Aired: Wednesday March 7, 1972
Nancy Barrett's voiceover: "While time stands still at Collinwood, Victoria Winters listens intently to a horrifying story of another Collinwood, in another time and place far from her own. A Collinwood occupied only by a lonely embittered man who Vicky lost in her own world. As the Burke Devlin of this other time tells Vicky the story of how the Collins family and she were destroyed, only she knows how eerily familiar many parts of that story are...."
Burke tells Vicky how a terrified David ran from his father "only to discover something even more horrible..." as we fade to a replay of Tuesday's close.
After the titles, as David backs away, we hear the front door open, and Vicky enters. David runs to her and tells her they must "get out of here." Vicky asks him what he's talking about, and then sees Liz and Carolyn coming towards her, with the fang marks clearly on their necks. Vicky shakes her head and says "Oh my God...this isn't happening..." and as she starts to back away, she runs smack into Barnabas. "Vicky.... please believe me when I say I didn't want it to be this way....I wanted you to come to me of your own free will...but there just wasn't time..." he says. She grabs David to protect him, but Barnabas shoves the boy aside. "Look into my eyes," he commands as Vicky begins to go into a trance. David shoves Barnabas and yells "Leave her alone!" Barnabas angrily yells "Elizabeth! Take care of the boy before I destroy him!" Elizabeth goes after David, who tips over the coat rack to block her and then runs outside. Elizabeth says "Barnabas, should I go after him?" Barnabas, looking the entranced Vicky over, says "Why bother? There's nowhere he can go, now. See to Carolyn. Revive her with some brandy. Once I see to Vicky, I shall wish to discuss something with her." Elizabeth nods, and heads back to the drawing room to sit Carolyn back up. Barnabas smiles at Vicky. "You shall know a love like you have never known it.... you shall know an eternal love....after all the centuries, you will be mine again...." Barnabas sinks his fangs into her.
At the Blue Whale, Burke is talking with Hoffman when David comes into the bar. At first, the bartender tries to throw him out, but when he calls for Burke, Burke says it's okay, and brings him over. David is out of breath and terrified, and Burke tells him to calm down and tell him what happened. All David can say is "Barnabas....Barnabas is some sort!" Burke and Hoffman look at each other. Meanwhile, back at the old house, Vicky wears Josette's wedding gown as Barnabas looks on glowingly. Roger primps her and says "She has never looked so beautiful....she truly is worthy of you, Barnabas." Barnabas says "Thank you, Roger. Indeed she is." He hands her the music box and it begins to play. She smiles. "I understand now, Barnabas," she says. "I understand everything. Now I know why Josette's spirit spoke through me, and why she had protected was to prepare me for you." Barnabas says "Yes. Your spirits have indeed touched, as ours shall. Come with me." He takes her arm in arm and leads her upstairs. In Josette's restored room, he walks her to the mirror. "Everything here is now yours," he says. She holds his hand and says "Everything?" Barnabas pulls her closer and says "Everything I am" before giving her a passionate kiss....and then another bite to the neck. Back at the Blue Whale, David has told Burke and Hoffman everything. "If this boy is telling the truth, we are all in great danger," Hoffman says. David insists he is telling the truth, and Burke backs him up. "How can we stop all of this? What can we do to Barnabas?" Burke says. Hoffman answers "Those like Roger and Elizabeth Collins who have become slaves to the vampire would be freed once the creature is destroyed." David says "What about Vicky? He wants to make Vicky like him, doesn't he?" Burke grabs Hoffman and says "What do we do then? How can we save her before that happens?" Hoffman pulls away and tells Burke not to get so excited, but then adds "We'd better get there before it happens, Mr. Devlin. Or else Victoria Winters will be lost forever." Burke and David look at each other.
Hoffman tells David and Burke they'd better find a "safe place" during the night, "since the best time to go after this creature would be during the daylight hours." Burke insists that they try to save Vicky now if Barnabas has her, and that they should head straight to the old house. Hoffman says that it's "far too dangerous without arms." Burke says "Arms? You're telling me a gun is enough to..." Hoffman says "Not just any gun, Mr. Devlin, a gun loaded with silver bullets is the only..." Suddenly, the doors of the Blue Whale swing open by themselves and the crowd freezes. Barnabas walks in with a burst of fog behind him, and looks at Burke, Hoffman, and David with a smile. "The boy is a Collins," Barnabas says. "Give him to me now." Burke steps in front of David and snarls "You'll never get him, and you won't keep any of the others!" Barnabas takes a few steps towards them and says "Won't I? Victoria Winters is now mine. The Collins family is now are most of the people you see around you." Burke and Hoffman look at the bar crowd, and see that they are all frozen and passive. Hoffman pulls the collar back from one and sees fang marks. "They are the same as Roger, Elizabeth and Carolyn, " Barnabas boasts. "Their will is gone, replaced by my power. The Collins family has always controlled this town, and now I am the Collins family." Barnabas moves in for the kill, but Hoffman suddenly takes out a bright silver cross and shines it at Barnabas, who turns away with a snarl. "Get back!" Hoffman yells. "Devlin, get the boy and get him out of here, before the vampire commands any of these drones to attack! Go!" Burke hesitates a moment, wanting to attack Barnabas, but instead grabs David and the two of them make it towards the door. Suddenly, a rummy goes for Burke, who slugs him across the face sending him flying. Hoffman keeps Barnabas at bay with the cross as they go, until Barnabas shouts "Run, Devlin! You can't run far! And you, Dr. Hoffman.... I will truly enjoy destroying you!" Barnabas dematerializes before Hoffman's cross, and as soon as he vanishes, the behavior of everyone in the bar returns to normal. Hoffman runs after Burke and David.
Outside Collinwood, Barnabas stands near a lit window. We hear his thoughts calling "Carolyn....I need you....Carolyn....come to me now...." Inside, Carolyn rises from her bed and leaves her room. She walks down the stairs as the front doors open by themselves. She steps outside and smiles when she sees Barnabas. "I heard your call," she says willowy. "Yes," he says. "There was something I saw in your mind when I met you, something that I need from you now." Carolyn says "What?" Barnabas smiles and says "Your, shall we say, fondness for Burke Devlin.....and your hurting at the way he treated you." Carolyn turns away and says "That was in the past. There's nothing I can do about that now." Barnabas turns her to face him and says "Oh, but there is. You can place Devlin under your control and do with him as you wish. Would you like that?" Carolyn smiles and nods. "How?" Barnabas says "When you rise, you will have your will restored....but I know what your heart wishes....and just as I have pursued to possess the one I love, I know you will you. You will possess Devlin." Carolyn pulls the collar of her nightgown down exposing the fang marks as she says "And I will possess eternity as well!" Barnabas gives her a hefty bite.