Aired: Monday July 12, 1971
In a repeat of Friday's close, Angelique stands next to Barnabas and lifts her veil as the minister begins the ceremony. As he goes from "Dearly beloved...." to "Do you Barnabas...." we see various reaction shots of everyone in the room: Alan, Liz, Roger, David, Quentin, Stokes, Carolyn, Daphne, Willie, Barnabas, Angelique & Julia. Barnabas says "I do" to the big question, as does Angelique as Quentin hands Barnabas the ring and he places it on Angelique's finger. The minister finishes with "By the power invested in me by the state of Maine, I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride." There is some small applause from the group as Barnabas starts to kiss Angelique, but at the moment their lips touch, there is a loud clap of thunder and a wind rushes through the room blowing all the candles out. The room is shrouded in darkness with only some pale moonlight. Everyone looks around wondering what is happening as the curtains in the room start waving without the windows being open. The chandelier begins to swing. Roger asks "What is going on?" There is another clap of thunder and a flash of lightning as everyone looks around startled, and with the whistling of the wind, Liz suddenly faints into Alan's arms. He shouts over the wind "Liz! Liz! Are you all right?" Roger tries to move towards Liz, but the wind is blowing stronger as the front doors of the house suddenly swing open. Everyone backs away from its force, and suddenly loud footsteps are heard approaching. Carolyn looks and screams, Daphne hides behind Quentin, Julia and Stokes are scared and curious, David is frozen with fear, Willie is panicky, the minister is aghast, and Alan can't believe what is happening as a dark silhouetted figure walks into the room through the open door. Angelique clings to Barnabas, as Barnabas looks at the figure and says in the howling wind, terrified, "No! It cannot be!" The figure stands in the shadows and raises an accusatory finger at Angelique and Barnabas - and with the next flash of lightning, we see him clearly as the bloody bandaged ghost of Jeremiah Collins.
After the titles, Jeremiah stands in flashes on lightning pointing a bony finger at the newly married couple as ghostly wind roars through the room. "Get back! GET BACK!" Barnabas yells as Jeremiah slowly approaches. Stokes takes a small medallion out of his pocket and we see him try to shine it in Jeremiah's direction. Angelique takes Stokes' arm for protection as Stokes says "Spirit! Begone! Begone from this place!" Stokes places Barnabas' hand on the medallion as well and repeats "Spirit, begone!" and suddenly, Jeremiah vanishes, the candles are re-lit, the room is bright and calm just as it was before Jeremiah arrived. Angelique, Stokes & Barnabas are standing together, but everyone else is in the exact positions they were before all the trouble started - even Liz is awake and on Alan's arm! Roger looks at Barnabas and says "What are you three doing? Barnabas! A moment ago you were kissing the bride and I was about to toast you!" Angelique, still shaken, asks "Didn't you see it?" "See what?" Roger asks. Barnabas and Stokes look at each other confused as Roger continues with a chuckle "What on Earth is the matter? You look like you've all seen a ghost!"
Barnabas quickly says that the "weight of the moment suddenly fell upon" he and his new bride, and lets Roger toast them. Stokes fumbles his medallion, and says in a low tone to Barnabas and Angelique how "the talisman must have preserved our memories as it vanquished that spirit. We were all touching it." "All the better," says Barnabas. David chimes in with "Did you really see a ghost, Angelique?" Angelique laughs a little and says she's not sure. David starts to tell her about different ghosts he's seen at Collinwood over the years and how the entire estate is haunted, but Roger tells him to "stop talking nonsense." Alan laughs a little and says "How you've changed, Roger!" Alan turns to David and says "When I used to work at Collinwood, your father was a little younger than you are now, David. He used to love to try to scare me by telling me how all the dark corners of the estate were haunted by the ghosts of the past." David looks at his father with a big smile and asks "Father, did you really do that?" Roger gets embarrassed and says "I'd rather not discuss that right now. Excuse me," before walking away. Liz tells Alan how Roger no longer likes to talk about "such things" but is encouraged when David proudly says "I guess I'm a lot like my father after all!" Stokes calls Julia over and tells her that they had all seen "an apparition of some sort." Julia says she saw nothing. Barnabas tells her that what they saw "was real, very real. I even know who it was." Stokes is intrigued, but Julia coldly says "Even so, it's really no concern of mine." Barnabas is stunned at her attitude.
Barnabas tries to question Julia why she isn't interested, but is interrupted by some congratulations from Carolyn and Quentin. As Barnabas is occupied, Stokes asks Julia why she isn't as intrigued by "yet another strange phenomena at Collinwood." Julia tells Stokes that while strange phenomena still interest her, she has "grown tired of Collinwood and the hauntings of the family." Stokes can't believe this, and reminds her how close she is to the family. Julia agrees, but while watching Barnabas and Angelique take their congratulations from the others in the room, tells Stokes that her "heart just isn't as passionate for any more mysteries around here anymore." Stokes sees what she is looking at and nods silently, understanding.
As the guests leave and say their goodbyes, Barnabas tries one more time to get Julia to wait behind along with Stokes to discuss what they had seen. Alan, Liz, Roger and David say their goodbyes, with David telling Angelique that if she sees "any more ghosts, be sure to let me know!" Quentin, Daphne and Carolyn are next to leave, and when Carolyn asks if Julia is coming, Barnabas starts to say no, but Julia says "Yes, I'll be there in a moment." Barnabas and Julia look at each other sadly and Julia leaves with the group. Angelique looks satisfied at this, and as Willy closes the door behind them all, Barnabas says how much he regrets the loss of Julia's help, since she was "so invaluable in the past." Angelique says "Well, Professor Stokes was much more helpful this time, Barnabas. What was that you took from your pocket?" Stokes says "A small talisman I carry around for good luck. I hadn't really believed in its power until tonight." Willy asks them what they are talking about, and Barnabas says "We all saw a ghost, Willy." Willy says "Yeah? Tonight? Here? W..w..ww..wwwwhat are you talkin' about?" Stokes says "Yes, I too would like an explanation, if you have one, Barnabas." Barnabas looks somber for a moment, and says "I know who that angry spirit was. And I know why he was here." Then, he looks at Angelique and says "And I fear for us, Angelique." She looks concerned.