Aired: Monday January 3, 1972
In a replay of Friday's close, Harrison and Valery reach the outside of Collinwood when Harrison turns and says "I don't think he followed us... perhaps the one killing was enough for him. Something else that we will need to investigate once we take care of you. Gladstone will have to be notified." He sees that Valery is smiling at him. "You have no idea who I am, do you?" he says to her. She continues smiling, and he says "Perhaps your intellect is gone for the moment and you are only able to experience the most basic of your own emotions. You can only show me your honest feelings for me. She leans in to him and kisses him. He holds her and says how happy he is that he was able to get to her in time, and then looks at her dumb smile and tells her "I will save you, Valery! I will make sure you are cured of whatever that blackguard did to you! I swear it! And then I will see to it that Trask suffers terribly! When the true will I am carrying is revealed, he will have nothing over you." He starts to lead her towards the house when Trask suddenly steps into his path holding the gun. "I don't think you're in any position to make me suffer, Mr. Collins!" Trask says. "But I can inflict a mortal blow unto you....once I relieve you of that secret will you just informed my dear wife about." Trask holds the gun as Harrison stands in front of Valery.
After the titles, Trask demands that Harrison hand the will over and "perhaps I'll let you live." Harrison steps in front of Valery and tells Trask that if he harms her further, "I'll kill you right now." Trask snickers and tells Harrison to prepare to die, but from behind him, a familiar hand touches his shoulder. Trask turns around to see Petofi in front of him. "Who are you?" Trask shouts. "I cannot allow you to harm Mr. Harrison, " Petofi says. Trask tries to fire the gun, but Petofi has wrapped THE HAND around it and it jams. He rips it out of Trask's hands, and tells Harrison to "take the lady back to Collinwood while I attend to this gentleman." Harrison starts to take Valery back when Trask shudder and says "How did you do that to the gun? What kind of man are you?" Petofi moves in closer raising THE HAND and says "You are about to find out in a most terrible way....." As he moves closer, we hear Trask scream. Back at Collinwood, Harrison gets Valery inside where Quentin waits. Valery barely recognizes Quentin, and Harrison says "She'll need a doctor after what she's been through." Quentin looks her over and says "I swear I'll kill Trask when I find him." Harrison says "Petofi already has." Quentin asks Harrison what kind of powers Petofi has, ands Harrison says "I'll explain everything, I only want to make sure Petofi does not hear it." Quentin asks if Petofi is so evil, "why did he save you from Trask? He still needs you for some reason?" Harrison says "I'm afraid so." They take Valery upstairs as Petofi enters the house. "Mr. Trask will not be bothering you for a long while, Mr. Harrison. When you finish with the lady, meet me in the drawing room. We shall discuss many things." Harrison doesn't like the sound of it.
Petofi has poured himself a brandy when Harrison returns to the drawing room. He tells Petofi that Valery is "getting some much needed sleep. The doctor will be here to see what sort of measures can be taken against the poisons Trask put in that water." Petofi looks at him and asks point blank "You love her, don't you?" Harrison doesn't want to answer, and Petofi says "No need to say anything, Mr. Harrison. I'm not concerned with any of your social affairs. I only have interest in your scientific knowledge." Harrison thanks Petofi for saving him from Trask, and then boldly says "So, does that make us even? I brought you here where you can escape your enemies and you saved me from one of mine?" Petofi smiles and tells Harrison he admires his bravado. "Perhaps this is the wrong time to discuss any further business we may have. Dealing with Mr. Trask has made me somewhat tired." Harrison asks Petofi "You didn't kill him, did you?" Petofi says "Why are suddenly so concerned? Is it that you care for the life of Mr. Trask, or did you want the satisfaction of killing him yourself?" Harrison says he'd have to stand in line to enjoy that satisfaction, and Petofi says "No, my boy. I did not kill him. I need to learn more about people here, in this time, before I am able to make judgments like that. Let's just say that I removed him from the game as I would remove a pawn." Petofi remarks on how remarkable the resemblance the PT Collinwood has to the one he's familiar with, and Harrison feigns saying that he noticed the same thing "when I visited your time." Petofi says that it's a fascinating subject they must discuss sometime, but he asks if there's a room upstairs where he can lie down for a while. Quentin enters the room and tells Petofi that he can use the empty bedroom in the east wing. Petofi looks at Quentin and chuckles. Quentin asks him what is so funny, and Petofi says "It's a remarkable resemblance, that's all. You have a remarkable resemblance to someone else I know." Petofi leaves and Quentin asks Harrison what Petofi meant. Harrison motions that he'll tell him later. Quentin asks "What did he do with Trask?" Harrison says "I'm not sure. I think he might have only scared him off." Quentin pours himself a drink and says "Let's hope he's scared off for good." Harrison wonders as we dissolve to a groaning Trask coming to in the he turns to us, we see that his face is horribly disfigured and unrecognizable. He cannot talk through his twisted wreck of a mouth, and groans in agony.
Harrison is on the telephone and says thank you and hangs up. He tells Quentin that the police can't seem to find Gladstone, and that they'll have to send their deputies after Alice's body. There is a banging on the door. Quentin opens it, and a frantic Carl enters, carrying a gun. Quentin asks him what's going on, and Carl tells him "He got away from me! I saw him change, right before my eyes, and then he knocked me over and got out!" Quentin asks him who, and Carl says "Gladstone!" Harrison says "Gladstone?" Carl nods and says "Gladstone is the masked killer! We've got to find him!" Quentin doesn't believe it, and says "Gladstone the killer? He's hunting the killer, Carl! You've been drinking again!" Carl angrily says he hasn't had a drink "in weeks," and that "Gladstone confessed to me! He said something weird happens to him at night when he sleeps...something takes him over! I saw it happen!" Harrison asks Carl exactly what he saw, and Carl says "Gladstone nodded off, for only a moment, and then opened his eyes. They were different, evil. He knocked me over before I could get to the gun. He wanted me to kill him, he knows what happens to him!" Harrison looks at Quentin a moment, then says to Carl "Carl, I hate to be the one to tell you, but Alice was killed tonight." Carl, shocked, says "Alice? Oh no.... She saw it in her dreams! She knew he was gonna kill her!" Harrison tells Carl how he found her body, and Carl says "But Alice knows where Valery are we gonna..." Quentin brings Carl up to date on Valery & what happened to Trask. Carl is happy for Valery, but angry at himself for not saving Alice. Quentin tells him it's not his fault. Harrison says "Once the morning comes, if he turns back into Gladstone again, he'll be easier to find." Carl says that might be true, but they still might not be able to control him without killing him, and "then who would anyone believe?" Quentin says "He confessed to you, maybe he'll confess to his own police." Carl says there's something more to it, and that Gladstone mentioned a "cave in the woods, where some sort of evil force resides." Harrison is intrigued by this. Carl says he'd better get back to the old house, since "I know someone else I'd better protect before this night is out."
Charity waits at the old house for Carl, and when he arrives she asks him if he had any luck. He says no, and that Alice is dead. Charity is shocked at Alice's death, but then Carl tells her how Harrison and Quentin had explained to him why Alice was out in the first place. "Valery?" Charity says. "My brother and Alice had conspired against Valery? How could he have lied to me like that... he blamed it all on Alice...." She begins to cry, and Carl holds her. He tells her it's all right, and that "money can do rotten things to people." Charity asks Carl what they should do next, and Carl says they should wait until morning and then search for Gladstone. "How can we stop him?" Charity says. Carl says he doesn't know, and wonders "But how could Gladstone be the killer when some of these killings happened ten, fifteen years ago...before Gladstone even lived in Collinwood. It makes no sense!" Suddenly, there's a pounding at the door. Charity gets scared and says "Is that him?" Carl says "No, it can't be. He would just break in." Carl goes to answer the door, and Charity tells him to be careful. Carl holds the gun and tells her "I can handle it." He opens the door, and the disfigured Trask stands there, groaning. Carl and Charity are both horrified.