Aired: Friday October 15, 1971
After a replay of Thursday's close and the titles, Julia is fascinated by Harrison's story. She tries to hide her elation at knowing all the secrets when she turns to tell Harrison and Barnabas "We must prevent that tragedy from happening to the family!" Barnabas tells her they were on their way to Nicholas' to search for the ring. Julia says "Let me help," and the three move on. At Nicholas' front door, Julia says she will go in first and make sure Nicholas isn't there. Barnabas asks what she will do if she's discovered, and Julia answers "I'll tell him I came over to warn him against doing anything else to us. You know, the usual." Julia forces the door and goes inside. Harrison remarks "She is a very brave woman, isn't she?" Barnabas answers "She has saved my life more than once." Inside, Julia looks around the corner, and then Nicholas starts coming down the stairs. Before he can say anything, she shushes him and tells him to go back upstairs, whispering "We have them right where we want them. Go back upstairs and turn out all the lights. I'll be back here later." After Nicholas does this, Julia opens the door to let Harrison and Barnabas in. "It looks like no one is here!" she says. Barnabas makes straight for the living room and tells Harrison "If Blair stole that ring, chances are it's hidden in here." As Harrison and Barnabas begin to search the room, we pan down from Julia's smiling face to her open purse where we see the jewel of the ring glistening.
At Collinwood, Barnabas, Julia & Harrison return. Julia tells Harrison that "the ring must be somewhere." Barnabas answers "We looked over every corner of that house. Blair must be hiding it somewhere, or even wearing it himself." Harrison walks to the portrait of Barnabas and begins to look at it, thinking. Barnabas asks Julia if she'll go back and see Stokes the next day, "to see if there's any safeguard we can take against any actions by Blair." Julia says she will, but "I need some sleep now." Barnabas tells her goodnight as she goes upstairs, and tells Harrison he'd better be getting back to the old house. Harrison apologizes for not hearing him, only saying "I was deep in thought. Something I thought once while looking at this painting, only I wish I could remember it now." Barnabas wonders what that might be, but says goodnight and leaves. Quentin comes out of the drawing room and asks Harrison if he's recovered the ring. Harrison says no, but leads Quentin back inside the drawing room and closes the doors. Quentin asks what's going on, and Harrison tells him "Barnabas is not what I expected him to be, but according to Stokes, there's still the chance he may change somehow." Quentin answers "We both know it won't be a voluntary change." Harrison nods and says "Exactly. Something or someone changes him." Quentin answers "And we both know it's likely to be Blair, so where does that leave us?" Harrison says "What if it isn't Blair? What if it's someone else? Barnabas would be on his guard against Blair, whether or not I was here, right?" Quentin thinks a moment and agrees. Harrison adds "If you were Blair, how might you get to Barnabas?" Quentin answers he doesn't know, and Harrison continues "Yes, you do. You just don't want to face it. Blair would need an ally, someone Barnabas trusted. Maybe even loved." Quentin is shocked to hear this idea. "Do you suspect Angelique? She hates Blair! And he hates her!" Harrison shakes his head "No, no, not Angelique. Not if Blair's intent is to destroy Angelique as well for some reason of his own. I wasn't sure about it when I first saw it, but then I remembered as I told my story. Those eyes, those red eyes, filled with blind hatred I saw in Barnabas' spirit. I have seen them here, Quentin." Quentin asks where, and Harrison answers "I remembered where tonight. I saw them in Julia Hoffman." Quentin is stunned.
The next morning, Nicholas is having breakfast when Julia arrives. She tells him how she snuck out of Collinwood before anyone could see her. Nicholas asks her why she allowed Barnabas and Harrison to "ransack" his house the previous evening. "I needed to make sure they remained confused as to this," she says, holding up the ring. "Now I understand what Quentin Collins tried to explain to me so long ago in 1840.... this crystal needs to link to elements in those planks he used to build his staircase to open the vortex properly." Nicholas says "So, that's it? That's the secret? We will need to go to that laboratory in the basement then!" Julia answers "Not necessarily. If we can remove those broken planks and arrange them as you saw Harrison do, we should be able to open the vortex anywhere we wish. And how convenient for us that Harrison has reminded me of where I want to focus it.... on an eternity of hellfire for Angelique and the Collins family she betrayed me for. And for what? For that stupid emotion humans call love, in a pathetic attempt to save what was left of her dark soul. Now we can add others to her torment." Julia scowls as she studies the ring and we see her eyes are red and bloodshot. Meanwhile, Barnabas is at Stokes, explaining he couldn't find Julia but needed to see Stokes anyway. Stokes answers that he has a talisman that may protect Barnabas from Blair, but may not. "It all depends on what kinds of powers he attempts to use against you. And if he controls the time vortex, the talisman may be completely useless." Barnabas answers that if Nicholas controls the time vortex, there may be no way to stop his plans. "Indeed, " Stokes says. "He could alter the timeflow in ways to destroy any of his enemies. There may be only one way to stop him if what Harrison says is true." Barnabas asks what, and Stokes answers "If we destroy the remains of that staircase, the crystal will have no receptor to create the vortex." Barnabas agrees, but adds "But if we destroy it, Harrison will have no way to return to his own time!" Stokes answers that in order to prevent the power from falling into the hands of Nicholas, "Harrison may have to remain here." Barnabas wonders how to tell him.
Harrison is having coffee when Angelique and Vicky enter. Vicky tells Harrison that Angelique has told her everything, and a nervous Harrison asks her if she is all right. She smiles and says "Well, your vision of the future is something we need to change. But I wanted to thank you for what you did for me." Harrison says "Please, don't thank me. I feel I owe you an apology...I attempted to use you as a pawn in a larger plan. I cannot think of you that way now. I am sorry." Vicky tells him he still saved her life and helped her discover who she really is, and "now I want to help all of you stop what you saw from happening." Harrison remarks that "According to Professor Stokes, I may have already prevented it without even knowing it." Angelique says "You cannot be sure unless you go back to your own time and see." Harrison reminds her that's impossible without his ring. Angelique smiles and says "Perhaps not... there may another way....look into my eyes." Harrison wonders what she means "Your eyes? Why?" Angelique says "You will look into my eyes, deeply." Harrison is beginning to go under a spell as he stares at Angelique. "You can only see into my eyes...deep into the well of their existence. Deep within the endless visions of what their soul can see...across space and across time. Across the span of time to a future yet unknown to us....." Angelique continues. Harrison slowly says "Yes....I can see them....." Angelique says "You must tell me what you see, Harrison. You will not remember it when I tell you to turn away from my eyes....but you must tell me what you see....." Harrison doesn't say anything, and Vicky asks if it's working. Angelique says she thinks so, but "he will need to tell us everything. When he comes out of the trance, he won't remember what he's seen." Harrison says "Where am I?" Angelique focuses her attention to Harrison again and says "Tell me where you are, Harrison.... and what you see....." We zoom in on Angelique's eyes and then Harrison's and see what he sees...we are panning across the Collinwood foyer. It is dusty and aged looking, as it did in Harrison's story. We hear Harrison say "I am at Collinwood. It is the year 2045...." Angelique says "Tell me what you see. Who is living in the house?" As we pan to the empty drawing room, Harrison says "There is no one here.... the house has long been abandoned...." Angelique says "You are to tell me the future that exists now, not the one that once existed.... tell me the future as you have changed it, Harrison Collins. Who is living at Collinwood?" As we continue to pan the empty drawing room, with old and rotting 20th century furniture, Harrison says "No one lives here.... they are all dead....all of! They are here!" Angelique says "Tell me what you see." In the middle of the drawing room, a vortex begins to open and within it begins to burn hellfire. "The vortex is locked on eternal hellfire!" Harrison yells. "The spirits are still trapped within it!" Within the hellfire, we see the screaming Carolyn, Elizabeth, Angelique and Sarah.... and then Harrison says "No! There are more!" We now see Vicky, then Alan, then Quentin and then Barnabas burning in the hellfire. Harrison yells "No! Quentin! Barnabas! Vicky! They are all trapped!" And then, from out of the flames the last screaming spirit appears... it is Harrison himself. He screams "NOOOOOOO!" as we cut back to the breakfast table as Harrison screams "I am one of the suffering dead as well! Whatever I have done here..... has destroyed everyone!" Angelique and Vicky look at each other, terrified.