Aired: Thursday July 8, 1971
After a replay of Wednesday's close and the titles, Mrs. Johnson is tidying up the foyer of Collinwood when the doors fly open and Roger enters carrying suitcases. Following him is Elizabeth, walking slowly but deliberately. Mrs. Johnson greets her with a big smile, and tells her how glad she is to see her up and around. Liz thanks her as Roger calls for Carolyn and David. He leads Liz into the drawing room as Carolyn and David come downstairs and both give Liz a hug. Liz starts to look over some papers on the desk, and Roger leads her away, telling her to "take it easy." Liz tells him that she feels fine, and that there's "business to be attended to. Which of the guest rooms did you fix up for Alan?" she asks Roger, who stands there stumped. Carolyn tells Liz that none of the guest rooms have been touched. Liz scowls at Roger and calls for Mrs. Johnson, and tells her to "get a room ready for Dr. Slater, who will stay here a while." Mrs. Johnson asks if anything is wrong, and Liz says no, just get the room ready. After Mrs. Johnson leaves, Liz looks at Roger scoldingly.
There is a knock at the door and David answers it, letting Alan in. He says hello, and David asks him if he wants someone to fetch his bags from his car, and then gets excited when he sees the car. "You drive that car? A convertible sports car?" asks David. Alan says yes, and David says "Wow! I didn't think someone your age would drive a car like that!" and then thinks a moment and adds "I'm sorry, I don't think I said that right." Alan smiles and says it's okay, and asks David if he likes cars. David answers yes, and that he can't wait a couple more years to drive one. Alan says that "the best I can do for you right now then would be to let you ride in that one sometime. Okay?" David tells him yes as Roger comes downstairs. Roger sends David back upstairs to Daphne and his homework as Alan starts to take in the foyer. "This place hasn't changed a bit!" Alan says as he looks around. "The grandeur of Collinwood! The impressive architecture, the portraits of esteemed ancestors....." as he suddenly turns to see the portrait of Barnabas. "My word! Even your English cousin has his portrait hanging here!" Roger shakes his head and says "No, that's his English ancestor. A stunning resemblance, really, I've never gotten over it. But then again, Collins blood runs strong." Alan pats Roger on the back and quips "I know, I kept a lot of it pumping lately" as he walks into the drawing room. He looks around the drawing room and remarks "This house is just as magnificent as I remember it from all those years ago." Quentin, who has been sitting in there reading, says hello. Alan introduces himself, and Quentin remarks "Oh, you're Dr. Slater. Well, we all owe you a huge debt of thanks for what you've done for Elizabeth. I'm Quentin Collins." Alan says no thanks are necessary, and that he'd "do anything for Elizabeth. Speaking of which, where is she?" Roger says that she's up in her room resting. Alan says he'd better go check on her, and then tells Roger "Roger, could you get my bags out of my car? Thanks!" Alan leaves the room and heads upstairs, and Quentin, seeing Roger's annoyance, smirks "If it bothers you that much Roger, I can always get his bags." Roger doesn't find Quentin amusing.
At the old house, Willy enters the living room carrying an old trunk. Barnabas enters and thanks him for bringing it up from the basement. As Barnabas opens it and begins to blow some dust away, Willie asks him what "he wants to look through more old stuff for anyway." Barnabas tells him that there's something "very valuable in here, Willie." Willie gets a little excited and asks "Yeah? Like jewels?" Barnabas answers "Don't be so crass, Willie. Some things can be more valuable to the heart than gold...." as he continues looking through the trunk. Willie wonders what he means, until Barnabas removes an old white wedding dress from deep inside the trunk. "Ah! I thought it was in here," Barnabas says. Willie looks at it and says "That's a pretty old dress, Barnabas. Who's was it?" Barnabas answers "Who do you think?" Willie thinks a moment and then says "Angelique? Really? That was her dress when she married ya the first time?" Barnabas answers "Yes. I think she'd like to wear it again. Where is she?" Willie remarks "I think she's upstairs." Barnabas asks "Oh?" and Willie adds "Yeah, I think she's in Josette's room." Barnabas, shocked, looks at Willie and says "Josette's room?" and starts to run upstairs as Willie gets confused and asks "Yeah, whattsamatta?" Barnabas gets upstairs and enters Josette's room, where Angelique has been looking up at Josette's portrait. When Barnabas enters, she turns and looks at him coldly.
Barnabas asks Angelique to come downstairs, but Angelique remarks "You've done a wonderful job restoring this room, Barnabas." As she starts to fondle the various perfume bottles on Josette's dresser, she adds "You've made it a real shrine to her, haven't you? To the woman you loved." Angelique begins to cry a bit, and Barnabas takes her in his arms. He looks at her and says "I may have loved her once, but that was long ago. We are here now, and I love only you." She hugs him and she says that she "must know that is true" and Barnabas says it is. Angelique says that the room is very pretty and feminine, and "perhaps if we moved her portrait, I wouldn't feel so out of place here." Barnabas says "No. I don't want you to walk in her footsteps or have her things. You should have your own. And we will have our things, our rooms, our life together." He shows her the wedding dress and tells her "I had Willie bring this up from the basement. I thought it would make you happy." Angelique tells him that it does, and Barnabas tells her that he will have it "cleaned and ready for the wedding ceremony tomorrow." She gives him a hug, and he tells her that "Once we leave this room, I will have Willie lock it up. No one will come back in here ever again." Angelique suddenly gets sentimental and says "But you've done such wonders with it, Barnabas..." but he cuts her off with "We both have to let go of the past if we are to have a future, Angelique." She kisses him, and as they leave, they blow the candles out and leave the room in darkness. As we pan over the room in the moonlight, we see that the curtains begin to dance wildly as if in the wind, only the windows are still closed.