Aired: Wednesday June 9, 1971
After a replay of Tuesday's close where Liz is scared and the titles, Roger pours Liz a drink and asks her what is wrong. Liz says she had a strange feeling, as if the last time she stood in that spot and saw the reflections of people in the window, a terrible thing happened. Julia asks her if she can remember what, but she can't. Roger tells her that David's imagination seems to be "infectious," but Liz says it has nothing to do with David. She also tells Roger that when she was going over some papers from the cannery, it seemed to her that she wasn't sure of her memories for the past several days. "It's as if I remember some things, but not others." Roger laughs a bit and sits down next to her and says "The same kinds of things happen to me now and again, now that we're getting older." Liz is insulted at this remark, but before she can react, Daphne enters the room and asks if she can bring the chessboard upstairs to David's room since he wanted to play. Liz and Roger look at each other, and then Liz says "Excuse me, but who are you? I don't believe I've ever seen you before!"
Daphne reminds them that she is the governess they hired "weeks ago," and how she used to work for Professor Anderson before he "went away." Liz remembers that Anderson was Carolyn's professor, but has no memory of hiring Daphne. Roger wonders about this too, since he was more interested in seeing if David would go to boarding school. Julia assures Liz and Roger that Daphne is telling the truth, and Daphne takes the chess set and leaves. Liz is now convinced that her memory is spotty, and asks Julia what she can do about it. Roger asks Julia if David likes Daphne and if she has been doing a good job. Julia says that David is "very fond of her" and that "she and Quentin have also grown close, and....." Roger says "Say no more then." He takes his drink and says "Perhaps it's best if my memory stays foggy, at least for the remainder of this afternoon." Liz disagrees, and asks Julia what can be done about it. Julia hesitates, but suggests that perhaps some memories can be retrieved through hypnosis. Roger scoffs again (what else does he ever do, after all?) but Liz looks at Julia and simply says "When can we start?"
David and Daphne are playing chess in David's room, but David is doing more of the teaching. Roger enters and tells Daphne he'd like to be alone with his son for a while. Daphne leaves, and David acts as if he knows his father is about to scold him again. Roger asks if he can sit down, and then does. "David," he begins. "I think I owe you an apology." "An apology?" David asks incredulously. "Yes. It seems I can't trust my memory, and after talking to Julia and Quentin, it seems like there were things happening around here that I was not aware of and you were." David starts to tell him about what happened, but Roger cuts him off with "I know you are familiar with all the details, but I'm afraid your father is a very logical and down to Earth man, David. I just don't want to know about things I cannot accept." David looks sad, but Roger continues "But one thing I can accept is that you acted well, and acted intelligently. You acted the way I'd want my only son to act. I'm very proud of you, David." David hugs his father. Roger tells him that he seems "to be outgrowing governesses. You may be ready for boarding school and more independence, after all." David says "Maybe. Could I think about it some? I like Daphne, after all, and you never know, there might be some other time that you might need me around here." Roger puts his hand on David's shoulder and says "I'll always need you, David. Don't forget that." They smile at each other.
Julia is hesitating over putting Liz under, wondering just how much truth Liz can handle. Liz insists that she must know everything that happened to her, but Julia warns her that retrieving such "traumatic experiences" can often be a "shock" to the system. Liz says she is not afraid, but Julia still hems and haws. Liz then offers to start small, with only memories associated with the Collins' business. Julia seems more amenable to this idea, but says she'll need time to prepare. Liz agrees, and says they should try "after dinner, tonight." Julia says "Maybe... though I think Barnabas may need me for something as well." Liz wonders about this.