Aired: Tuesday August 10, 1971
Quentin takes Daphne into the drawing room and tells her that he and Stokes have something very important to tell her. Quentin looks at Stokes for a moment, and then to Daphne. He simply says "I think we've found out who you really are." She's not sure if she wants to hear it.
After the titles, Daphne questions how she could really be Daphne Harridge if Daphne Harridge died "over a hundred years ago." Stokes explains how Petofi may have "broken the barriers between life and death" by reanimating her soul into a new body. "Other witches and sorcerers have discovered such secrets, Miss Hopkins," Stokes continues. "And it seems to be the strongest possibility in your case." Daphne argues that there's no way to prove it, but Stokes answers "there may be. A long time ago there was a man named Peter Bradford who found his way through time into a new body, with no memory of what had happened to him. I gave him an herb to spark his memory, and he discovered the truth." Quentin asks if Daphne can take the herb as well to know the truth, but Stokes answers "There may be a problem with that, Mr. Collins. You see, after Peter Bradford took the herb, his spirit returned to his life in the past. No one ever saw him again in the twentieth century." Daphne and Quentin are both frightened.
Quentin insists that Daphne is "too real" to fade into the past, but Daphne hesitates. She wonders aloud if it really matters who she is, since she is happy in her life "as it is now." Stokes counters that if her existence "is indeed the result of a spell, we may need to understand that spell in order that it doesn't dissolve." Quentin asks him what that means, and Stokes answers that Daphne might "fade back into the past" even without the herb. "There's no way of knowing for sure." Daphne looks at Quentin, then at Stokes, and says "If you know for sure who I am, will it help you to somehow make sure the spell doesn't dissolve?" Stokes answers "That assumes a spell in the first place, but yes, Miss Hopkins. If you want to take the chance." Daphne says she will.
Carolyn enters the drawing room, and Stokes asks her to stay, since she "can help, since the ritual we are about to undertake works better with more people." Daphne tells Carolyn that Stokes may be able to figure out who she is with the use of a special herb to prod her memory, but that she's "afraid she may fade into the past." Carolyn asks Stokes if this is a wise thing to do. "I remember what happened to Vicky years ago." Daphne asks who Vicky is, and Carolyn tells her that Vicky was once the governess, and then Stokes finishes the story by saying "Miss Winters had formed a link with the Peter Bradford I told you about earlier. She, too, faded into the past with him." Quentin asks Daphne if she still wants to go through with it, and she says yes. Stokes darkens the room, hands her the herb, and begins the ritual. She eats one leaf at a time as Stokes reads instructions from an old book. After the fourth leaf, Stokes asks her how she is feeling, but she starts to go into a trance. Quentin asks her if she is allright, and she faints in his arms. "Daphne!" he yells.
Quentin has seated Daphne on the couch, and she begins to awaken. Stokes shoos Quentin away and asks her who she is. She answers "Daphne Harridge Collins." Stokes asks her what year it is, and she looks around the room saying "'s all wrong. This room is different, changed. What year is this?" Stokes answers "1971." Daphne shakes her head and says "No, no... that's impossible." She starts to look at her hands, then she feels her own face. "What's happened to me? I'm young face...." She suddenly gets up and walks quickly to a mirror on the wall, and is startled to see herself. "How did I get young again? How....." Quentin moves towards her, telling her to calm down. She looks at him and says "Quentin....but you're not Quentin somehow.....I think I remember...." Stokes warns Quentin that the memories are "returning too quickly" and that he may need to give her a sedative. Quentin says "No! She's remembering! That's what this is all about!" Daphne looks around the room and says "I haven't been here in years....I'm at Collinwood....I was at our house in Manhattan, then.....a man, an evil man! I remember his eyes! He looked at me, and I couldn't move! I couldn't move!" Daphne starts to get hysterical, and Carolyn grabs her. "You're okay now, Daphne. Listen to me!" she says. "Anderson! Anderson!" screams Daphne. "How did he take me away? How did he make me young again? No! NO!" Daphne screams and faints into Quentin's arms again. Stokes turns the lights up, and looks Daphne over. Quentin asks if she'll be okay, and Stokes says "Physically she seems fine. But I have no idea the effect of the trauma she's just been through. She now has full conscious memory of her identity as Daphne Harridge Collins."