Aired: Tuesday February 7, 1972
After a replay of Monday's close and the titles, Lori stands before the growling werewolf, petrified. Behind the brush nearby, Miller sees this and looks genuinely concerned. He aims the tranquilizer gun while thinking "Lori might still be useful to me....I must stop him!" But suddenly Chris turns towards the approaching Barnabas and Quentin. Miller lowers the gun and watches. Lori shouts at Quentin to be careful, and Chris lunges at Quentin. Quentin bashes him on the arm with the silver candlestick and Chris screams in terror. He cowers from Quentin and then sees Barnabas raise the wolf's head cane. Chris runs off into the woods. Quentin runs to Lori and asks her if she's all right. She says yes, and then takes the candlestick from him. "I believe this is mine, isn't it?" she says with an inquisitive look. Barnabas says "There were reports of wild animal attacks in this area..." Lori gives him a half-smile and says "I never saw a wild animal wearing clothes before." Barnabas tells Lori that she can't be sure of what she saw since the "fear must have traumatized her." She nods with a sarcastic "Uh huh" and then takes a few steps in the direction Chris ran off. "I wonder where it went...." she says. Barnabas is surprised at her. "Are you sure you're all right?" he asks. She says yes, and adds "I suppose when my scientific curiosity is piqued, I lose all fear. I suppose you're not familiar with someone reacting like that." Barnabas answers "Quite familiar, actually." Quentin tells Barnabas he'll "handle" Lori (insert your own joke here) when Barnabas hears rustling in the brush. He turns to only catch a glimpse of Miller walking away. "There was someone else over there," he tells Quentin. Quentin looks and says "They're gone now. Seems like there's a lot more going on here." Lori says "I agree. Perhaps you'd care to explain." Quentin looks at her as she waits. Meanwhile, at Collinwood, Carolyn is sleeping. She stirs in her sleep a little, and then sits up with eyes closed. She gets up, and slowly leaves her room. As she walks down the hallway, she opens her eyes and in an English accent says quietly "How different it all looks now...." before walking on. We cut to the 1840s laboratory as Carolyn walks through the door. She moves towards the ragged green curtain and looks at the broken planks behind it. "Quentin....oh Quentin, your staircase is gone..." she says. "All the better, perhaps, love..." She smiles when she sees the desk partially restored, and opens one of the drawers in the "new" portion. She removes a book and says "There you are! I found you! I found you!"
Carolyn looks through the book she took from the desk when she blinks a bit and then looks around shocked. " did I get here?" she says out loud. She gets her bearings, and then says "Walking in my sleep...but why? I thought I was dreaming of walking through the house...." She examines the book in her hand. "This...this is what brought me here," we hear her think. She starts to look through it before reading "Leticia Faye Collins...1841.... it's a diary of some kind..." she turns a few more pages and then gets terrified. We see on one page in the same handwriting as the rest are the words "For Carolyn Stoddard Hawkes." She closes the book and runs out of the lab. A glowing light near the green curtain appears, and the ragged curtain begins to look new again. We cut to Vicky, woken by her window slamming in the wind. She gets up to close it, and hears the howling outside. "What could that be?" she thinks as she's about to close the window. Before she can though, she sees something outside. Across the courtyard, she sees a glowing light in a West Wing window, which looks very much like the glow we saw in Quentin's old lab. "That light...who could be in that part of the West Wing?" The glow vanishes. Vicky thinks "What was that? I know it was didn't look like a flashlight...what could it have been?" There's a knock at her door, and it's Carolyn. Carolyn comes in and tells Vicky about her sleepwalking and the book she found in the old laboratory with her name written in it from 1841. "What could it all mean?" she asks. Vicky says "I don't know. There are a lot of strange things happening here tonight."
Quentin and Lori are inside her lab again. She says "You knew to take that candlestick when you heard those howls. What aren't you telling me?" Quentin admits he took the candlestick, but "only because it was nearby. I thought I might need some protection." Lori says "That thing was scared by Barnabas' cane as well....there's a connection here." Quentin tells her that she shouldn't "continue to poke her nose into things so easily." Lori says "You had no fear of it. I was right about you, then. Tate wrote in his journal about his art 'absorbing the damage done to his subjects.' Does that portrait he did of you manifest any injuries done to you?" Quentin tells Lori she's "mad." Thinking out loud, Lori wonders what kind of animal is repelled by silver. "I'll find the answers, with or without you, Quentin," she says. "Can't you see I'm on your side?" Quentin says "Maybe I don't need anyone on my side, doctor!" She moves closer to him and says "Doctor? So formal... after we've been so intimate." He smiles and says "You won't be able to charm any more secrets out of me." She answers "If I find that animal, and discover its secrets, will I be able to find more of yours? I'd assume you've dealt with it before. Where? When?" He pushes her aside. "It's hard for me to respect someone's privacy when I'm almost killed by it," she says. "Face it. I'm involved with you and all your secrets. You can help me and I can help you." Quentin snaps "How can you help me?" Lori answers "By keeping your secrets." Quentin smiles in a sinister way. "There are lots of ways you could do that. Good night, doctor." He leaves, slamming the door. She hears another howl, and after a moment of thinking, takes the silver candlestick and leaves the lab.
It's morning. Chris is back to normal and begins to wake up in the woods in his tattered clothes. He moans and holds his arm, and then his neck. "I've got to get out of here..." he says. As soon as he stands, he's facing Lori. "Hello," she says. "Are you all right?" Chris says "I'll be fine...I didn't mean to startle you..." She smiles and says "I take it you had a rough night." Chris stretches and says "You have no idea, miss...." Lori answers "Dr. Lori Slater. Why don't we dispense with any games. I recognize those clothes. You nearly killed me last night." Chris says "I don't remember anything. But if some man attacked you, it wasn't me..." Lori quips "It wasn't a man. But it was you, wasn't it?" Chris begins to look scared and says "I don't know what you're talking about." He starts to leave, but she steps in front of him. "Don't leave. I want to discuss this with you. I must know." Chris angrily tells her to get of his way, but when he turns, he's suddenly facing Miller holding the tranquilizer gun on him. "Don't try to reason with him, Lori. He's as stubborn as you are." Chris sighs in defeat when he sees Miller.