Aired Tuesday April 20, 1971
After a replay of the closing scene from Monday and the titles, Barnabas visits the college to find Anderson, in order to ask him about Daphne. He finds Stokes instead, who asks him about Roxanne. Barnabas replies that they haven't found anything yet, but warns Stokes to keep his eyes open for strange happenings. Stokes remarks that probably the first thing for her to do would be to gather protectors to guard her during the daytime. "How much do you know about vampires, Mr. Collins?" Stokes says curiously, to which Barnabas snaps "Only what I've read in some books, Professor. I've always considered them a myth." "How curious," Stokes replies, "how many myths are based upon strange realities."
Roger is phoning various boarding schools to find out about schedules and enrollment when Carolyn enters and starts eavesdropping. She asks Roger what he's doing, and Roger tells her that he is thinking of sending David away rather than hire a new governess, since David may be too old to still be living at home. Carolyn talks about how much she would miss him, but in an odd way that doesn't sound like her. Roger doesn't notice this, but is taken with how much Carolyn wants to keep David around.
Barnabas returns to Julia and tells her what Stokes had said, and that he could not find Anderson. Julia thinks Anderson may be out looking for Roxanne by himself. Barnabas asks her why he would risk that, and Julia reflects on her own past and answers how she would understand how someone might be selfish after discovering a legendary thing, much the way she was when she first met Barnabas. Barnabas wonders who Roxanne will claim as her servants, and then thinks back to his dream, where everyone at Collinwood were vampires, and starts to fear that it may be coming true. "But how can we warn them?" he wonders.
Roger is still working in the study after dark. Carolyn enters and asks him why he's working so hard. Roger replies that since he spent so much time researching schools during the day, this is the only time he has to go over the books and such. Carolyn asks him if he wants any help, and he laughs condescendingly about the complexities of the Collins business, and asks her to just bring him some tea. On her way out and without Roger noticing, Carolyn unlocks one of the windows and pushes it slightly open before leaving with a smile.
Later that night, Roger is still working at his desk as fog gathers at the window. At first he is oblivious to it, but suddenly he looks up, and then turns slowly to the window. The window swings open and the fog spills into the room as Roger rises and walks over to step into it. From out of the fog, Roxanne appears before Roger, who is in a trance. She smiles and bites him.