Aired: Monday May 10, 1971
Donna Wandrey's voiceover: "A dark night at Collinwood, where an enemy thought long dead has returned to claim revenge against a member of the Collins family. A man who commands immense powers of evil, who has somehow transformed his identity to spread that evil among those who live at the great house. On this night, he will reveal many things to his intended victim, Quentin Collins, but will make sure to retain many secrets of the past, secrets that can be as lethal as any other dangerous weapon...."
Anderson/Petofi stands laughing at Quentin before Quentin yells at him to "shut up already" and tell him what he wants. Anderson/Petofi smiles and says "I simply want you to understand what is happening, my dear Quentin!" Quentin raises an eyebrow.
After the titles, Anderson/Petofi sips a brandy and starts to tell Quentin what happened to him after 1897. "There was a time I would have preferred to die in Tate's studio," he says, "but fate had other things in store for me." We dissolve to Petofi (Thayer David) trapped in Tate's burning studio in 1897. He cannot get out among the burning oil paintings. He yells for help, but a large burning canvas falls near him, and he crashes to the ground. His glasses come off and skid across the floor. As Petofi gropes for them, he comes upon two large boots, and as we pan up, we see that it's none other than the leader of some scary looking gypsies. They look down at Petofi with a sneer, knock him on the head, and then tie his hands.We hear Anderson continue "The gypsies had a new King, Leonard, who was immune to my powers. And they took full advantage of my weakness." King Leonard (Michael McGuire) exits beyond some flames and a broken down door as the gypsies drag the unconscious Petofi behind them out of the studio. We pan through the flames to see that they left his glasses behind.
Petofi is chained to a wall in a small dark cell. Outside, we hear the music of a gypsy camp. Anderson/Petofi voiceovers "When I awoke, I was a prisoner at the mercy of the gypsies, once again. They had prevented me from calling upon my powers. While I was at their mercy, they tortured me, and held me for years. They slowly exacted revenge for the death of their King Johnny. I lost track of time after a while, after they dragged me from place to place, wherever they would encamp. I thought I would lose my mind." A gypsy throws some awful looking food into the cell which Petofi crawls to and downs voraciously. "Immortality can be a living hell when one loses control of one's fate, Mr. Collins," the voiceover continues. "But fate would not allow such a destiny for me." Outside the camp, we see two people dressed in Edwardian clothes arriving with a map, looking over the gypsy camp. King Leonard approaches them and says "You don't know how to take no for an answer!" before laughing heartily. "But your woman is beautiful! Maybe I will change my mind! Please, come in! Drink with us!" They enter and follow King Leonard - and they are James Storm and Donna Wandrey.
Petofi's flashback continues as Storm and Wandrey have a drink with King Leonard. Storm says he knows who their prisoner is, and of his powers. He looks to the woman and says "Roxanne, show the King of the gypsies how much we are willing to pay to visit with their prisoner." She shows King Leonard a large roll of money, but King Leonard says he cannot allow anyone to see Petofi, since Petofi might use the opportunity to escape. Storm counters that he has researched Petofi and knows that he holds the secret to immortality, and insists on finding out about his power. Roxanne waxes over being "young and beautiful forever" and how her "and her fiancee, Professor Anderson" wish to learn this secret from Petofi. King Leonard still refuses, and Roxanne begins to move closer to him. As she distracts him by asking about his jewelry and flirting, Anderson sneaks something into King Leonard's drink. After a toast, King Leonard passes out and Roxanne lifts the keys to the prison from him before she and Anderson leave the tent.
Petofi squints at the light as Anderson and Roxanne enter his cell. "You are Count Andreas Petofi, are you not?" Anderson asks. Petofi nods weakly. "I will help you escape from this place." he says. Petofi grabs his arm and says "Why have you come here? Who are you?" Anderson stops a moment, and says "I have come so that you can help me. I'll only take you out of here if you tell me your secret of immortality." Petofi laughs, and Roxanne asks him what is so funny. "Is that all you want, young man? How little you ask for, I feel I should give you something as a gift besides that." We cut back to Quentin in Collinwood listening to this, as he looks at Anderson/Petofi and sneers "You gave him your ring." Anderson/Petofi smiles, and we see the ring on his finger as he sips the brandy as we dissolve back to Petofi's cell as Anderson is putting the ring on and admiring it. He looks to Roxanne as suddenly he starts to swoon a bit, and Petofi's face goes from a smile to sudden confusion. James Storm is smiling now as Thayer David cries out "Roxanne! What has he done to me?" James Storm looks on him and laughs.