Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Episode 1353

Aired: Wednesday September 1, 1971

After a repeat of Tuesday's close, Quentin demands that Nicholas leave the house. Nicholas apologizes for having upset Daphne, and leaves with a sneer. Harrison remarks "What did you mean that the less I know about Nicholas Blair, the better?" Quentin answers "Let's discuss it after I help Daphne up to her room. She didn't sleep well last night." Harrison helps Quentin lead Daphne upstairs as we cut to Sebastian's house. Carolyn is drinking tea and looking less hung over. Vicky asks her if she's feeling better, and Carolyn says she is. "Better enough to come back home?" asks Vicky and Carolyn says she's not sure, but then voices concern. "I hope mother isn't worried about me being out all night...." Vicky answers that she phoned while Carolyn was asleep that "you were with me." Carolyn laughs a little, and says "So, I guess this is what it's like to have an older sister to look after me." Vicky remarks how strange it is to think of herself as truly part of the Collins family. "You won't be alone in finding it strange. I'm sure when David comes back from school, he'll be surprised." Vicky suddenly looks a little sad. "And Barnabas... I wonder how Barnabas will react." As Vicky gets more worried, Carolyn replies "It looks like I'm not the only one of us afraid to go back home right now." Vicky thinks about that for a moment.

Quentin has put Daphne to sleep and is quietly leaving the room. He bumps into Harrison in the hallway. Harrison asks Quentin why Nicholas would want to hurt Daphne. Quentin answers that "I don't think he wanted to, I think he was trying to find out about her for his own purposes. I don't know what he wanted to know, but if it's Blair, it's for no good, trust me." Harrison asks if Nicholas has been "trouble" before, and Quentin answers "You should ask Barnabas sometime. As enemies, they go way back." Harrison thinks about this. Downstairs, Vicky and Carolyn return. They both tell each other that they have to be brave. Carolyn walks into the drawing room where Liz is sitting. They look at each other for a moment. Carolyn begins to tear up a bit, and Liz begins to smile. Liz says "Carolyn, I don't know what I can ever do to make it up to you, but I know I can try." Carolyn sniffs and says "I guess I can try too. If...if Vicky can understand your reasons, I don't see where I have the right to....." Liz hugs Carolyn and tells her "It's okay to be angry with me, but please don't mistrust me. I'll always tell you the truth. I don't want there to ever be secrets between us again." Carolyn hugs her mother as Vicky watches.

Upstairs, Quentin is heading to his room when he hears some noises above him. At first, he ignores them, but then he hears more footstep sounds and gets concerned. He quickly heads out of his room and down the hall of the west wing and opens a door revealing the staircase to the attic. Quentin heads up the stairs. In the attic, there is some assorted junk, as well as the covered portrait of Quentin resting on an easel. Quentin enters, removing the key from the door he just unlocked. He looks around the room and hears nothing, but then as he turns, Nicholas is standing before him. "Hello, Mr. Collins," Nicholas says with a smile. Quentin is furious. "What do you think you're doing here, Blair? How did you get in?" Nicholas chuckles and begins to walk around. "You should know me better than that, Mr. Collins. A locked door is but a cloud of mist to a man like me." Quentin replies "That still doesn't explain what you think you're doing here." Nicholas snaps "Perhaps I'm an art lover" and pulls the cover off Quentin's portrait, revealing the image of an aged and decaying Quentin. "Hardly a true likeness of you, or is it?" Nicholas sneers. Quentin demands that Nicholas cover the portrait and leave, but Nicholas answers "Not until we do business, Mr. Collins. Not until then." Nicholas smiles as Quentin frowns.

Quentin walks around Nicholas with a smirk. "So, it seems you want something from me, Blair. What could that be? And what are you willing to pay?" Nicholas laughs. "What am I willing to pay? Quentin, you are a man after my own heart." Quentin answers "I didn't know you had one of those." Nicholas replies "Let's put our cards on the table, shall we? Daphne Hopkins was brought here from a time over a century ago and I want to know how." Quentin starts laughing, and Nicholas demands to know why. "None of us know how that was accomplished. And to be honest, I've stopped that she's here." Nicholas answers "I don't believe you. You must be curious. Especially after the return of Victoria Winters. It proves that someone has the power to move people from one time to another." Quentin looks Nicholas over and answers "Obviously a power you don't have....and obviously one you want pretty badly. Why?" Nicholas answers "I have my reasons." Quentin snaps "And I have my reasons to throw you out of here, either down the stairs or out a window." Nicholas answers "The Quentin Collins who lived here in the 1840s knew the secret I seek, and I believe others at this house may know it. I can be a very powerful ally if I get what I want, Quentin." Quentin answers "I'm quite aware of the kind of friend you can be, Blair." Nicholas snarls "I can be just as powerful an enemy as well. Look at your portrait." Quentin gets a little worried as Nicholas adds "Go on" with a smile. Quentin looks at his portrait, which, before his eyes, starts to blur. Through Quentin's viewpoint, we see it begin to come into focus again, and it looks like a portrait of the young Quentin. We hear Quentin gasping while Nicholas laughs, and then we see Quentin's two bony aged hands, shaking, come into view....