Aired: Thursday June 10, 1971
Julia is pacing in the mausoleum waiting for dusk. After the stock shot of the sunset, the secret door begins to open and Barnabas comes out. "Barnabas, how do you feel?" she asks. "How do you think I feel, Julia?" he says. "I can feel the craving building inside me, even now." Julia tells him that perhaps she can begin his injections again, but he lets out a long sigh. "You saw what happened to Quentin when you injected Anderson's body. I fear the same thing will happen to me under Petofi's curse. No, Julia, he anticipated your science. I fear I may be this way.... forever." Julia isn't happy.
After the titles, Julia starts making other suggestions, such as a series of transfusions the way Dr. Lang had years earlier, but Barnabas has his doubts. He reminds her how he had no permanent cure until Adam was given life and that "duplicating those circumstances now would be impossible. I'm afraid there is no answer this time. It seems I cannot escape my destiny, Julia. Like in Cassandra's dream, I keep coming back to the point of return." Julia insists that Barnabas not give up hope entirely. "At least there might be a way to control the craving, so that you don't have to fight the urge to....." She cannot finish the sentence, but Barnabas does. "To kill, Julia? That's what I will be compelled to do. To kill, to destroy. I should be the one destroyed! I cannot go on night after night like this again... Julia, you must do it. Tomorrow at dawn. I will say my farewells tonight." "No, Barnabas, No," Julia sobs, but Barnabas is determined.
In the graveyard, Barnabas is walking fast as Julia follows, still trying to talk him out of his suicidal feelings. "Stop it, stop it!" he insists. "Look around you, look at all the people here. People from my time, my family, everyone I've ever loved, all dead! And I belong with them. It's only through a series of unholy events that I am even here to talk with you now!" Julia gets angry at him, and answers "Everyone you've ever loved, Barnabas? What about everyone who loves you now? What about Roger, and Elizabeth and Carolyn and David, and Quentin.. and....and...." But before she can say it, Barnabas is affected and says "I know you care for me, Julia. You are a friend of rare loyalty." Holding back tears, Julia thanks him. "While everyone you've mentioned is important to me, they cannot help me. They cannot keep me from this awful existence. And now I fear that I may harm them next and not be able to stop myself." Julia is surprised at his attitude, and reminds him how he never gave up a fight before, especially a fight against evil that could harm the family. Barnabas has no answer. Julia tells him that "I cannot win this argument alone, but I know a way to convince you." Julia storms off, Barnabas calls to her to no avail. He turns sadly and looks at some of the tombstones and thinks to himself "Perhaps she's right. Perhaps I should fight this. I must not let Petofi have his revenge and take my life away from me! I must gain control, I must!" As he is thinking this, a glow appears near one of the headstones. Barnabas looks over towards it and says "What is that? Who is there?" The light grows stronger.
Julia finds Quentin at Collinwood having a drink and tells him of Barnabas' melancholy state. She insists that Quentin should find him and talk to him since they "have a lot in common, in a strange way." Quentin says he doesn't need to be reminded. He gulps down his drink and heads outside. At Eagle Hill, Barnabas is still looking at the glowing light. From out of the light, Angelique's spirit steps out. Barnabas is happy to see her, and calls to her. She smiles and flashes those big eyes at him, and he begins to react. "I can hear you..." he says. "in my mind. Back....back...we must go back to the point of return.....what does that mean?" But before he can get an answer, he hears Quentin calling to him. Barnabas turns to see Quentin, and then tells him to listen to Angelique as well. Quentin says "Where is she?" Barnabas turns back, and Angelique and the glowing light are gone.
Julia is about to leave Collinwood when Liz comes downstairs and reminds her of her promise to hypnotize her to regain her memories. Julia is still distracted over Barnabas, but reluctantly agrees and leads Liz to the drawing room. Julia takes out her medallion and puts Liz under. Julia tells Liz that "I am going to ask you some questions to bring some hidden memories to the surface." Liz nods in her trance, but then Julia looks a little sinister and adds "And then I am going to help you to erase those memories forever!" Liz nods in her trance.