Aired: Thursday September 9, 1971
After a replay of Wednesday's close, Julia tells Vicky that she "can only hope Angelique has changed." Julia goes on to say how she wouldn't want anything bad to happen to Barnabas. Vicky asks Julia "then you still have strong feelings for him?" Julia stammers "Yes....but I only want to see him happy, after all the suffering he has gone through." Vicky agrees, and says "That's why I'm so happy he told me the truth. I want to help him whenever he needs me, the same as he's helped me in the past." Julia smiles at Vicky. Meanwhile, Willie is cleaning the living room at the old house, and stacking wood by the fire. Barnabas and Angelique come downstairs, and tell Willie they will be at Collinwood if anyone comes calling. After they leave, Willie grumbles "Who ever comes calling around here? No one for old Willie Loomis, that's for sure!" as he continues straightening up the room. He hears the door creak open again, and turns around. "Barnabas? Is that you? Did you forget something?" Willie walks to the door and sees that it's shut. He wonders what is going on until a hand comes down on his shoulder and spins him around. He's suddenly facing a smiling Nicholas Blair. "Blair!" Willie gasps.
At Collinwood, Vicky and Julia are having tea in the drawing room when Barnabas and Angelique arrive. Barnabas asks Vicky how it feels to be "the mistress of Collinwood, of sorts" with Liz and Alan "on a trip to Boston to see his children." Vicky answers she's not quite used to it all, and adds "I don't know if I could ever fill my mother's shoes in that regard." "Nonsense," Barnabas says. "You handle yourself beautifully." Angelique butts in "Barnabas, perhaps we should tell Julia and Vicky why we are here." Barnabas answers "Of course." He walks to the fireplace and says "Vicky, now that we have taken you into our confidence, you need to know the possible dangers that may put you in." Vicky answers "Danger? I don't understand." Barnabas answers "An old enemy has returned to take Angelique back under the shadow of his darkness. Nicholas Blair." Vicky answers "Nicholas Blair....yes, he is an evil man. What does he want with you?" Julia answers "We're not sure." Angelique answers "He has offered me my powers back, in a limited sense." Vicky asks "Have you accepted? You can't make a deal with him, Angelique!" Angelique answers "I have not made any deals with him" as Julia watches silently, continuing "and there may be a possibility that such powers could be used against Nicholas." Barnabas snaps "Somehow I doubt that. I think Blair is only motivated by one thing - revenge. Revenge for when his plans were destroyed. The powers he would restore to you would only blacken your heart again." Angelique says "Not if I have your love." Before they can get too lovey-dovey, Julia interrupts "I think we need to find a way to deal with Blair." Angelique turns to Julia and says "I agree. In fact, I have an idea on how you might be able to help us be rid of him once and for all." Julia wonders what she means.
At the old house, Willie sits as Nicholas stands over him. "What do you want here anyway?" Willie asks nervously. Blair answers "I am only paying a social call, Loomis. Why are you so jumpy?" Willie answers "I got plenty of reason to be jumpy around you! I know what you can do to people! Why don't you just leave me alone!" Willie gets up and tries to get out of the room, but Nicholas blocks his path and waves his hand in front of Willie's face. "I command you to stop!" Nicholas says. Willie tries to hide his eyes and turn away, but Nicholas insists "Look at me! Loomis! I command you to look at me!" Willie slowly turns and faces Nicholas, who stares him down. "You are the keeper of Barnabas Collins' secrets....and you will reveal all those secrets to me." Willie, seemingly under hypnosis, says "I will reveal the secrets." Nicholas says "That's better. Now Willie, tell me how Barnabas Collins has traveled through time." Willie starts to laugh a little, and Nicholas demands that he stop and answer. "I don't know!" Willie says. "It's just too weird to think about!" Nicholas says "Tell me whatever you know." Willie answers "Well, the first time, there were these wands....these wooden wands with marks on 'em...he found 'em up in the west wing. I think they belonged to Quentin or somethin'...anyway, he threw them on a table and just sat there...he just sat there! Starin' at 'em! He went into a trance and we couldn't say anything to him! And then....." Willie's eyes open and he begins to get more terrified. Nicholas commands "And then what?" Willie, trembling, answers "He just disappeared! Into thin air! He was just....gone!" Nicholas thinks about this. "What did these wands look like? Where are they?" he shouts at Willie. Willie says he doesn't know. "Then we will find them. We will search this entire house for them." Willie nods weakly. "If I am right....this means Barnabas has explored the secrets of the I Ching, and successfully. I must have those wands. You must find them for me, Willie!" Nicholas forms a smile as Willie goes upstairs, adding "I have business in the past," and chuckling.
Julia asks Angelique what her plans are to deal with Nicholas. "You may hold the key," Angelique answers. "And that key is Maggie Evans." Julia answers "Maggie Evans! But Maggie Evans has been under care at Windcliff for quite some time now...what could she possibly do to help us get rid of Nicholas?" Barnabas answers "Nicholas was once destroyed because of his earthly love for Maggie. It proved his undoing. Perhaps it could again." Vicky looks at Barnabas and asks "Wouldn't involving Maggie place her in danger?" Barnabas looks at Vicky and says "Vicky, I promise you, no harm will come to Maggie." (How often have we heard this promise from Barney, I wonder....) Julia is hesitant, and agrees with Vicky that Maggie could be endangered by Nicholas. Angelique insists "Nicholas would never harm her. He loves her, and he I did....that the only way to escape the power of his master is to receive that human love in return." Vicky shakes her head and says "That's assuming he would want to leave his evil behind! I don't think Nicholas wants to follow the path you took, Angelique. I just don't believe he could be capable!" Angelique looks thoughtful and says "You would be surprised, Vicky. Love can do amazing things to even the darkest of hearts..." We dissolve to Nicholas in the old house rubbing his hands as Willie comes downstairs with the I Ching wands. Nicholas takes them and studies them, saying "Ah....the mysteries of the I of the oldest tools of divination known to humankind.....and mere clay to be molded in my hands." Willie asks "What are y'gonna do with those things anyway?" Nicholas looks at Willie and says "Loomis, you look tired. Very tired. In fact, I think you should go up to your room and sleep. You will sleep a deep sleep and forget I was ever here. Do you understand?" Willie says "Yes." Nicholas says "Then go." Willie heads upstairs as Nicholas examines the wands while thinking "What do I want these for...indeed....what else would I want these for but to unlock their secrets of time? And then to use those secrets to destroy Angelique and Barnabas Collins!"