Aired: Wednesday August 4, 1971
After a replay of Tuesday's close and the titles, Harrison glares at Willie and asks him what he's doing. Willie nervously drops the book and tells Harrison "you really scared me there!" Harrison asks Willie again what he's doing there, and Willie answers that he was looking for the blueprints to Collinwood since he was "thinkin' of restorin' parts of the house. Ya know? Like I did for Barnabas at the old house. I was thinkin' since I'm the caretaker now, that Mrs. Stoddard might like some of the older rooms upstairs fixed up." Harrison asks Willie how he knew that he had the blueprints, and Willie lies that Carolyn told him. "So, you're really interested in the family history, huh?" Willie adds. Harrison says he is, and "that it seems I'm not the only one with curiosity." Willie gulps.
Willie is coming down the stairs quickly. He is about to leave through the front door when there is a knock. Willie answers it, and sees that it's Nicholas. "You!" Willie says, terrified. "What are you doin' back here?" Nicholas walks in with a smile and answers "Now that's hardly a friendly greeting, Mr. Loomis. Why don't you just simply say 'Hello, Mr. Blair, it's so good to see you again after all this time.'" Willie answers that he doesn't know how good it is. Nicholas laughs a little and asks to see Roger, but Roger has already come out of the drawing room and greets Nicholas with "Nicholas Blair! It's been so long since we've seen you here!" Nicholas walks by Willie, who leaves, and tells Roger that "after traveling all around the world, I've decided that I actually loved living in Collinsport best of all." Roger smiles and thanks Nicholas for his graciousness, and invites him into the drawing room for a drink. Nicholas continues to lie about where he's been, and eventually comes around to mentioning the house by the sea that he had originally rented from Roger. Roger tells him it's still empty and "yours if you want it again. I'm sure Liz will have no problems with you staying there as before." Nicholas raises his glass to Roger and thanks him, mentioning that "it will feel good to settle in again."
At the old house, Willie tells Barnabas what he found in Harrison's room. Barnabas is curious why all of Harrison's clothes were new, and he and Willie try to figure out the meaning behind this when Angelique enters the room. Willie tells them that Harrison was also reading the family history, and that he had bookmarked the page about Barnabas and Jeremiah. Barnabas and Angelique look at each other scared, and Barnabas wonders if Harrison has anything to do with Jeremiah "somehow." Angelique says she's sure he doesn't, and asks Willie to leave her and Barnabas alone. Willie insists he has to tell Barnabas "somethin' else! Somethin' much more important! Now you gotta listen to me!" Barnabas tells him to calm down and just tell him, but then there is a knock at the door. Barnabas answers it and sees that it's Nicholas. "Blair!" he gasps.
Nicholas enters the old house and sarcastically congratulates Barnabas and Angelique on their marriage. "I suppose this makes you my brother in law of sorts, Barnabas," Nicholas says. Barnabas snaps "Angelique has nothing to do with you, Blair. And I would loathe to consider you part of my family." Willie smiles and Barnabas waves him away. As Willie leaves, Nicholas looks around the room and says "And how is the family, Mr. Collins?" Barnabas sneers "Now I know it's you, Blair. I know that you're the one who is controlling Jeremiah. Don't think for a moment that I'm afraid of you." Nicholas sneers back "Don't you think for a moment that I haven't lost my powers." As the two square off, there is another knock at the door. Angelique answers it, and it's Harrison, who asks to come in. Barnabas sees him and asks him what he wants. Nicholas interrupts to say "Excuse me, I haven't had the pleasure..." and Harrison introduces himself to Nicholas with a handshake. Harrison continues to tell Barnabas "I want you to know that your servant was searching around my room earlier today." Barnabas feigns surprise, and says "Why would he be doing that?" Harrison skeptically answers "I'm sure you're as much in the dark as I am. He claimed to be searching for the blueprints I was studying, but I think he was looking through some of my personal possessions for some reasons. I understand that before you employed him, he was not of the finest character." Barnabas answers that Willie has changed since "those days" and is "completely trustworthy." Angelique tells Harrison that she "will speak to Willie. I'm sure he would not be able to refuse me the truth." Harrison smiles at Angelique and says "I'm sure no one could refuse you anything." Barnabas scowls at Harrison's flirting, and Nicholas notices Barnabas' anger with curiosity.