sure she'd like to see me. Is she awake?" Benjamin says he'll go and check, but before he goes, he asks Quentin "I was afraid to ask but I must know.... did you see her? Did you see her at all?" Quentin thinks a moment and looks dour before answering "No, Benjamin. I didn't." Benjamin is saddened by this and leaves. After a moment, we hear the drawing room doors shut and Edward is standing there, sneering. "Well," he says. "I'm sure you didn't look very hard for her, now did you, dear brother?" Quentin glares at Edward.
Quentin tells Edward that he has "all his usual charm, which is none." Edward tells Quentin that he never should have come back, since all it will do it "confuse things and complicate matters in the family." Quentin laughs and tells Edward not to start counting all the money just yet. Valery enters the room and when she sees Quentin, she runs to him and gives him a big hug. "Now, that's what I call a warm family greeting," Quentin says. Edward says "Enjoy it while you still can," and walks out of the room. Valery asks Quentin to tell her about his travels, but Quentin shuts the door and says "I will, but first I must ask you to keep a secret for me." Valery asks what, and Quentin says "I don't know how to tell Benjamin...but I saw her. I saw Kitty. And the news.... isn't good." Valery is shocked. Meanwhile, Harrison is walking down the hall and bumps into Jamison. Jamison says hello and asks who he is, and Harrison tells him he is a cousin from New York who has come to stay for a while. "You haven't come to fight over the money, have you?" Jamison asks. Harrison answers "No. I don't want anything but to know you all." Jamison smiles and says "Really? It seems like that's all everyone does around here is fight over the money. Great-grandmother isn't going to die! I hate when they talk like she is." Harrison tells Jamison "I do too. I met her earlier, and she seems a wonderful woman." Jamison answers "My uncle Quentin and my cousin Valery are the only ones who really care about her. Maybe Uncle Benjamin, but I never know about him." Harrison says he'd like to meet Quentin, and Jamison says "He's downstairs. He just came back from his trip." Harrison says "Really...." and starts to head downstairs.
Harrison enters the drawing room and finds Quentin and Valery talking. Valery introduces Harrison to Quentin, who shakes his hand and asks why he has come to Collinwood. Harrison laughs a little and says "Everyone keeps asking me that as if I have a sinister motive. I've only come to meet my relatives, that's all." Quentin answers "Forgive me, but we're all of a suspicious nature here." Valery answers "Don't listen to him, Harrison. Some of us can be quite friendly." Harrison smiles at her and says "I was counting on that." Benjamin suddenly comes into the room and says frantically "Quentin! You must come quickly! It's grandmother!" Quentin looks concerned and follows Benjamin out of the room. In Catherine's room, Edward is by her side as she is wheezing. Quentin comes in with Benjamin and says "Grandmother...I'm here, I'm back. I know you wanted to see me." She smiles weakly and puts out her hand. "My time is coming..." she says. Quentin tells her no, and that she will "live forever." She laughs a weak laugh and says "Always the charmer.... ever since you were a little boy... before your parents died so young....and now it will be my turn...." Benjamin says "Grandmother, stop talking like that, please." Catherine sits up and says "I'm glad you are all here, the men of the Collins family. I know you are all wondering what my intentions are for the estate...." and as she looks at Edward she says "I know some of you are more concerned than others.....but I wish for all of you to be happy.....happiness if found in children were my joy.....I lost them too will need to have children of your own, Benjamin, Quentin....." She starts to fade a little and Quentin says "Grandmother, you need your rest." Catherine says "I must tell you this now, I may not get another chance. I've...changed my will." Edward is shocked and says "What? What do you mean?" Catherine says "I've changed my will in accordance with my will will see....." She lays back and closes her eyes. Quentin calls "Grandmother! Grandmother!" Benjamin, concerned, asks "Is she...." Quentin says "No, she's only asleep." Benjamin sighs "Thank God." Edward snaps "How could she have changed her will? What did she mean?" Quentin stands up and tells Edward "You look like a vulture circling her bed. I ought to throw you out of this house!" Edward sneers "I'm sure you wish you could!" Benjamin steps between them and says "Please, let's not fight here. Let's leave grandmother in peace." He leads the two out of the room with him. In the hallway, Edward snaps at Benjamin "I wouldn't expect you to take his side." Benjamin finally gets angry and snaps at Edward "This shouldn't be about taking sides! Everything is a fight for power with you, didn't you hear a thing she said? She's favoring those of us with children! That means you, Edward! Doesn't that satisfy your greed?" Edward says "How dare you!" before storming off. Quentin puts his hand on Benjamin's shoulder and says "Well, I guess I'm really home!"
After a repeat of Monday's close and the titles, Catherine cowers from Harrison as Benjamin and Valery ask her what is wrong. "Grandmother, please!" Benjamin says. Harrison steps back and apologizes for scaring Catherine, who starts taking deep breaths to recover. "I'm sorry...I'm sorry," she says. "It can't be him... but that face, he looks just like him!" Harrison asks Valery who Morgan is, and Valery answers "An ancestor of ours who went insane and became dangerous...I suppose you look like him to grandmother." Harrison looks at Benjamin and quips "I had hoped my family resemblance would work to endear me to you." Catherine calls Harrison over, who tells her he's sorry he reminds her of someone she was once frightened of, and she says "It's all right, I was only startled by it. So, you are from New York?" Harrison answers yes, and repeats his story about passing through to get to know the family. "Some of us are better to know than others, " Catherine says with a wicked smile, and Benjamin tells her that she ought to rest after getting so excited. "We shall talk later," Harrison says as he kisses her hand. Valery is impressed with Harrison, but Benjamin still seems to suspect him as they lead Harrison from the room. We dissolve to the clock striking 8 in the morning. As we pan over to the front door, it opens and Quentin (complete with those Mike Nesmith 1897 sideburns) enters carrying some baggage. He looks around and sees no one there, until the drawing room doors open and Jamison (David Henesy) comes out. Quentin smiles at him and says "Well, the first person I wanted to see when I came back, and there he is." Jamison runs to Quentin and asks him if he plans "to stay at Collinwood this time." Quentin asks Jamison why he thinks he'd leave, and Jamison answers "It seems as if you're always traveling." Quentin answers "Well, this time I went to some very interesting places to tell you about." Jamison answers "My father told me you were being foolish and that you should stay here to help run the family business." Quentin shrugs and answers "Your father thinks everyone is foolish, I wouldn't worry about it. Why don't you run and get him and tell him I'm here." Jamison runs upstairs as Quentin enters the drawing room. Sitting there putting away her lessons is the governess Lucy Drew (Virginia Vestoff). Quentin says hello to her and slyly asks "Did you miss me?" Lucy coldly says "Not very much" as she picks up her book and leaves the room. Quentin laughs a little.
Quentin is having a drink when Benjamin enters the room. "Quentin!" he says. "When did you get back?" Quentin answers "About an hour ago. Where is everyone this morning? I thought I'd get a hero's welcome when I returned." Benjamin answers that most people wouldn't consider what Quentin did heroic. "I see Edward has had his influence on you since I went away," Quentin answers. "You shouldn't have left to go globetrotting with grandmother so ill," Benjamin answers. Quentin counters that "cousin Valery" can look after grandmother, and Benjamin answers "that is the problem." Quentin faces Benjamin and says "It's only a problem to our older brother Edward, who seems convinced that grandmother will look beyond personality and only at age when she decides who is to control this estate." Benjamin tells Quentin that "no single one of us" should control the entire estate, and Quentin agrees, saying "There should always be a place for any Collins in this house. But you and I know that Edward doesn't share these feelings." Benjamin answers that "Grandmother only speaks of us in terms of producing heirs these days," and seems fretful. Quentin, curious, asks "Heirs? Grandmother wants us all to have children before we get a share of the estate?" Benjamin nods and says "It seems so... which means that Edward will be favored. Jamison is the oldest of the next generation...." Quentin smiles and says "Well, I'm sure Jamison will allow his two uncles to have a roof over their heads. Besides, you're forgetting our cousins who live in the old house. They might be part of this as well." Benjamin says "Perhaps." Quentin answers "Enough of this morbid talk. I'd like to see grandmother, and I'm sure she'd like to see me. Is she awake?" Benjamin says he'll go and check, but before he goes, he asks Quentin "I was afraid to ask but I must know.... did you see her? Did you see her at all?" Quentin thinks a moment and looks dour before answering "No, Benjamin. I didn't." Benjamin is saddened by this and leaves. After a moment, we hear the drawing room doors shut and Edward is standing there, sneering. "Well," he says. "I'm sure you didn't look very hard for her, now did you, dear brother?" Quentin glares at Edward.
Quentin tells Edward that he has "all his usual charm, which is none." Edward tells Quentin that he never should have come back, since all it will do it "confuse things and complicate matters in the family." Quentin laughs and tells Edward not to start counting all the money just yet. Valery enters the room and when she sees Quentin, she runs to him and gives him a big hug. "Now, that's what I call a warm family greeting," Quentin says. Edward says "Enjoy it while you still can," and walks out of the room. Valery asks Quentin to tell her about his travels, but Quentin shuts the door and says "I will, but first I must ask you to keep a secret for me." Valery asks what, and Quentin says "I don't know how to tell Benjamin...but I saw her. I saw Kitty. And the news.... isn't good." Valery is shocked. Meanwhile, Harrison is walking down the hall and bumps into Jamison. Jamison says hello and asks who he is, and Harrison tells him he is a cousin from New York who has come to stay for a while. "You haven't come to fight over the money, have you?" Jamison asks. Harrison answers "No. I don't want anything but to know you all." Jamison smiles and says "Really? It seems like that's all everyone does around here is fight over the money. Great-grandmother isn't going to die! I hate when they talk like she is." Harrison tells Jamison "I do too. I met her earlier, and she seems a wonderful woman." Jamison answers "My uncle Quentin and my cousin Valery are the only ones who really care about her. Maybe Uncle Benjamin, but I never know about him." Harrison says he'd like to meet Quentin, and Jamison says "He's downstairs. He just came back from his trip." Harrison says "Really...." and starts to head downstairs.
Harrison enters the drawing room and finds Quentin and Valery talking. Valery introduces Harrison to Quentin, who shakes his hand and asks why he has come to Collinwood. Harrison laughs a little and says "Everyone keeps asking me that as if I have a sinister motive. I've only come to meet my relatives, that's all." Quentin answers "Forgive me, but we're all of a suspicious nature here." Valery answers "Don't listen to him, Harrison. Some of us can be quite friendly." Harrison smiles at her and says "I was counting on that." Benjamin suddenly comes into the room and says frantically "Quentin! You must come quickly! It's grandmother!" Quentin looks concerned and follows Benjamin out of the room. In Catherine's room, Edward is by her side as she is wheezing. Quentin comes in with Benjamin and says "Grandmother...I'm here, I'm back. I know you wanted to see me." She smiles weakly and puts out her hand. "My time is coming..." she says. Quentin tells her no, and that she will "live forever." She laughs a weak laugh and says "Always the charmer.... ever since you were a little boy... before your parents died so young....and now it will be my turn...." Benjamin says "Grandmother, stop talking like that, please." Catherine sits up and says "I'm glad you are all here, the men of the Collins family. I know you are all wondering what my intentions are for the estate...." and as she looks at Edward she says "I know some of you are more concerned than others.....but I wish for all of you to be happy.....happiness if found in children were my joy.....I lost them too will need to have children of your own, Benjamin, Quentin....." She starts to fade a little and Quentin says "Grandmother, you need your rest." Catherine says "I must tell you this now, I may not get another chance. I've...changed my will." Edward is shocked and says "What? What do you mean?" Catherine says "I've changed my will in accordance with my will will see....." She lays back and closes her eyes. Quentin calls "Grandmother! Grandmother!" Benjamin, concerned, asks "Is she...." Quentin says "No, she's only asleep." Benjamin sighs "Thank God." Edward snaps "How could she have changed her will? What did she mean?" Quentin stands up and tells Edward "You look like a vulture circling her bed. I ought to throw you out of this house!" Edward sneers "I'm sure you wish you could!" Benjamin steps between them and says "Please, let's not fight here. Let's leave grandmother in peace." He leads the two out of the room with him. In the hallway, Edward snaps at Benjamin "I wouldn't expect you to take his side." Benjamin finally gets angry and snaps at Edward "This shouldn't be about taking sides! Everything is a fight for power with you, didn't you hear a thing she said? She's favoring those of us with children! That means you, Edward! Doesn't that satisfy your greed?" Edward says "How dare you!" before storming off. Quentin puts his hand on Benjamin's shoulder and says "Well, I guess I'm really home!"
Monday, October 19, 2009
Episode 1401
Aired: Monday November 8, 1971
In a replay of Friday's close, Valery is coming downstairs, and tells Benjamin "Grandmother is asleep." Benjamin says "Good. I'm glad to hear the new tonic she is taking is helping her to rest." Valery looks at Benjamin and says "I wished you believed my motivations for helping her are genuine." Benjamin looks at her sternly and says "I'd like to believe it." He turns and starts to head upstairs, but there is a knock at the door. Benjamin comes back downstairs and opens the door. "Yes, can I help you?" he says. Harrison enters, dressed in 1897 clothing. "Hello, my name is Harrison Collins." Benjamin asks "Collins?" Harrison says "Yes. I've been traveling throughout the country, and I discovered my distant relation to the Collins family of Maine. I am a cousin....from New York. I've come to visit for a while." Harrison smiles at Benjamin, who gives him a nervous smile in return. Valery steps forward and says "New York! I've never been to New York....I hear it's quite beautiful." Harrison takes her hand and kisses it, saying "Not as beautiful as some of the sights of Collinwood, I assure you." Valery smiles at Harrison as Benjamin looks at him suspiciously.
After the titles, Benjamin tells Harrison he "had no idea" they had any relatives in New York. Harrison thinks a moment and tells him that he's from a "distant branch of the family. I believe my ancestor's cousin founded the Maine lineage." Benjamin admits he's "no expert" on the family history. Valery leads Harrison into the drawing room and wants to hear all about what New York is like. Benjamin eyes him suspiciously and asks him how long he intends to stay in Collinsport. Harrison looks at Valery a moment and answers "I hadn't thought about it too much. I suppose it will depend on how I get along with all of you." Meanwhile upstairs, Beth is taking a tray of food away from the sleeping Grandmother Catherine (Isabella Hoopes). Catherine stirs a bit and Beth asks her if she's feeling okay. Catherine answers "I'm not dead yet, if that's what you mean." Beth tells her not to "talk so dour." Catherine answers that "I must talk to everyone in the family before my time comes, and it is coming soon." Beth replies that there's no way of knowing when "your time" will come, but Catherine insists she has "seen things beyond this world." Beth asks her if she wants the food back, and Catherine says no. "Has Quentin arrived yet?" she asks Beth. Beth shakes her head no. Catherine smiles and asks Beth if she thinks Quentin will return to Collinwood with "yet another prospective bride." Beth turns away and looks sad. Catherine asks Beth "You wouldn't like that would you?" Beth turns to Catherine but cannot say anything.
Harrison is telling an attentive Valery all about his supposed life in New York while Benjamin watches him with a frown. Edward enters the room and excuses himself for interrupting, but Benjamin tells him to hold on and introduces "our cousin Harrison, from New York." Edward shakes his hand, but also says he had no idea they had any family in New York. Harrison repeats his story about just finding out about the Collins family of Maine, and Edward scoffs "You've only recently heard of us? Our family is well known in New York and all over the eastern seaboard!" Valery tells Edward not to be rude, and Edward answers that he wasn't being rude, just honest. Valery tells Harrison she'd love to talk with him later and leaves the room after scowling at Edward. Edward pours himself a drink and asks Harrison how long he is staying, and Benjamin answers that "it seems his stay may be indefinite." Edward raises an eyebrow and says "Really?" before marching over to Harrison and confronting him angrily. "Listen to me, young man. I don't know who you are or if you are some long lost relative, but if you've come here to pick the bones of my grandmother for this family's wealth, you've got a fight on your hands..." Harrison steps back and says "Please, Edward... you misunderstand me. I don't know anything about your grandmother..." Benjamin interjects "But you do know of this family's wealth." Harrison looks at Benjamin, and then at Edward. "I have no interest in the family wealth. I am a man of independent means. I want no part of any family struggles, nor do I make any claims other than to meet and get to know my relatives." Edward harumphs, and answers "Well, in that case, let me pour you a drink." Benjamin apologizes to Harrison, and tells him that "the family has been under a lot of strain lately with our grandmother's illness. I hope you will understand." Harrison tells Benjamin he does as Edward remains cold. "Where are you staying in town?" Benjamin asks. Harrison tells him he hasn't decided yet, and Benjamin, after looking at Edward's refusal to apologize, offers Harrison a room at Collinwood. "After all, you are family," he adds. Harrison smiles and accepts the offer as Edward frowns.
Beth is setting up Harrison's room and asking him about New York when Valery enters. Valery asks Beth if she's heard anything from Quentin, and Beth says no. Harrison plays dumb and asks who Quentin is, and Valery tells him "my cousin. Edward and Benjamin's brother." Harrison remarks that "Edward didn't seem too happy about my arrival." Valery laughs and says that Edward is never happy about anything. Harrison says that Benjamin seemed very nice, and Valery looks a little sad. "Yes, he can be," she says. "Edward has had a bad influence on him, I'm afraid, since Benjamin's fiancee broke their engagement he's been more suspicious of people, especially women." Harrison looks at her and adds "Especially you?" and then apologizes for being so forward. Valery says it's okay, and tells him "I'm sure you'll get along better with Quentin. You seem so gallant... I can see how you and he could be great friends." Harrison smiles and says "Perhaps you're right." Beth leaves and walks down the hallway when she bumps into Edward. Edward asks her how "grandmother is doing." Beth says "she seems very healthy." Edward assures Beth that "there'll always be a place for you at Collinwood....provided that you show your loyalty." Beth sneers "To who? I wouldn't be so overconfident about becoming master of this place." Edward snaps that she has no right to speak in that manner, and Beth walks away ignoring him. He angrily moves down the hall.
Catherine is sitting up in bed as Benjamin sits with her. She tells him how much he reminds her of Bramwell. He thanks her, but asks her "I wonder if I have his strength..." Catherine tells him that he "must move on" after the loss of his fiancee, but Benjamin answers "I don't think I shall ever marry. I will be content to help run the family business." Catherine scoffs that a man "needs children...even Edward has a son. Quentin will marry some day and have a family.... so should you. Your cousins Judith and Carl are both married.... stop feeling sorry for yourself." Benjamin tells her not to get too excited, "remember what the doctor said." Catherine says that "It doesn't matter. My time is running short. I only want to see Quentin return before I tell you all of my final intentions..." Benjamin insists "Grandmother, please don't talk so morbidly..." Meanwhile outside, Valery is leading Harrison towards the door of grandmother's room. "You need to be introduced to my grandmother Catherine," she tells him. "After all, you are staying in her house." Harrison asks how sick she is, and Valery says "She needs constant care, but I think she'll live for a quite a long while yet. I've always been very close to her. She told me stories about her growing up, about her sister, about my grandfather and how they fell in love." Harrison tells Valery that "she sounds wonderful." Valery opens the door and enters, walking in on Benjamin and Catherine's conversation. "I'm sorry, " Valery says. "But I wanted you to meet our new houseguest. He's a cousin from New York named Harrison Collins." Catherine sits up and says "Harrison Collins? New York? I didn't know we had family there... let me get my glasses and get a better look at you..." She gets her eyeglasses from a nightstand and fumbles with them as Harrison enters the room and steps into the light. "I'm very pleased to meet you," he says. But when she gets the glasses on and gets a good look, she's suddenly terrified! She cowers back from him in her bed and screams "Morgan! Morgan! NOOO!"
In a replay of Friday's close, Valery is coming downstairs, and tells Benjamin "Grandmother is asleep." Benjamin says "Good. I'm glad to hear the new tonic she is taking is helping her to rest." Valery looks at Benjamin and says "I wished you believed my motivations for helping her are genuine." Benjamin looks at her sternly and says "I'd like to believe it." He turns and starts to head upstairs, but there is a knock at the door. Benjamin comes back downstairs and opens the door. "Yes, can I help you?" he says. Harrison enters, dressed in 1897 clothing. "Hello, my name is Harrison Collins." Benjamin asks "Collins?" Harrison says "Yes. I've been traveling throughout the country, and I discovered my distant relation to the Collins family of Maine. I am a cousin....from New York. I've come to visit for a while." Harrison smiles at Benjamin, who gives him a nervous smile in return. Valery steps forward and says "New York! I've never been to New York....I hear it's quite beautiful." Harrison takes her hand and kisses it, saying "Not as beautiful as some of the sights of Collinwood, I assure you." Valery smiles at Harrison as Benjamin looks at him suspiciously.
After the titles, Benjamin tells Harrison he "had no idea" they had any relatives in New York. Harrison thinks a moment and tells him that he's from a "distant branch of the family. I believe my ancestor's cousin founded the Maine lineage." Benjamin admits he's "no expert" on the family history. Valery leads Harrison into the drawing room and wants to hear all about what New York is like. Benjamin eyes him suspiciously and asks him how long he intends to stay in Collinsport. Harrison looks at Valery a moment and answers "I hadn't thought about it too much. I suppose it will depend on how I get along with all of you." Meanwhile upstairs, Beth is taking a tray of food away from the sleeping Grandmother Catherine (Isabella Hoopes). Catherine stirs a bit and Beth asks her if she's feeling okay. Catherine answers "I'm not dead yet, if that's what you mean." Beth tells her not to "talk so dour." Catherine answers that "I must talk to everyone in the family before my time comes, and it is coming soon." Beth replies that there's no way of knowing when "your time" will come, but Catherine insists she has "seen things beyond this world." Beth asks her if she wants the food back, and Catherine says no. "Has Quentin arrived yet?" she asks Beth. Beth shakes her head no. Catherine smiles and asks Beth if she thinks Quentin will return to Collinwood with "yet another prospective bride." Beth turns away and looks sad. Catherine asks Beth "You wouldn't like that would you?" Beth turns to Catherine but cannot say anything.
Harrison is telling an attentive Valery all about his supposed life in New York while Benjamin watches him with a frown. Edward enters the room and excuses himself for interrupting, but Benjamin tells him to hold on and introduces "our cousin Harrison, from New York." Edward shakes his hand, but also says he had no idea they had any family in New York. Harrison repeats his story about just finding out about the Collins family of Maine, and Edward scoffs "You've only recently heard of us? Our family is well known in New York and all over the eastern seaboard!" Valery tells Edward not to be rude, and Edward answers that he wasn't being rude, just honest. Valery tells Harrison she'd love to talk with him later and leaves the room after scowling at Edward. Edward pours himself a drink and asks Harrison how long he is staying, and Benjamin answers that "it seems his stay may be indefinite." Edward raises an eyebrow and says "Really?" before marching over to Harrison and confronting him angrily. "Listen to me, young man. I don't know who you are or if you are some long lost relative, but if you've come here to pick the bones of my grandmother for this family's wealth, you've got a fight on your hands..." Harrison steps back and says "Please, Edward... you misunderstand me. I don't know anything about your grandmother..." Benjamin interjects "But you do know of this family's wealth." Harrison looks at Benjamin, and then at Edward. "I have no interest in the family wealth. I am a man of independent means. I want no part of any family struggles, nor do I make any claims other than to meet and get to know my relatives." Edward harumphs, and answers "Well, in that case, let me pour you a drink." Benjamin apologizes to Harrison, and tells him that "the family has been under a lot of strain lately with our grandmother's illness. I hope you will understand." Harrison tells Benjamin he does as Edward remains cold. "Where are you staying in town?" Benjamin asks. Harrison tells him he hasn't decided yet, and Benjamin, after looking at Edward's refusal to apologize, offers Harrison a room at Collinwood. "After all, you are family," he adds. Harrison smiles and accepts the offer as Edward frowns.
Beth is setting up Harrison's room and asking him about New York when Valery enters. Valery asks Beth if she's heard anything from Quentin, and Beth says no. Harrison plays dumb and asks who Quentin is, and Valery tells him "my cousin. Edward and Benjamin's brother." Harrison remarks that "Edward didn't seem too happy about my arrival." Valery laughs and says that Edward is never happy about anything. Harrison says that Benjamin seemed very nice, and Valery looks a little sad. "Yes, he can be," she says. "Edward has had a bad influence on him, I'm afraid, since Benjamin's fiancee broke their engagement he's been more suspicious of people, especially women." Harrison looks at her and adds "Especially you?" and then apologizes for being so forward. Valery says it's okay, and tells him "I'm sure you'll get along better with Quentin. You seem so gallant... I can see how you and he could be great friends." Harrison smiles and says "Perhaps you're right." Beth leaves and walks down the hallway when she bumps into Edward. Edward asks her how "grandmother is doing." Beth says "she seems very healthy." Edward assures Beth that "there'll always be a place for you at Collinwood....provided that you show your loyalty." Beth sneers "To who? I wouldn't be so overconfident about becoming master of this place." Edward snaps that she has no right to speak in that manner, and Beth walks away ignoring him. He angrily moves down the hall.
Catherine is sitting up in bed as Benjamin sits with her. She tells him how much he reminds her of Bramwell. He thanks her, but asks her "I wonder if I have his strength..." Catherine tells him that he "must move on" after the loss of his fiancee, but Benjamin answers "I don't think I shall ever marry. I will be content to help run the family business." Catherine scoffs that a man "needs children...even Edward has a son. Quentin will marry some day and have a family.... so should you. Your cousins Judith and Carl are both married.... stop feeling sorry for yourself." Benjamin tells her not to get too excited, "remember what the doctor said." Catherine says that "It doesn't matter. My time is running short. I only want to see Quentin return before I tell you all of my final intentions..." Benjamin insists "Grandmother, please don't talk so morbidly..." Meanwhile outside, Valery is leading Harrison towards the door of grandmother's room. "You need to be introduced to my grandmother Catherine," she tells him. "After all, you are staying in her house." Harrison asks how sick she is, and Valery says "She needs constant care, but I think she'll live for a quite a long while yet. I've always been very close to her. She told me stories about her growing up, about her sister, about my grandfather and how they fell in love." Harrison tells Valery that "she sounds wonderful." Valery opens the door and enters, walking in on Benjamin and Catherine's conversation. "I'm sorry, " Valery says. "But I wanted you to meet our new houseguest. He's a cousin from New York named Harrison Collins." Catherine sits up and says "Harrison Collins? New York? I didn't know we had family there... let me get my glasses and get a better look at you..." She gets her eyeglasses from a nightstand and fumbles with them as Harrison enters the room and steps into the light. "I'm very pleased to meet you," he says. But when she gets the glasses on and gets a good look, she's suddenly terrified! She cowers back from him in her bed and screams "Morgan! Morgan! NOOO!"
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Dark Shadows: Resurrection: Afterword 2
Ah! You've come to the end of the second storyline, which began all the way back with episode 1293. I hope you enjoyed it. I tried to capture the "feel" of the 1968 or 1897 story, having several subplots going on at once.
I designed most of the subplots to address the things a lot of us fans wanted to see happen in the series: Vicky discovering her identity, the return of Sarah, 1897 Quentin getting more to do in the present, the return of Maggie Evans, etc. With Vicky, I tried to "keep it real" by assuming that Alexandra Moltke would have only returned to the show if they had (a) made Victoria Winters somewhat more intelligent (After all, how can anyone go back to 1795, return to 1968, get bit by a vampire, nearly have her life force transferred into a corpse, etc. and only say "I don't understand!" as often as Pansy Faye sings that damn song?) and (b) gave Moltke a chance at playing different and more complex characters (stay tuned!). I realize that Sharon Smythe would be noticably older looking by 1971 if she were to play Sarah again, but what the hell, this IS a text-only webpage, so imagine she's Dark Shadows own Gary Coleman, eternally a little darling!
And then there's the new character of Harrison Collins. Perhaps annoyingly mysterious at first, and perhaps even more annoying if you imagine Keith Prentice in the role after we dealt with him as Morgan, but I liked the idea of switching around the time travel rescue plot that DS often did where we see someone travel into the past to save the family yet again, only this time from the perspective of the people "in the past" as opposed to the perspective of the time travelling Barnabas or Julia. And why not drop hints as to the future (or possible futures) of the family? It also provided opportunity to repeat the theme of Lara Parker being fought over by Prentice and Frid. DS often would repeat character dynamics across storylines featuring the same actors, so it's reasonable to assume this would have continued had they found Prentice some role to play in 1971.
Poor 1897 Quentin... he leaves Collinwood and his beloved Jamison, only to wander aimlessly before returning to Collinsport in 1969, and then he loses his memory! So what did he do with himself all those years? Why didn't he come back to see Jamison at any time? Well, I didn't want to get into all of that, but I liked the idea of Quentin getting a second chance with Jamison somehow...and if it wasn't with David, maybe it could be with Harrison, who could look like Jamison, and would need some sort of "anchor" in the past he travels to, someone he could trust, like Quentin... it all made sense somehow when I thought of it.
Other thoughts? I always thought Julia was at her best when she first shows up at Collinwood in 1967. There's something sinister about her, a darker side that allows her to cover Barnabas' evil actions in her quest for scientific knowledge about him, and eventually her unrequited love for him. Eventually, it was only due to love for Barnabas that she hypnotized and sedated any possible troublemaker, but Grayson Hall played a good schemer, whether it was early "I'll help you kill Dave Woodard" Julia or Magda. The prospect of an evil Julia would be great fun, turning the tables on a "good" Angelique among other things. As far as the gender issues involved with Judah Zachary possessing Julia Hoffman, well maybe it's time he got in touch with his feminine side. It was tempting to have Nicholas become romantically involved here, but then I'd venture down the road of Mad magazine inspired parody, and I might never come back!
In any case, thanks for reading my stories and taking the time to read this as well. Thanks for websurfing up my side of the street!
I designed most of the subplots to address the things a lot of us fans wanted to see happen in the series: Vicky discovering her identity, the return of Sarah, 1897 Quentin getting more to do in the present, the return of Maggie Evans, etc. With Vicky, I tried to "keep it real" by assuming that Alexandra Moltke would have only returned to the show if they had (a) made Victoria Winters somewhat more intelligent (After all, how can anyone go back to 1795, return to 1968, get bit by a vampire, nearly have her life force transferred into a corpse, etc. and only say "I don't understand!" as often as Pansy Faye sings that damn song?) and (b) gave Moltke a chance at playing different and more complex characters (stay tuned!). I realize that Sharon Smythe would be noticably older looking by 1971 if she were to play Sarah again, but what the hell, this IS a text-only webpage, so imagine she's Dark Shadows own Gary Coleman, eternally a little darling!
And then there's the new character of Harrison Collins. Perhaps annoyingly mysterious at first, and perhaps even more annoying if you imagine Keith Prentice in the role after we dealt with him as Morgan, but I liked the idea of switching around the time travel rescue plot that DS often did where we see someone travel into the past to save the family yet again, only this time from the perspective of the people "in the past" as opposed to the perspective of the time travelling Barnabas or Julia. And why not drop hints as to the future (or possible futures) of the family? It also provided opportunity to repeat the theme of Lara Parker being fought over by Prentice and Frid. DS often would repeat character dynamics across storylines featuring the same actors, so it's reasonable to assume this would have continued had they found Prentice some role to play in 1971.
Poor 1897 Quentin... he leaves Collinwood and his beloved Jamison, only to wander aimlessly before returning to Collinsport in 1969, and then he loses his memory! So what did he do with himself all those years? Why didn't he come back to see Jamison at any time? Well, I didn't want to get into all of that, but I liked the idea of Quentin getting a second chance with Jamison somehow...and if it wasn't with David, maybe it could be with Harrison, who could look like Jamison, and would need some sort of "anchor" in the past he travels to, someone he could trust, like Quentin... it all made sense somehow when I thought of it.
Other thoughts? I always thought Julia was at her best when she first shows up at Collinwood in 1967. There's something sinister about her, a darker side that allows her to cover Barnabas' evil actions in her quest for scientific knowledge about him, and eventually her unrequited love for him. Eventually, it was only due to love for Barnabas that she hypnotized and sedated any possible troublemaker, but Grayson Hall played a good schemer, whether it was early "I'll help you kill Dave Woodard" Julia or Magda. The prospect of an evil Julia would be great fun, turning the tables on a "good" Angelique among other things. As far as the gender issues involved with Judah Zachary possessing Julia Hoffman, well maybe it's time he got in touch with his feminine side. It was tempting to have Nicholas become romantically involved here, but then I'd venture down the road of Mad magazine inspired parody, and I might never come back!
In any case, thanks for reading my stories and taking the time to read this as well. Thanks for websurfing up my side of the street!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Episode 1400
Aired: Friday November 5, 1971
Louis Edmonds's voiceover: "In the year 1971, Harrison Collins, the strange visitor from the future, has accomplished his mission to prevent the destruction of the Collins family. But his planned return to his own time has gone wrong... for he has found himself transported back into the past, and into a strange parallel world unknown to him...."
After a replay of Thursday's close, Harrison ducks behind the curtain as the door to the parallel time room opens. Edward Collins (Louis Edmonds), a stuffy Victorian much like his 1897 counterpart, enters the room along with a new face of sorts - Benjamin Collins (Jonathan Frid). Harrison listens as they begin to speak. "I don't see why we need to come all the way up here to discuss this matter!" Edward booms. Benjamin closes the door and remarks "I don't trust the servants. I'm not sure where their loyalties lie." Edward harumphs and says that "those servants would soon certainly know they'd better be loyal to the right people." Benjamin answers "I'm sure things will be all right. I only wish grandmother Catherine was more mentally sound. It's hard to tell what will happen." Edward walks over to the portrait of Bramwell and says "If only grandfather were still here... she has never been the same since we lost him." Benjamin smiles and says "Actually, it may give us somewhat of an advantage. Quentin was always grandfather's favorite. His long absence from Collinwood has given us a chance." Harrison perks up at the mention of Quentin. Edward sneers at the thought of "our globetrotting brother" and remarks "no doubt he'll bring home another unsuitable bride to insult our family with." Benjamin says "We don't need to discuss that now. I only want to secure a promise from you, Edward. That you will help me gain enough influence over grandmother so that the future of Collinwood will be placed in our hands.... and not in our cousin's. Are you with me?" Edward counters "I am with you if you also place Quentin in the same category as our beloved cousin." Benjamin balks a little and says "You know I don't share your feelings about Quentin, except that I agree about his irresponsibility. Do we have a deal?" Edward thinks a moment and says yes. Benjamin says they'd better be getting back downstairs, and he and Edward leave. Harrison steps out from behind the curtain and we hear him think "Quentin.... there is a Quentin here.... it must be his counterpart from his existence in Edward... the other name I heard. There was an Edward was Quentin's brother in my timeline. My timeline! How can I get back to it?" He looks at the ring, where the crystal is still cloudy. "I must get back to my own time!" he says.
Harrison has opened the double doors and is trying the crystal again, but to no avail. "The crystal must have been damaged in the transfer somehow," we hear him think. "But in the other timeline in 1897, it's still sitting in the dusty laboratory downstairs, waiting for me to find it in 2045...if the room would only change by itself so that I could get to that other timeline and sneak down to the lab before anyone in 1897 sees long must I wait here?" He paces a little and he thinks some more. "Anyone in 1897....I wonder what Quentin was like then....from all the stories he told me growing up, I wonder if I'd really like to meet him then....and that Collins family didn't sound too hospitable as well...." He looks at the portrait of Bramwell and keeps thinking "I wonder what this one is like, in this time. Those two didn't seem too friendly....plotting over their inheritance. Perhaps everyone here is cutthroat...." Suddenly the knob starts to turn again, and Harrison hides behind the curtain again. Beth Chavez (Terry Crawford) enters the room and begins to straighten it up a bit, and then turns to say "They've gone, if you want to come in now, Miss Valery" towards the door. In walks Valery Stokes (Lara Parker), who closes the door behind her. Harrison sees her and can't believe it - she is the very image of the Angelique he left behind. He watches her intensely as she crosses towards Beth. "I know they are plotting. Trying to turn your grandmother against you!" Beth says. Valery answers "Edward perhaps, but not Benjamin. Benjamin and I have always gotten along. And besides, my grandmother Catherine would never do anything to hurt me. How many times has she told me how I remind her of herself?" Beth counters that Valery can't depend on that now since Catherine has become "so erratic in her emotions." Valery gets sad and says she knows. Beth asks "What will happen if Edward gets his way? He'll drive you away from Collinwood, he'll have you cut off without a cent!" Valery says "He could never do that to me, I'm his cousin." Beth answers "That's exactly why he'd do it! He's been scheming to get control over Collinwood ever since your grandfather died. He's trying to turn Catherine against you, then Quentin, then Judith, and finally Benjamin!" Valery spins the globe in the room and thinks "Quentin.... Quentin will be back soon. Most likely with some other girl on his arm.... always the charmer." Harrison smiles a little as he watches Valery and thinks of the Quentin he knows. "Perhaps Quentin could help me," Valery says. Beth answers "I hope so. You've taken care of your grandmother all these years....seeing to her health while Edward only counted the money. You don't deserve to be treated this way." Beth gets her things and leaves, while Valery looks at the portrait of Bramwell. "You have never let this happen, grandfather," Valery says. "But who am I kidding? Edward has always wanted my father and I to leave Collinwood.... where will I go? Where will I go when my only friend...dies?" Valery begins to cry. Harrison, feeling bad for her, starts to take a step towards her.
Before Harrison can take his step, Beth returns to the room and tells Valery that Judith wishes to see her. Valery makes herself stop crying and Beth consoles her. The two of them leave and Harrison steps out from behind the curtain. He takes a deep sigh and begins thinking. "It IS her... the same woman... Angelique's counterpart in this timeline, only years earlier....why? It makes no sense! But she is am I...." Harrison paces a little and thinks some more. "Angelique....wished me to find happiness.....and touched my ring! She put her hand on my hand before I left! Perhaps she sent me, that can't be! That's impossible! How could she know of this time, of these people.... and of her own counterpart....a poor crying girl who is friendless here...." He walks by the mirror and sees himself in it. "Or, might I say, was friendless here....." Suddenly the room changes to normal time - it is dark and all the furniture is gone. Harrison is staring at a blank wall where the mirror was. He looks around, startled, and says out loud "The room! It's changed! I must be in my own world again....only in 1897....." He walks to the double doors and stops before opening them.
Harrison stands before the double doors in the darkened parallel time room, in normal time, thinking. He steps away from the doors suddenly. "This room changes often enough, according to the books....Angelique sent me to that other world for a reason...she wished me to find happiness....she knew. She must have known her counterpart was there....there for me to find, somehow." He looks at his ring, which is still cloudy. "Perhaps I could be more in control, however.... I should get the crystal while I'm in this timeline, and then I can return at will..." He starts back for the double doors, but as he takes a step, the room suddenly switches again, and he's back in the well-lit furnished room of 1897PT. Startled, he looks around and gets his bearings. "No rhyme or reason to the switching..." he thinks. "But I am back. And I have an idea as to why...." He walks to the other door to the room and carefully opens it. After a quick inspection of the hallway, Harrison sneaks out. We cut to the large clock in the Collinwood foyer chiming as we pan out. The foyer is identical to the set up of 1897. Gas lights burn, and Barnabas' portrait is on the wall. In the drawing room, Benjamin is reading a book and having a glass of sherry. He puts the book down and replaces the glass next to the decanter before walking to the foyer. Valery is coming downstairs, and tells him "Grandmother is asleep." Benjamin says "Good. I'm glad to hear the new tonic she is taking is helping her to rest." Valery looks at Benjamin and says "I wished you believed my motivations for helping her are genuine." Benjamin looks at her sternly and says "I'd like to believe it." He turns and starts to head upstairs, but there is a knock at the door. Benjamin comes back downstairs and opens the door. "Yes, can I help you?" he says. Harrison enters, dressed in 1897 clothing. "Hello, my name is Harrison Collins." Benjamin asks "Collins?" Harrison says "Yes. I've been traveling throughout the country, and I discovered my distant relation to the Collins family of Maine. I am a cousin....from New York. I've come to visit for a while." Harrison smiles at Benjamin, who gives him a nervous smile in return. Valery steps forward and says "New York! I've never been to New York....I hear it's quite beautiful." Harrison takes her hand and kisses it, saying "Not as beautiful as some of the sights of Collinwood, I assure you." Valery smiles at Harrison as Benjamin looks at him suspiciously.
Louis Edmonds's voiceover: "In the year 1971, Harrison Collins, the strange visitor from the future, has accomplished his mission to prevent the destruction of the Collins family. But his planned return to his own time has gone wrong... for he has found himself transported back into the past, and into a strange parallel world unknown to him...."
After a replay of Thursday's close, Harrison ducks behind the curtain as the door to the parallel time room opens. Edward Collins (Louis Edmonds), a stuffy Victorian much like his 1897 counterpart, enters the room along with a new face of sorts - Benjamin Collins (Jonathan Frid). Harrison listens as they begin to speak. "I don't see why we need to come all the way up here to discuss this matter!" Edward booms. Benjamin closes the door and remarks "I don't trust the servants. I'm not sure where their loyalties lie." Edward harumphs and says that "those servants would soon certainly know they'd better be loyal to the right people." Benjamin answers "I'm sure things will be all right. I only wish grandmother Catherine was more mentally sound. It's hard to tell what will happen." Edward walks over to the portrait of Bramwell and says "If only grandfather were still here... she has never been the same since we lost him." Benjamin smiles and says "Actually, it may give us somewhat of an advantage. Quentin was always grandfather's favorite. His long absence from Collinwood has given us a chance." Harrison perks up at the mention of Quentin. Edward sneers at the thought of "our globetrotting brother" and remarks "no doubt he'll bring home another unsuitable bride to insult our family with." Benjamin says "We don't need to discuss that now. I only want to secure a promise from you, Edward. That you will help me gain enough influence over grandmother so that the future of Collinwood will be placed in our hands.... and not in our cousin's. Are you with me?" Edward counters "I am with you if you also place Quentin in the same category as our beloved cousin." Benjamin balks a little and says "You know I don't share your feelings about Quentin, except that I agree about his irresponsibility. Do we have a deal?" Edward thinks a moment and says yes. Benjamin says they'd better be getting back downstairs, and he and Edward leave. Harrison steps out from behind the curtain and we hear him think "Quentin.... there is a Quentin here.... it must be his counterpart from his existence in Edward... the other name I heard. There was an Edward was Quentin's brother in my timeline. My timeline! How can I get back to it?" He looks at the ring, where the crystal is still cloudy. "I must get back to my own time!" he says.
Harrison has opened the double doors and is trying the crystal again, but to no avail. "The crystal must have been damaged in the transfer somehow," we hear him think. "But in the other timeline in 1897, it's still sitting in the dusty laboratory downstairs, waiting for me to find it in 2045...if the room would only change by itself so that I could get to that other timeline and sneak down to the lab before anyone in 1897 sees long must I wait here?" He paces a little and he thinks some more. "Anyone in 1897....I wonder what Quentin was like then....from all the stories he told me growing up, I wonder if I'd really like to meet him then....and that Collins family didn't sound too hospitable as well...." He looks at the portrait of Bramwell and keeps thinking "I wonder what this one is like, in this time. Those two didn't seem too friendly....plotting over their inheritance. Perhaps everyone here is cutthroat...." Suddenly the knob starts to turn again, and Harrison hides behind the curtain again. Beth Chavez (Terry Crawford) enters the room and begins to straighten it up a bit, and then turns to say "They've gone, if you want to come in now, Miss Valery" towards the door. In walks Valery Stokes (Lara Parker), who closes the door behind her. Harrison sees her and can't believe it - she is the very image of the Angelique he left behind. He watches her intensely as she crosses towards Beth. "I know they are plotting. Trying to turn your grandmother against you!" Beth says. Valery answers "Edward perhaps, but not Benjamin. Benjamin and I have always gotten along. And besides, my grandmother Catherine would never do anything to hurt me. How many times has she told me how I remind her of herself?" Beth counters that Valery can't depend on that now since Catherine has become "so erratic in her emotions." Valery gets sad and says she knows. Beth asks "What will happen if Edward gets his way? He'll drive you away from Collinwood, he'll have you cut off without a cent!" Valery says "He could never do that to me, I'm his cousin." Beth answers "That's exactly why he'd do it! He's been scheming to get control over Collinwood ever since your grandfather died. He's trying to turn Catherine against you, then Quentin, then Judith, and finally Benjamin!" Valery spins the globe in the room and thinks "Quentin.... Quentin will be back soon. Most likely with some other girl on his arm.... always the charmer." Harrison smiles a little as he watches Valery and thinks of the Quentin he knows. "Perhaps Quentin could help me," Valery says. Beth answers "I hope so. You've taken care of your grandmother all these years....seeing to her health while Edward only counted the money. You don't deserve to be treated this way." Beth gets her things and leaves, while Valery looks at the portrait of Bramwell. "You have never let this happen, grandfather," Valery says. "But who am I kidding? Edward has always wanted my father and I to leave Collinwood.... where will I go? Where will I go when my only friend...dies?" Valery begins to cry. Harrison, feeling bad for her, starts to take a step towards her.
Before Harrison can take his step, Beth returns to the room and tells Valery that Judith wishes to see her. Valery makes herself stop crying and Beth consoles her. The two of them leave and Harrison steps out from behind the curtain. He takes a deep sigh and begins thinking. "It IS her... the same woman... Angelique's counterpart in this timeline, only years earlier....why? It makes no sense! But she is am I...." Harrison paces a little and thinks some more. "Angelique....wished me to find happiness.....and touched my ring! She put her hand on my hand before I left! Perhaps she sent me, that can't be! That's impossible! How could she know of this time, of these people.... and of her own counterpart....a poor crying girl who is friendless here...." He walks by the mirror and sees himself in it. "Or, might I say, was friendless here....." Suddenly the room changes to normal time - it is dark and all the furniture is gone. Harrison is staring at a blank wall where the mirror was. He looks around, startled, and says out loud "The room! It's changed! I must be in my own world again....only in 1897....." He walks to the double doors and stops before opening them.
Harrison stands before the double doors in the darkened parallel time room, in normal time, thinking. He steps away from the doors suddenly. "This room changes often enough, according to the books....Angelique sent me to that other world for a reason...she wished me to find happiness....she knew. She must have known her counterpart was there....there for me to find, somehow." He looks at his ring, which is still cloudy. "Perhaps I could be more in control, however.... I should get the crystal while I'm in this timeline, and then I can return at will..." He starts back for the double doors, but as he takes a step, the room suddenly switches again, and he's back in the well-lit furnished room of 1897PT. Startled, he looks around and gets his bearings. "No rhyme or reason to the switching..." he thinks. "But I am back. And I have an idea as to why...." He walks to the other door to the room and carefully opens it. After a quick inspection of the hallway, Harrison sneaks out. We cut to the large clock in the Collinwood foyer chiming as we pan out. The foyer is identical to the set up of 1897. Gas lights burn, and Barnabas' portrait is on the wall. In the drawing room, Benjamin is reading a book and having a glass of sherry. He puts the book down and replaces the glass next to the decanter before walking to the foyer. Valery is coming downstairs, and tells him "Grandmother is asleep." Benjamin says "Good. I'm glad to hear the new tonic she is taking is helping her to rest." Valery looks at Benjamin and says "I wished you believed my motivations for helping her are genuine." Benjamin looks at her sternly and says "I'd like to believe it." He turns and starts to head upstairs, but there is a knock at the door. Benjamin comes back downstairs and opens the door. "Yes, can I help you?" he says. Harrison enters, dressed in 1897 clothing. "Hello, my name is Harrison Collins." Benjamin asks "Collins?" Harrison says "Yes. I've been traveling throughout the country, and I discovered my distant relation to the Collins family of Maine. I am a cousin....from New York. I've come to visit for a while." Harrison smiles at Benjamin, who gives him a nervous smile in return. Valery steps forward and says "New York! I've never been to New York....I hear it's quite beautiful." Harrison takes her hand and kisses it, saying "Not as beautiful as some of the sights of Collinwood, I assure you." Valery smiles at Harrison as Benjamin looks at him suspiciously.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Episode 1399
Aired: Thursday November 4, 1971
Alexandra Moltke's voiceover: "My name is Victoria Winters. I have returned to Collinwood through the actions of a strange visitor from another time, a visitor who is now preparing to return to his own world, now that he has saved it from destruction. But little does he know that his journey has only begun...."
Harrison is standing by the fountain when Vicky comes outside. He asks her how Maggie is doing, and Vicky says "she's still asleep." Harrison remarks how sorry he is that "the shock of all that has happened" has had some bad effect on her. Vicky agrees, and says that "Julia will have to see to her now." Harrison says that's good, since Julia "seems to be a good person to handle that job." Vicky answers "It's good to have Julia back with us. I'm sure she's thanked you for what you did." Harrison smiles and says she did, "but the most thanks I'll have is when I return home."
After the titles, Vicky asks "Do you know what has happened in your world since you changed events here?" Harrison nods, and tells Vicky that he opened the vortex to his own time to look, "to make sure. Everything looked different, but better. Collinwood was being lived in. I saw David...." and then, he chokes up a bit as he adds "... and I saw my father. Alive." Vicky smiles and says "I'm so happy for you." Harrison says he would have stepped through, but that he wanted to "say my proper goodbyes to everyone" as well as attend Liz's wedding. Vicky says "I don't think I ever thanked you enough for what you did for me...." before Harrison can say anything, Vicky continues "I know you didn't plan to do it, but still.... I owe you my life and my future here. I guess everyone does." Harrison kisses her hand and tells her he's honored. Meanwhile, Julia is attending to Maggie, who is starting to wake up. Julia asks her if she knows where she is, and Maggie answers " my room...." Julia says "Good. And now tell me... who are you?" Maggie thinks a moment and says "I want to say Maggie...Maggie Evans... but why aren't I sure?" Julia answers "You are Maggie Evans! You must be sure of that!" Maggie looks around for a moment and says "Where is it?" Julia asks what, and Maggie says "My music box! Where is it?" Julia looks at her and sternly says "You have no music box, Maggie. Maggie Evans has no music box!" Maggie thinks about this and looks confused.
Joanna and Lori have finished breakfast and enter the drawing room. Joanna remarks on what "a marvelous old house" Collinwood is, and Lori remarks on how "such a marvelous old house has some marvelous young men living in it." Joanna tells Lori that she "shouldn't get too comfortable" since they are both heading back to Boston later in the day, but Lori snaps "I saw you talking with Quentin. I saw the way he looked at you." Joanna answers "He said I reminded him of someone he knew long ago, that's all." Lori laughs and answers "That old line? And you believe him? My dear sister, he strikes me as a born charmer... and charm me he did!' Joanna says "I don't think he's like that at all!" Lori shushes her as Quentin enters the room. He says good morning to them both and asks them how they enjoyed their night at Collinwood. Lori smiles at him and says "this house is much warmer and comforting than I ever would have thought." Quentin laughs and answers "You're the first person to ever say that about this place. How about you, Joanna? Did you sleep well?" Joanna answers "Yes... but it's really time for us to be going." She grabs Lori's arm and leads her from the room. Quentin wonders why she reacted this way. As they go upstairs, Barnabas arrives. He says hello to Quentin and asks where Harrison is. Quentin says he thinks Harrison was taking "a last look at this century." Barnabas says he came to wish him a goodbye. Quentin smiles and says "Well, it seems you didn't bring along who he really hates to say goodbye to, did you?" Barnabas answers "Angelique will be here, and besides, I don't think he will leave without saying goodbye to her." Quentin muses "It's funny.... how all of us Collins men have been affected by her at one time or another." Barnabas agrees. Vicky and Harrison enter the house, and Vicky wishes Harrison luck before going upstairs. He looks at Barnabas and Quentin and says "I think it's time."
In the laboratory, the planks have been put back where they belong. Harrison places them in a square as Barnabas and Quentin watch. Harrison looks at them and says "That should do it." Barnabas shakes his hand and says "Fare well, Harrison. I hope you do as well in your own time as you've done here." Harrison says "You never know, you may see me here again. I've grown quite fond of this century." Barnabas thinks a moment and says "Seventy four years in the future... what a strange world that would be to all of us." Harrison looks at Quentin and says "It's not so strange to you, at least it wasn't when I left it. I suppose you'll see me again in seventy four years and I'll see you again in just a few moments." Quentin shakes his hand first, but then gives him a bear hug. "I'm.... proud to know you in any century, Harrison." Harrison says he feels the same way about Quentin. Quentin snaps "You'd better go already, I hate long goodbyes like this." Harrison says "I didn't want to leave before I said goodbye to Angelique..." Barnabas says she should be here, and then there are the sounds of footsteps. Angelique runs down the stairs and says she didn't want to miss Harrison before he leaves. "And I didn't want to miss you," he answers. "I came here to save you, really. And to prevent what happened to Quentin. I thought I'd maybe take you with me when I left, but I see that will not be, and should not be. But I will always hold a special place for you." He kisses her hand as Barnabas grumbles. Quentin quietly tells Barnabas "I must have had a lot to do with raising him." Angelique looks at Barnabas a moment, and then takes Harrison's hand wearing the ring. She raises it and places her hand over the ring while saying "May you find your happiness, Harrison Collins." She kisses the hand and then lets it go. He smiles at all of them and raises his hand to his mouth. He says "Open..." and the vortex begins to form. It looks somewhat cloudy, and Harrison looks for shapes to form within it. He sees a window through the fog. "Collinwood..." he says with a smile. He takes one last look at Angelique, Quentin, and Barnabas and then steps into the vortex. As he does, there is a flash of light and the sound of a crash as the vortex collapses. Quentin and Barnabas look nervous "What just happened?" Angelique smiles silently. We cut to Harrison opening his eyes. As we pull back, he is laying on the floor of a room at Collinwood - we see the same window. As we continue pulling back, we see a large hanging chandelier and some furniture that looks Victorian. Harrison stands up and tries to get his bearings. He looks at his ring, and the jewel is cloudy. He looks up to see a large portrait of what looks like Barnabas over the fireplace, but it's not the Barnabas portrait we know - the hair is different and the clothing is nineteenth century. We hear Harrison think "What happened.... I'm at Collinwood, but not in the laboratory.... why am I here, in this room?" He walks over to a desk and he looks over some papers until he finds a desk calendar. His eyes open wide as he reads the date... "November 1897." He looks around the room in shock, and then notices the name at the bottom of the portrait... "Bramwell Collins, 1851."
Harrison is looking around the room and pacing, and we hear him think "1897... instead of going forward in time 74 years, I've gone 74 years backwards. But there's something else about this room that's familiar... what is it? What is it?" He opens the double doors, and outside is a dark hallway. As he tries to enter it, he is blocked by an invisible force. He tries to push his way through, but he cannot. He takes a step back and suddenly the outside changes to a lit hallway, and Harrison can take a step outside. He rushes back into the room and closes the double doors. "The parallel... not only have I gone backwards in time, but I'm in the parallel...the room that I saw burned in 1971 that was mentioned in David's books ....I must get out of here." He raises his ring to his mouth and says "Switch," but nothing happens. He tries again, and nothing happens. He looks at the cloudiness of the jewel and we hear him think "The crystal! The crystal has been damaged somehow! I....I...may be trapped here!" As he thinks about this situation, we hear the voices of people approaching from the far door. Harrison sees the doorknob turning and freezes in his tracks.
Alexandra Moltke's voiceover: "My name is Victoria Winters. I have returned to Collinwood through the actions of a strange visitor from another time, a visitor who is now preparing to return to his own world, now that he has saved it from destruction. But little does he know that his journey has only begun...."
Harrison is standing by the fountain when Vicky comes outside. He asks her how Maggie is doing, and Vicky says "she's still asleep." Harrison remarks how sorry he is that "the shock of all that has happened" has had some bad effect on her. Vicky agrees, and says that "Julia will have to see to her now." Harrison says that's good, since Julia "seems to be a good person to handle that job." Vicky answers "It's good to have Julia back with us. I'm sure she's thanked you for what you did." Harrison smiles and says she did, "but the most thanks I'll have is when I return home."
After the titles, Vicky asks "Do you know what has happened in your world since you changed events here?" Harrison nods, and tells Vicky that he opened the vortex to his own time to look, "to make sure. Everything looked different, but better. Collinwood was being lived in. I saw David...." and then, he chokes up a bit as he adds "... and I saw my father. Alive." Vicky smiles and says "I'm so happy for you." Harrison says he would have stepped through, but that he wanted to "say my proper goodbyes to everyone" as well as attend Liz's wedding. Vicky says "I don't think I ever thanked you enough for what you did for me...." before Harrison can say anything, Vicky continues "I know you didn't plan to do it, but still.... I owe you my life and my future here. I guess everyone does." Harrison kisses her hand and tells her he's honored. Meanwhile, Julia is attending to Maggie, who is starting to wake up. Julia asks her if she knows where she is, and Maggie answers " my room...." Julia says "Good. And now tell me... who are you?" Maggie thinks a moment and says "I want to say Maggie...Maggie Evans... but why aren't I sure?" Julia answers "You are Maggie Evans! You must be sure of that!" Maggie looks around for a moment and says "Where is it?" Julia asks what, and Maggie says "My music box! Where is it?" Julia looks at her and sternly says "You have no music box, Maggie. Maggie Evans has no music box!" Maggie thinks about this and looks confused.
Joanna and Lori have finished breakfast and enter the drawing room. Joanna remarks on what "a marvelous old house" Collinwood is, and Lori remarks on how "such a marvelous old house has some marvelous young men living in it." Joanna tells Lori that she "shouldn't get too comfortable" since they are both heading back to Boston later in the day, but Lori snaps "I saw you talking with Quentin. I saw the way he looked at you." Joanna answers "He said I reminded him of someone he knew long ago, that's all." Lori laughs and answers "That old line? And you believe him? My dear sister, he strikes me as a born charmer... and charm me he did!' Joanna says "I don't think he's like that at all!" Lori shushes her as Quentin enters the room. He says good morning to them both and asks them how they enjoyed their night at Collinwood. Lori smiles at him and says "this house is much warmer and comforting than I ever would have thought." Quentin laughs and answers "You're the first person to ever say that about this place. How about you, Joanna? Did you sleep well?" Joanna answers "Yes... but it's really time for us to be going." She grabs Lori's arm and leads her from the room. Quentin wonders why she reacted this way. As they go upstairs, Barnabas arrives. He says hello to Quentin and asks where Harrison is. Quentin says he thinks Harrison was taking "a last look at this century." Barnabas says he came to wish him a goodbye. Quentin smiles and says "Well, it seems you didn't bring along who he really hates to say goodbye to, did you?" Barnabas answers "Angelique will be here, and besides, I don't think he will leave without saying goodbye to her." Quentin muses "It's funny.... how all of us Collins men have been affected by her at one time or another." Barnabas agrees. Vicky and Harrison enter the house, and Vicky wishes Harrison luck before going upstairs. He looks at Barnabas and Quentin and says "I think it's time."
In the laboratory, the planks have been put back where they belong. Harrison places them in a square as Barnabas and Quentin watch. Harrison looks at them and says "That should do it." Barnabas shakes his hand and says "Fare well, Harrison. I hope you do as well in your own time as you've done here." Harrison says "You never know, you may see me here again. I've grown quite fond of this century." Barnabas thinks a moment and says "Seventy four years in the future... what a strange world that would be to all of us." Harrison looks at Quentin and says "It's not so strange to you, at least it wasn't when I left it. I suppose you'll see me again in seventy four years and I'll see you again in just a few moments." Quentin shakes his hand first, but then gives him a bear hug. "I'm.... proud to know you in any century, Harrison." Harrison says he feels the same way about Quentin. Quentin snaps "You'd better go already, I hate long goodbyes like this." Harrison says "I didn't want to leave before I said goodbye to Angelique..." Barnabas says she should be here, and then there are the sounds of footsteps. Angelique runs down the stairs and says she didn't want to miss Harrison before he leaves. "And I didn't want to miss you," he answers. "I came here to save you, really. And to prevent what happened to Quentin. I thought I'd maybe take you with me when I left, but I see that will not be, and should not be. But I will always hold a special place for you." He kisses her hand as Barnabas grumbles. Quentin quietly tells Barnabas "I must have had a lot to do with raising him." Angelique looks at Barnabas a moment, and then takes Harrison's hand wearing the ring. She raises it and places her hand over the ring while saying "May you find your happiness, Harrison Collins." She kisses the hand and then lets it go. He smiles at all of them and raises his hand to his mouth. He says "Open..." and the vortex begins to form. It looks somewhat cloudy, and Harrison looks for shapes to form within it. He sees a window through the fog. "Collinwood..." he says with a smile. He takes one last look at Angelique, Quentin, and Barnabas and then steps into the vortex. As he does, there is a flash of light and the sound of a crash as the vortex collapses. Quentin and Barnabas look nervous "What just happened?" Angelique smiles silently. We cut to Harrison opening his eyes. As we pull back, he is laying on the floor of a room at Collinwood - we see the same window. As we continue pulling back, we see a large hanging chandelier and some furniture that looks Victorian. Harrison stands up and tries to get his bearings. He looks at his ring, and the jewel is cloudy. He looks up to see a large portrait of what looks like Barnabas over the fireplace, but it's not the Barnabas portrait we know - the hair is different and the clothing is nineteenth century. We hear Harrison think "What happened.... I'm at Collinwood, but not in the laboratory.... why am I here, in this room?" He walks over to a desk and he looks over some papers until he finds a desk calendar. His eyes open wide as he reads the date... "November 1897." He looks around the room in shock, and then notices the name at the bottom of the portrait... "Bramwell Collins, 1851."
Harrison is looking around the room and pacing, and we hear him think "1897... instead of going forward in time 74 years, I've gone 74 years backwards. But there's something else about this room that's familiar... what is it? What is it?" He opens the double doors, and outside is a dark hallway. As he tries to enter it, he is blocked by an invisible force. He tries to push his way through, but he cannot. He takes a step back and suddenly the outside changes to a lit hallway, and Harrison can take a step outside. He rushes back into the room and closes the double doors. "The parallel... not only have I gone backwards in time, but I'm in the parallel...the room that I saw burned in 1971 that was mentioned in David's books ....I must get out of here." He raises his ring to his mouth and says "Switch," but nothing happens. He tries again, and nothing happens. He looks at the cloudiness of the jewel and we hear him think "The crystal! The crystal has been damaged somehow! I....I...may be trapped here!" As he thinks about this situation, we hear the voices of people approaching from the far door. Harrison sees the doorknob turning and freezes in his tracks.